
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 1
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1928: Joseph Stalin announces the
first Five Year Plan. The plan required
workers to receive less for
their work efforts so they could
give a share of their salary to
others who made less. What do you
think the reaction was?
American History:
1890: Yosemite National Park is established.
The park is comprised of 1500 acres of
beautiful mountain terrain and majestic
waterfalls. What national parks have you
visited or would like to visit? What attracts
you to those locations?
Word of the day:
Dictator: A ruler who rules without
consulting others or being sensitized
to others needs (other than a close few).
Stalin was a dictator. Why do you think it
took a long time for people to rebel under
his leadership?
Bonus Corner:
1847: Maria Mitchell, astronomer, discovers
a comet near the North Star. What
spectacular night sites have you witnessed
or would like to witness? Describe.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 2
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1608: Hans Lippershey, a Dutch eye
glass maker, creates the first telescope. He
sold his invention to the military. Infer how
the military would use a telescope.
American History:
1967: Thurgood Marshall became the first
African American on the Supreme Court.
He worked throughout his time on the
bench to rid racial segregation. What is
racial segregation?
Word of the day:
Visionary: A person who can see what
others fail to anticipate about the future.
They are inventors and/or leaders in their
field. In what field would you like to be
a visionary? What would you hope to
develop or realize?
Bonus Corner:
Who am ?
• I was born in 1869.
• I led the people of my country to rebel.
• I was later the inspiration for Martin
Luther King (non-violence protest).
• I was Indian by birth.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 3
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1691: England’s conquest of Ireland is
complete with the signing of the Treaty
of Limerick. We use the term limerick to
describe a 5 line poem with lines 1,2,5
rhyming and 3,4 rhyming. Create a limerick
about a current topic you are studying in
American History:
1776: The American government takes
out its first loan! (and they haven’t stopped
borrowing money since!) What are the
consequences of never totaling paying
off one’s debt?
Word of the day:
Debt: An amount or service owing.
Financial debt can be crippling but we
also talk about personal debt; things
that people have done for you. “I owe
you one!” What “debts”
are you currently behind on
Bonus Corner:
“Ever see a little kid walking around
talking to himself? I'm the same way.”
--Chubby Checker
Chubby Checker was born on this day
in 1941. He invented many dances and
had 5 albums in the top five. His most
famous dance was the Twist. What
type of dance do you like?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 4
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1957: The Soviet Union launches
Sputnik, becoming the first country to send
a satellite into orbit. The United States was
shocked. The space race was on and the
U.S. increased math and science classes.
What is most memorable about our
space program?
American History:
1994: Dwight D. Eisenhower, as both a
General in World War II and later as
President, used the term “shell shock” to
refer to the mental state of soldiers after
combat. What do you think these thoughts
and/or behaviors are?
Word of the day:
Space race: The quest to be number
one in the development and exploration
of our universe. What do you think is the
most urgent and/or interesting development
that needs to become a reality as we
explore our solar system?
Bonus Corner:
1931 sees the
creation of this
fictional detective
with his “futuristic”
watch. What was
his name?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 5
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1919: Enzo Ferrari raced at age 21 on
a series of hills in Italy. He later founded
a car company named Ferrari. What is the
reputation of a Ferrari?
American History:
1892: Beware of Coffeyville, Kansas! The
infamous Dalton Gang arrived in town to
rob the two banks. The townspeople
killed them before they could commit their
crime. What drives ordinary citizens to
commit this kind of vengeance?
Word of the day:
Infamous: Well known for evil or bad events.
The legacy of many evil persons remain
long after their deaths in the same manner
that goodness lingers. Who can you recall
from history was well known for
disreputable deeds?
Bonus Corner:
What made me famous?
• I was born in 1902.
• I revolutionized fast food.
• My initials are R.K.
• I have a clown to advertise my business.
• Ba da bap ba ba: “I’m lovin’ it!”
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 6
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
23: Wang Mang was killed by peasants
in China, putting an end to the Hsin
Dynasty. The Hsin Dynasty was relatively
short by Chinese standards, lasting only
68 years. What reasons would result
in a short dynasty? (see word of the day
American History:
1683: The first Mennonites arrived
In the new world from Germany. They
arrived with encouragement from
William Penn with offers of 5,000 acres
of land. What made America the
perfect destination if you were seeking
religious freedom?
