
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 1!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
891: Germans stop the advancing Vikings
north of Brussels. Who were the Vikings,
where were they from and what were
they known for?
American History:
1836: Marcus and Narcissa Whitman
arrive in Washington as missionaries to
the native populations. Write a brief
response as if you were a Native American,
seeing your first white people.
Word of the day:
Missionary: A missionary is a person who
travels to areas that are usually more
primitive than their culture and they
teach of their faith. What makes such
a journey honorable and less than
Bonus Corner:
“Common sense and a sense of humor are
the same thing, moving at different speeds.
A sense of humor is just common sense,
William James
What makes you dance? 
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 2!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
490 B.C.E: When the Greeks beat the
Persians at the Battle of Marathon,
Pheiddipides ran to Athens to tell the good
news. The distance, 26 miles, has since
taken the battle’s name. It also took the
runner’s life through exhaustion. What
drives us to go past our limits?
American History:
1752: England and the colonies switch
calendars and end up dropping September
3-13 for that year. Create an imaginary
“destination” or scenario for those lost
Days in 1752.
Word of the day:
Colonies: Many powerful European nations
established colonies in lesser developed
areas and claimed them as their own.
What would be the advantages and
disadvantages of this arrangement?
Bonus Corner:
1969: What failed series went on to later
• The whole crew is spacy.
• Pointed ears are in!
• Teleporting debuts.
• They go “where no man has gone before.”
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 3!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
590: Gregory becomes the first pope.
What is a pope and what role does he
play in our world today?
American History:
1855: American General William Harney,
with 700 soldiers, attacked and killed
100 Native Americans, even though the
Sioux chief offered to surrender. List
3-5 examples of what makes this unfair.
Word of the day:
Surrender: What does it mean to
surrender? What are the reasons why
one chooses to surrender? What are
the risks?
Bonus Corner:
1875: The designer of the Porsche
(and Volkswagen and the WW2 tiger
Tank) is born. What special innovations
do you predict will become part of cars in
your adult life?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 4!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
476: The Roman Empire comes to an end.
Rome was a mighty power, but no one is
invincible. What do you think strengthens
a country and what do you think weakens
American History:
1972: Mark Spitz wins his 7th gold medal.
As we know, that record was broken by
Michael Phelps. What is your favorite
Olympic event to watch? What event
would you love to compete in?
Word of the day:
Invincible: incapable of destruction. There
have been individuals and countries that
have felt invincible throughout history.
What super power would you like to acquire
that would make you almost invincible? How
would you use it for good?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I was an Apache.
• I was known as a fierce warrior.
• I surrendered this day in 1886.
• Often, people yell my name when
they jump or drop off of something high.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 5!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1666: A plan to rebuild London is begun
following the Great Fire which burned
most of the city. Fire is so terribly
destructive. In what ways has your
community or family been impacted
by fire?
American History:
1882: America celebrates the first Labor
Day. This holiday is meant to honor the
workers in our society. Why do you think
it is important to give respect to this group?
Word of the day:
Labor Force: the people who work.
These people comprise a variety of
abilities and drive, but all contribute to
the success of their employer. What
“labor” do you see as your expertise and
what training will you require to get there?
Bonus Corner:
“I was born on the prairies where the wind
blew free and there was nothing to break
the light of the sun. I was born where there
were no enclosures.”
The name of “Geronimo” was feared by
many whites. What does this Apache
mean by his words? What does he fear?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 6!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1522: Magellan returned after 3 years,
having circumnavigated the world. He
returned with 1 of 5 ships and 22 of 270
men. Why do you think the casualties were
so high? Give 3-5 reasons.
American History:
1901: President McKinley was assassinated,
One of four to lose their lives in the
Oval office. Who were the other three?
Word of the day:
Circumnavigation: the act of circling the
entire world. This has been attempted by
boat and plane. What personal skills
would be necessary for a person or group
to do this successfully?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I am a comedian.
• I was born in 1959.
• I have had my own TV show.
• I still consider myself blue collar.
• I am not a redneck!
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 7!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1940: Beginning the first night of 57
consecutive nights, 300 Germans bombers
“blitzed” London. Imagine how the
people of London felt on day 58. Create
a “quote” that was stated on that day!