Word of the day:
Dynasty: A dynasty is a series of rulers who
all come from the same family. Imagine
your family has created a dynasty. What
strengths do you have in your family that
could lead others?
Bonus Corner:
Thor Heyerdahl
was born on this
day in 1914. He
sailed this raft,
called the Kon Tiki,
across the Pacific
Ocean in 1947. What dangers wash he sure
to face?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 7
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
3761 B.C.E.: Jewish tradition indicates that
this is the date that the world was created.
How does this contradict with what others
American History:
1816: The first double decker steamboat
arrives in New Orleans. It travels at a
rate of 16-25 miles per hour. Imagine you
are dockside when it arrives. Describe
your feelings to your friends who are there
with you.
Word of the day:
Tradition: Patterns of behavior over time.
Most families have traditions. What are
some of your favorite family traditions?
Bonus Corner:
Who Am I?
• I was born in 1955.
• I picked my instrument of passion at age 4.
• I love using a bow.
• I am of Chinese heritage.
• My name is 3 small two letter words.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 8
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1906: In a “hair raising day” in old
London, a German hairdresser created the
first perm. It took 5 hours and the brass
curlers weighed two pounds. Create a
statement by a woman who was pleased by
the results and a statement of one who
was not!
American History:
1823: The Erie Canal is
officially opened on this
day. The canal was designed to open sea
travel from the Atlantic all of the way to
Chicago (via the Great Lakes).
Why do you think this was a priority?
Word of the day:
Commerce: Purchasing goods and services.
It is crucial for all countries to have a
quality system in which people can
exchange money for things they need
or want. Why do you think we went to
using money instead of just trading
for what we wanted?
Bonus Corner:
1871: The Great Chicago Fire destroyed
90,000 homes, killed 250 and destroyed
much of the downtown area . The cause:
a cow kicked over a lantern. You are that
cow. Besides “moo”, what would be
your response in the aftermath of this
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 9
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1772: Christian Drakenberg dies in
Sweden. Never heard of him? His claim
to fame is he lived 145 years and 325 days
and if that is recorded correctly, he has the
longest known lifespan. Take this year,
subtract 146 and imagine what a person
who lived that long witnessed in their life.
American History:
1936: Hoover Dam, outside of
Las Vegas, Nevada, began
sending electricity to Los
Angeles, 266 miles away.
What makes this type of
power that a dam
creates so desirable?
Word of the day:
Life span: The length of a life from birth
until death. We don’t know the length
of our span but if you live to be 145,
what do you hope you are remembered
for (besides your longevity!)?
Bonus Corner:
Who are they?
• A British father and son are born on this
date, 1940 and 1975 respectively.
• They are both musicians.
• The dad was in a group whose American debut
was in 1964 on the Ed Sullivan show.
• The dad’s group name sounds like bug.
• Their last name is a homonym of a Russian ruler.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 10
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1961: There is an island in the South
Atlantic called Tristan. On this date,
the entire population (264) of that small
island evacuated because of a volcanic
eruption. Most returned after two years
spent in Britain. What would be difficult
during those 2 years?
American History:
1845: The U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis,
Maryland opened with 50 students and
7 professors. Their motto is “Leaders to
serve the nation.” What does this motto
Word of the day:
Leadership: The ability to influence people.
What are your strengths in leadership?
What do you need to improve on?
Bonus Corner:
“Leadership is solving problems. The day
soldiers stop bringing you their problems is
the day you have stopped leading them. They
have either lost confidence that you can help
or concluded you do not care. Either case is a
failure of leadership.”
--Colin Powell
Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 11
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1899: The South African Boer War begins.
This battle was between the British and the
Boars. During this conflict, Britain placed
captured Boers in concentration camps,
much like Hitler. Why would
people choose to treat others
in this manner?
American History:
1956: The first license for color TV was
issued. Although color viewing became
available, the ownership of a color TV
did not become common until the late
1960s. The alternative was black and white.
What might be better viewed in black
and white?
Word of the day:
Conflict: Disagreements that can
escalate to physical action. We have
seen conflicts throughout history, many
becoming full on wars. Is it possible
for mankind to remain at peace? What
is your opinion?
Bonus Corner:
“No one can make you feel inferior
without your consent.”
--Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt was born on this date
in 1884. What does this statement imply
about how she related with people?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 12
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
539 B.C.E.: Persia captures Babylon.
Babylon had an impenetrable wall and a
gated area where the Euphrates River would
flow in and out. The Persians diverted the
water and entered the city through the gate.