American History:
1776: The first submarine was used
in battle. What do you find most intriguing
by submarines? Would you like a ride
or not? Explain your choice.
Word of the day:
Uncle Sam: This title/name was born in
1813. This representative of the
United States has evolved over time.
Click here to see his many
Bonus Corner:
1860: Grandma Moses is born. She worked
hard all her life, but arthritis tightened her
joints so as a spry 76-year-old, she took
up painting and was very successful. What
new skill would you like to explore in
your old age?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 8!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1429: Joan of Arc, while attempting to
help recover Paris from English occupiers,
is wounded. She was later captured
by England, branded as a heretic and
burned at the stake. She was 19. What
is a heretic?
American History:
1892: The Pledge of Allegiance is first
published. It was written by Francis Bellamy
to honor the American Flag. What
does it mean to pledge?
Word of the day:
Allegiance: Allegiance means loyalty.
Why is it important for citizens to be
loyal to their country? How can
disagreement still show loyalty?
Bonus Corner:
1938: Chester Carlson imagines a
machine that would simplify his job in the
Patent office. He called it a photocopier.
It would save him copying each patent by
hand. The first useful photocopier was
invented 20 years later. What inventions
have even surpassed the photocopier?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 9!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1499: Vasco de Gama returned home
to Portugal after his third trip to India,
establishing a trade route there. What
was the draw to India?
American History:
1850: California becomes the 31st state
in the United States. What are some
of the attractions that draw people to
California today?
Word of the day:
Trade: In ancient times, prior to currency,
the system of economy was based on
trade. What makes this system simple and
what makes this system difficult?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I made my first TV appearance in 1956.
• I was well liked for my new dance style.
• Like everyone, I had my hound dog days.
• I am just a country boy at heart.
• My music definitely lives on.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 10!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1547: At the Battle of Pinkie (yes, the real
name), the Scots lost, and the marriage of
two young potential monarchs was
thwarted. Henry the VII was 10, Mary,
Queen of Scots, was 5. Why were
marriages in some cultures determined
by the families? Why so young?
American History:
1913: The Lincoln Highway opens as the
first coast to coast United States highway.
Not only that, it was paved! Those early
roads were all two lane (one each direction).
What challenges would that present?
Word of the day:
Scarce: This term was used when the item
in our bonus corner was in short supply.
It would be wonderful if some other things
in life became scarce. What are 5 things
you wish were scarce?
Bonus Corner:
What am I?
• I was rationed beginning in 1942.
• I can be found if you can dig it!
• I am often called liquid gold!
• That is most true when used by trucks.
• Our dependence on me is a bad thing.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 11!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1581: A Royal Charter is created to
encourage trade between England
and the Ottomans. Who were the
American History:
2001: The World Trade Center’s twin
towers are destroyed by terrorist attacks.
Death toll: about 3000 citizens, 343 firefighters and 23 policemen. Click here to
view the impact.
Word of the day:
Charter: A charter is a formal document
which identifies the rights of a group. Our
Constitution is an example of a charter.
What do you think were the reasons for
establishing a charter early on in a
country’s history?
Bonus Corner:
"The attacks of September 11th were intended to
break our spirit. Instead we have emerged
stronger and more unified. We feel renewed
devotion to the principles of political, economic,
and religious freedom, the rule of law and respect
for human life. We are more determined than
ever to live our lives in freedom."
-Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of NYC
Share your thoughts!
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 12!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1940: Four French boys enter a cave and
discovered the Lascaux cave paintings,
thought to date back 15,000 to 17,000 years.
You are one of those boys. What do you
tell reporters?
American History:
1974: Violence erupts in Boston when
the courts have forced bussing to transport
African American youth to integrate
all white schools. What were
probably some thoughts of the young
African Americans riding that bus to their
new school?
Word of the day:
Integration: The intermixing of people
who before were separated. What are
the plusses of blending all types
of people together? Why does it
frighten some?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I was born on this day in 1913.
• I was quick on my feet.
• Training was tough because of my race.
• I won a four medals in 1936 but was
snubbed by two world leaders.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 13!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1993: Israeli and Palestinian leaders sign a
Peace pact. It is the first time that Israel is
recognized as a country by the Palestinian
nations. How does
that alter relationships
among those countries?