Pen what one surprised
Babylonian said.
American History:
1492: Christopher Columbus reaches
what he thinks is Asia—American historians
thought for a long time America—however,
what he really landed on was an island in
the Bahamas. Why is Columbus still
significant to our history, even
if he didn’t “discover” our country?
Word of the day:
Barter: Many ancient societies bartered,
or traded goods/services. What is
good about an economy based on
trading your products/services for
other products/services? What makes
this style of life difficult?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• This was my last day on earth in 1870.
• I was generally a leader.
• My roots were in Virginia.
• I was a Johnny Reb.
• I lost a major war but lived on in the
country who defeated me .
(It was my home too!)
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 13
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1917: 70,000 Catholic travelers gathered
at Fatima, Portugal, hoping to view the
reappearance of Mary, the Holy Mother.
Mary was reported to have appeared to
3 shepherd children 6 times in
that year. Do you believe, as they
did, in miracles? Explain why or why not.
American History:
1860: James Black, a balloonist
and a photographer, takes the
first aerial photograph. He was
1200 feet above Boston. What
do you think would amaze
people when they viewed
his photos?
Word of the day:
Longitude: The measure east and west on
the earth. Why is 180 degrees the largest
number used to describe longitude?
Bonus Corner:
What am I?
• I am located in England.
• I was adopted in 1884.
• I am linear in nature.
• People use me to locate on our earth.
• I am a total zero but I am ready for
prime time!
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 14
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1933: Germany, under Adolf Hitler, leaves
the League of Nations. The League of
Nations was formed following World War I
in an effort to determine the punishment
for Germany but also to intervene when
necessary to avert another world war.
Why do you think Hitler withdrew?
American History:
1994: Martin Luther King wins the Nobel
Peace Prize. What do you think made
Martin Luther King exceptional among
many African American who battled for
civil rights?
Word of the day:
League: A group with common goals. Why
would a league of nations (or even the
United Nations) be difficult?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I lived in a white house.
• I grew up in Abilene, Kansas.
• I created interstate highways.
• I was a military man, generally
• My name means iron hewer.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 15
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1989: Wayne Gretzky, Canadian hockey
great, breaks the scoring record of 1850.
When he retired, he had accumulated
2857 total points. What sports personality
do you respect the most and why?
American History:
1966: A 75 year-old Texan received 10
tickets in 20 minutes, which earned him
the title of worst driver in U.S. history.
(drove on the wrong side 4 times and
caused 6 accidents). Create a short
paragraph editorial on your reaction and
what nickname you have given him.
Word of the day:
Latitude: The measure of north and
south on the earth. Latitude is measured
from the equator. Why is the highest
latitude number 90 degrees? What
Is located at 90 degrees?
Bonus Corner:
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it
that in the process he does not become a
monster. And if you gaze long enough into
an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
--Friedrich Nietzsche (born 1844)
What does this imply as we live out daily
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 16
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1934: The Long March, so named for the
retreat of the communists of China,
lasted 368 days and was almost 6000 miles.
This strengthened the image of these
leaders in the eyes of fellow communists.
What skills would the communist leaders
need to possess in order to do this journey?
American History:
1859: James Brown leads a raid at Harper’s
Ferry, attempting to create a revolt against
slavery. He was convicted of treason and
then killed by hanging. How would history
have been altered if he had been
successful in instigating a change in policy
for African Americans?
Word of the day:
Treason: The betrayal of one’s country.
What would be a catalyst for someone
to commit treason? List at least 3
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I was born in 1758.
• I was an author and lexicographer.
• I got so tired of creative spelling.
• I so loved words!
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 17
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1885: British inventor, Bessemer, patents
his method for creating cheap steel.
Click here to see a list of
items that are
made from steel.
American History:
1835: The Texas Rangers are established
to protect Texas from Mexican and
Native American raids. They traveled on
horseback and were well armed. Imagine
their campfire chatter at night. Write
a brief conversation after a successful
Word of the day:
Patent: A document giving exclusive rights
to a idea/process/product. There are
around 2 million active patents in the U.S.
right now (a patent expires after 17 years).
What do you wish someone would patent
soon so that you could buy it?
Bonus Corner:
Stranger than fiction! On this day in
1989, San Francisco experienced their
worst earthquake since 1906. The amazing
element was that it was during the third
game in the World Series so millions of
people were viewing this 7.1 quake as it
happened! What might your comment be
to your family as you watched at home?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 18
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1955: The Vietnamese people, weary of
a monarchy, become a republic but
only the southern half of the country.
What are detrimental elements of a
country divided?
American History:
1858: Abraham Lincoln writes, “I believe
the declaration that ‘all men are created
equal’ is the great fundamental principal
upon which our institutions rest.”
Put these words into your own and then
share your agreement or disagreement.
Word of the day:
Monarchy: A system of government in which
leadership is inherited and usually uses
the title of King or Queen. Create a Venn
diagram of the positives and negatives of
this type of government.
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I am in the funny papers.
• I have no parents.
• My name is 3 words (size, status, name).
• My hair is scarlet in color.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 19
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1911: Norwegian Amundsen leaves from
the Bay of Whales with provisions and
a crew. He reaches the South Pole on
December 14th, the first man ever to arrive
at that point. What explorations on this
earth would you like to pioneer?
American History:
1781: British Lord Cornwallis surrenders
to the French and American troops.
Although some further skirmishes occur,
this battle at Yorktown virtually ends
the Revolutionary War. What is more
difficult; battling a war or reaching a unified
consensus in establishing a new nation?
Word of the day:
Consensus: The majority of opinion. It
is important that when planning is done,
a consensus is vital. Why?
Bonus Corner:
“We must always remember with gratitude
and admiration the first sailors who steered
their vessels through storms and mists, and
increased our knowledge of the lands of ice
in the South.”
--Roald Amundsen
What is the value is exploring Antarctica?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 20
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1097: Antioch, which is in Syria, is laid
siege to by the first crusaders. What is
a siege?
American History:
1960: The first automated post office begins
in Providence, Rhode Island. 18,000 pieces
could be sorted per hour. What is your
vision of the post office of the future?
Word of the day:
Crusade: A religious journey or mission.
The Crusades of the Middle Ages were
designed by Christians to rid the world
of the Muslims. This is not a lot different
than many attitudes today. Site current
events that occur from the same mind set.
Bonus Corner:
What am I?
• I was first made with a cork center in 1910.
• People hit me around all of the time.
• I am sought after by fans and they
write on me!
• I am part of America’s favorite past time.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 21
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1422: He is just a baby! Henry the VI ,
King of England, is declared king of France
too. He was not yet one year old.
How is a kingdom ruled by a one year old?
Imagine if babies ruled the world. Describe
that world.
American History:
1867: The Medicine Lodge Treaty is signed
which requires that the Southern
Plains Indians give up their wandering
ways and live on a reservation in Oklahoma.
Was this fair? Defend both sides
of the issue.
Word of the day:
Treaty: An agreement to assist in the
development of peace. What elements
need to be part of a treaty in order for it
to be followed?
Bonus Corner:
1833: Alfred Nobel is born. He gave him
money for the establishment of the peace
prize with these words: “I intend to leave
after my death a large fund for the
promotion of the peace idea, but I am
skeptical as to its results.” How do you
think is gift has done?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 22
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1200 B.C.E: Ramses the second has built
a temple, designed in such a way that
the innermost portion sees the sun on
October 22 and again on February 22.
How do you think people of ancient times
had this knowledge?
American History:
1914: The Revenue Act is passed and this
law required income tax. What is the
purpose of taxes and why is income used
to determine each person’s tax rate?
Word of the day:
Inflation: The value of money lessens
(prices go higher). What factors in
recent times have contributed to and/or
combated inflation?
Bonus Corner:
What am I?
• I occurred first in 1797.
• I started from a height of 3200 feet.
• I push the envelope.
• I become larger with air.
• I help people land safely.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 23
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
42 B.C.E: Brutus, fueled by the support of
the Roman Senate, killed Julius Caesar. In
the civil war that followed, when Brutus’s
forces were surrounded, Brutus (on this
day) took his own life. What would lead
a person (like Brutus) to betray his
friend (Caesar)?
American History:
1945: Jackie Robinson, first
African American in the major
leagues, signed with the Dodgers.
Why do you think, besides prejudice,
did it take so long to integrate
professional sports?
Word of the day:
Senate: An elected body of advisors to the
leader(s). Whether in Rome or the United
States, senators are to represent those who
elected them. Why is this sometimes
Bonus Corner:
My name is Gertrude Ederle and I was born in
1906. What was I the first woman to do in
• I am an athlete.