American History:
1847: The Americans defeat the last
vestige of resistance from the Mexican
Resistance and the Mexican-American
War ends. Why are good relationships
with our neighbors crucial?
Word of the day:
Pact: an agreement, usually for peace.
Peace is an elusive element in our world.
What can individuals do to assist in the
continuation and/or the establishment
of peace worldwide?
Bonus Corner:
“If you want to make peace with your
enemy, you have to work with your enemy.
Then he becomes your partner.”
--Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela survived some of the
harshest conditions as a young man in
South Africa. What do his words mean
and why are his words hard to follow?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 14!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1368: The Ming Dynasty of China defeats
the Mongols and occupy Beijing. Who
were the Mongols and what was their
American History:
1716: This first lighthouse in America is
lit for the first time at the entrance to
Boston Harbor. What role did a
lighthouse play in those days? Are they
more or less valuable today? Why?
Word of the day:
Maritime: Maritime means of the sea.
Maritime laws are the guidelines that are
followed away from port. What types
of law might be needed when a group
is at sea that would not be needed on
Bonus Corner:
1975: Elizabeth Ann Seton is canonized
which means she is made a saint. She
established a Catholic school for girls and
spent her life in charity work. What
charities do you support? What is the
role of volunteers in charities?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 15!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1940: In the Battle of Britain, The Royal
Air Force downs 56 aircraft in less than an
hour. What were the air battles called
in World War 2, and
why do you think they
were called that?
American History:
1963: Four young African American girls
were killed while attending church by
a bomb planted by the Ku Klux Klan. This
provided a catalyst for the Civil Rights
Movement. Why do we often need a
tragedy to force us to do the right thing?
Word of the day:
Catalyst: A catalyst is an event that forces
action. What have been catalysts in your
life that have forced you to do something? (Remember, a catalyst can be a
positive or negative statement or event)
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I am full of words.
• Some of them are a mystery to me!
• I was British born in 1890.
• I am still read by many today.
• I wrote, “If one sticks too rigidly to one’s
principles, one would hardly ever see
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 16!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1964: Canada enacted legislation that
created a treaty with the United States,
regulating the use of hydroelectric power
generated by the Columbia River. Natural
power is so important. Create a slogan,
encouraging the support
of renewable energy.
American History:
1893: 100,000 people hit the ground running
as they entered Oklahoma, hoping to claim
land that was formally held by Native
Americans. What stories might you tell
around the campfire the night before to
discourage a few of those people from
competing for the land?
Word of the day:
Energy: Energy is power. What do you have
lots of energy for and what do you have
almost no energy to do? How do you
force yourself to do what you feel you have
no power to do?
Bonus Corner:
What am I?
• I left my native England 1620.
• I was good at sailing .
• I carried 102 brave souls who look for
• My name is a compound word made
from a month plus a blossom.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 17!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
14: The Roman Senate made Caesar
Augustus a god and added him to the
gods of Rome. List 5 things you would
change if you were a god! (unfortunately
for Caesar, he was already dead and did
not get this golden opportunity!)
American History:
1787: 38 of the 41 at the Constitutional
Convention attendees signed the United
States Constitution. This document has
governed our nation since then. Imagine
the 3 who did not sign it. What do you
suppose their opposition could have been?
Word of the day:
Constitution: A constitution is a document
that states how a group is to be governed.
Many organizations write their own
version to help clarify expectations.
What might be some of the guidelines
if a constitution was written for your class?
Bonus Corner:
Who is this
famed sleuth,
described in
writings by Sir
Arthur Conan
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 18!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1932: Mahatma Gandhi of India begins
a hunger strike. What was Gandhi
protesting and why do people chose
a hunger strike as a form of
American History:
1830: The first locomotive, dubbed Tom
Thumb, loses an 8 mile race with a horse.
Create a closing statement made by the
builder of Tom Thumb and the owner
of the horse.
Word of the day:
Protest: Protest means to object to something. Gandhi chose a non-violent form.
What would be ways (other than not eating!)
to object non-violently? Give 2-3 examples.
Bonus Corner:
1850: The U.S. passed a law that required
you to return a runaway slave if you
“captured” them, even if you lived in a
free state. If you lived in a free state,
would you be tempted to “break the law”?
Explain your thoughts.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 19!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1959: Russia and most of the noncommunist
world were on chilly terms with each other
(often called the Cold War). Khrushchev,
leader of Russia at the time, exploded with
anger because the U.S. would not allow him
to visit what family vacation destination?
American History:
1796: George Washington delivers
his farewell speech and retires. What do
you think he would do in retirement?
Word of the day:
Communism: Communism is a governmental style that everyone works but all
share equally. The problem is that even
in communistic countries, there still is a
group who receives more than others.
Why would having pure communism be
Bonus Corner:
1956: Groucho Marx, one of history’s
greatest comedians, coined this quote:
“Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like
A banana.”
How did he use humor to turn this phrase?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 20!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1643: 6,000 die in the English civil war.
Why do countrymen wage battle with
each other?
American History:
1853: The elevator is invented by
Elisha Otis. What other innovations did
this probably pave the way for?
Word of the day:
Civil war: A civil war is a battle within a
country. Many countries have had
their own version of this conflict. How
do you think civil war can be prevented?
Bonus Corner:
Memorable quote following World War II:
Never in the field of human conflict was so
much owed by so many to so few.
--Winston Churchill
What did Churchill mean?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 21!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1348: Swiss cities blame the Jews for the
plague. Supposedly, the Jews, when
tortured, confessed to the poisoning of the
wells. Do you think they really did? Explain
your answer.
American History:
1780: Benedict Arnold meets with the
British to betray the revolutionaries.
Why do you think not everyone sided
with the patriots in the American
Word of the day:
Plague: A pandemic illness that causes
many deaths. The Black Death of the mid
1300’s in Europe and Asia was one such
event. Why do you think that illness
at that time was more deadly that it
would be today?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I was born in 1947.
• I write of terror.
• My name almost has a regal sound.
• Have you noticed The Shining?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 22!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1791: Born on this day was Michael
Faraday in England. He was responsible
for the creation of the electric motor,
transformer and the generator. How
do we use these types of independent
electrical sources today?
American History:
1969: Willie Mays, Baseball Hall of
Famer, hit is 601st homerun, surpassing
Babe Ruth’s 600 record. What is
amazing about this accomplishment?
Think of 3-4 amazements!
Word of the day:
Emancipation Proclamation: The document
that, in 1862, gave African-Americans
freedom from slavery. Why do you think
it has taken so long for African-Americans
not only to be free but treated as equals?
Bonus Corner:
“Every time I look at my pocketbook, I think
of Jackie Robinson.”
--Willie Mays
Jackie Robinson paved the way for
African Americans in major league baseball
and because of his efforts, Mays had the
career of his life. State your position on this:
Baseball players deserve their fame and fortune!
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 23!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1897: The first automobile fatality was
a nine year old boy who was attempting
to ride on the running board (a step like
piece on the side of early cars) and
was killed. Why do children often push
the envelope of safety?
American History:
1806: Lewis and Clark return from their
journeys, having mapped and explored the
Northwest. Amazingly, there was only
one fatality: Floyd who died of a
ruptured appendix. How do you think
that the remaining members of this
adventure survived the over two year trip?
What challenges do you think they faced?
Word of the day:
Pioneer: A person who ventures into areas
previously not explored. It can be land,
music or invention. List five characteristics
of a true pioneer.
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• Born in 1930, I was blind by age seven.
• I pioneered jazz, blues and gospel mixed
• I received a Grammy in 1960.
• My name sounds like two first names.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 24!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
622: Muhammad, prophet of the Muslim,
arrived in Medina and the Islamic calendar
begins. Why do you think this faith group
created their own calendar?
American History:
1789: The Judiciary Act passes Congress
and the Supreme Court is born. Why do
you think that the writers of this bill
required that the judges serve until
their death?
Word of the day:
Supreme: of highest quality. Use the word
supreme in two sentences that imply
its meaning but have nothing to do with
the ultimate court of the land.
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I love creating life on my
• Kermit the Frog was one of my creations.
• I was the brains (and voice) behind the
• Big Bird was also my innovation.
• I died at 53 of pneumonia.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 25!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1513: Vasco de Balboa (Spanish by birth)
became the first European to see the
Pacific. He walked across at the Isthmus
of Panama. Write a brief note on his
reaction to the site.
American History:
1956: The first transatlantic phone call
was completed. The line had the capacity
of 36 calls at one time. In your own
words, create a statement that truly
reveals how far we have come in this
Word of the day:
Technology: Machinery developed from
scientific understandings. Make a list
of technology you use each day and an
estimate of total minutes spent per day.
Bonus Corner:
“One may walk over the highest
mountain one step at a time.”
--Barbara Walters (born 1931)
What does this quote tell us about how
Barbara Walters views life?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 26!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1667: The Parthenon in Greece is damaged
when it receives a direct hit from Venetian
military forces. The Parthenon was built
447 B.C.E. – 438 B.C.E. to honor the
Goddess Athena. What does B.C.E. stand
for? Why were the dates written in
That order? (447-438)
American History:
1772: The first license to practice medicine
is available. Professions, such as medicine,
appeal to certain types of people. Make
a list of 10 characteristics of someone
who goes into medicine.
Word of the day:
Antiquity: Ancient history, especially during
the time of ancient Rome and Greece.
These cultures have left a lot behind to
admire. Click here to view architecture
from these cultures.
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I died on this date in 1902.
• I took some great ideas from a guy in
Reno, NV, for my clothing.
• What people loved were the rivets.
• Many still wear my invention today.
• Everyone still puts them on one leg at
a time.
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 27!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1940: Germany, Italy and Japan sign the
Tripartite Pact which commits them to
supporting one another militarily. What
did each of them nations bring into this
alliance from your perspective?
American History:
1869: What made Wild Bill Hickok wild?
It could have been that on the first day as
sheriff, he stopped a fight by shooting one
of the combatants dead in Hays City, Kansas.
You are citizen of Hays City. What do you
say to your neighbors and friends about
the new sheriff?
Word of the day:
Alliance: An agreement for mutual
benefit, usually in time of war. When can
an alliance be valuable and when can it
be detrimental?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• MGM signed me on this date at age 13.
• I was a box office success (SING!).
• My personal life was another story.
• I made a film about small people
and bad weather! (my traveling
companions were rather unconventional)
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 28!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
551 B.C.E: Confucius is born. He was a
famed Chinese philosopher who possessed
uncanny wisdom. In what situations are you
the wisest and when do you feel your
brain goes on holiday?
American History:
1942: The U.S. Army creates the technology
that later becomes the stealth bomber.
The stealth bomber’s asset is that at certain
altitudes, it is virtually undetectable and
thus a great advantage during war time.
Describe how you would use this technology
in your personal life.
Word of the day:
Goals: Ideals for accomplishment that
encourage growth. What are you goals
for this year? In 10 years? In 20 years?
Bonus Corner:
“When it is obvious that the goals
cannot be reached, don't adjust the
goals, adjust the action steps.”
How can this be applied to life today?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 29!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
48 B.C.E.: 370 Greek ships defeats
a much larger Persian navy. This was the
first naval battle in history. Why do you
think that the Greeks could defeat
the Persians?
American History:
1988: The first American woman reaches
the summit of Mount Everest. This is the
highest spot on earth (29,035 feet). One of
greatest difficulties of this climb is the
limited oxygen near the top. Many take
oxygen tanks to support breathing. They
then discard them along the slope.
Should they be allowed to do this? Explain.
Word of the day:
Rights: Privileges or entitlements
that people feel they deserve. What
are rights that we have in America
that are not shared with all peoples
of the world?
Bonus Corner:
“The defense of our rights and our dignity, as
well as efforts never to let ourselves to be
overcome by the feeling of hatred - this is the
road we have chosen”. --Lech Walesa
Lech won the Nobel Peace Prize for his
work on the behalf of Polish labor.
What do you think is the consequence of
feeling hate?
Take off with history!
Welcome to September 30!
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1953: The Swiss physicist (Piccard), dives
his bathyscaphe to a record 10,330 feet.
What do you envision will the future hold
in deep water exploration?
American History:
1889: Wyoming becomes the first state
to give women the right to vote. Why
do you think Wyoming was so forward
thinking in this matter?
Word of the day:
Envision: To picture something possible
in the future. What do you envision
will change in the future (outside of
deep water exploration)? Write a sketch
of what changes you predict in your
Bonus Corner:
1861: William Wrigley was born. His
claim to fame was his chewing gum
dynasty. What is your favorite type of
gum? Is it made by Wrigley?