• I love the water.
• I am British by birth.
• I transversed a portion of saline that was
21 miles long.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 24
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1648: The Treaty of Westphalia is signed
and this ends the 30 year war but also
destroys the Holy Roman Empire. The
empire, in its heyday, spanned much of
what is now Europe and portions of
Asia. What would be difficult in having
a kingdom of that size in the 1600’s?
American History:
1929: The stock market is dragged
through Black Friday and the Great
Depression is on. We have recently gone
through a depression. What happens
during a depression?
How did it effect
your family?
Word of the day:
Great Depression: A period, predominately
in the 1930s, of great financial weakness
and little prosperity. Many people who lived
through the great depression developed
skills in recycling (washing off foil, for
instance, to be reused). What things do
you do in you home to recycle (or should)?
Bonus Corner:
What did Annie Taylor do in 1901?
• I love the water.
• I fall a lot!
• I love riding in wooden containers.
• The first drop was a lulu!
• I thought my stunt would bring fame and
fortune but alas, I died poor!
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 25
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1951: India begins its first general election
which takes four months. (India had been
under British rule for quite some time.)
Why do you think it took so long to
complete the election process?
American History:
1896: The New York Times first used the
slogan, “All the news that is fit to print.”
Do you feel magazines and newspapers
abide by this? Support your opinion.
Word of the day:
Election: A process in which individuals
vote for who they would like to represent
them (in secret) and the person with the
most votes is selected. What are the
strengths and weaknesses of
our current election system?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I was born in 1881 in Spain.
• I loved to draw, paint and sculpt.
• I created 50000 pieces of work in
my 80 years.
• No one ever called my style conventional!
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 26
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1939: Nazi Germany makes slaves of all
Polish Jews, age 14-60. We are familiar with
the many atrocities committed by
the Nazis. Why is slavery an issue that
still plagues our world today?
American History:
1858: The rotary washing machine is
invented. Time saving machines have
greatly lessened the time it takes to do
many chores. What is you favorite time
saving invention and why did you select
that one?
Word of the day:
Genocide: The extermination of a group
of people based on race, religion or
other characteristics. Throughout history,
many peoples have been targeted for
extermination. What is our role as global
citizens and how do we know when
to intervene?
Bonus Corner:
“No society can surely be flourishing and
happy, of which the far greater part of the
members are poor and miserable.”
--Adam Smith
If money were no object, what would you
do to better the world in which you live?
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 27
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1940: Charles de Gaulle created a
government of France while in exile. He
Encouraged the French people to fight
and to make “justice reign.” What does
that last phrase mean?
American History:
1904: The New York subway opens for
the first time. Contrast the pros and
cons of this type of
Word of the day:
Exile: The expelling of a person for political
reasons to another country. Why would
a person who has been exiled be welcome
in another country?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I was known for my rough riders.
• I was born in 1858.
• One other president shares my last name.
• A favorite toy of children is named after
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 28
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1940: Mussolini invades Greece and he
has little success in this conquest. What
factors can make acts of aggression fail?
American History:
1636: Massachusetts sets aside money to
establish an institution of higher learning.
This institution is later named Harvard.
What reputation does this university have?
Word of the day:
Institutions: Organizations formed for
social, financial or educational purposes.
What institutions are you familiar with
in your community?
Bonus Corner:
Who am I?
• I was born in 1955.
• I have money – lots of it!
• I was not born with money but had
a great idea.
• My name is like an opening in a fence.
• In the technology age, my company is a
synonym with “tiny tender”.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 29
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1942: Politicians and clergymen publicly
criticize the treatment of the Jews.
Winston Churchill states, “The systematic
cruelties place an indelible stain upon on
who perpetrate and instigate them.” Put
those words into your own.
American History:
1947: Scientists put dry ice
into cumulus clouds to create rain.
They are successful in putting out a
New Hampshire forest fire.
What other methods are used today to fight
forest fires?
Word of the day:
Instigate: Trigger or initiate. It is often
the person who starts the war, starts the
fight, etc. who is blamed. When is the
instigator justified in initiating conflict?
Bonus Corner:
What invention am I?
• I was sold for the first time in 1945.
• I cost $12.95.
• Today I can be bought for less than a dollar.
• I even have an erasable version these
• Write on!
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 30
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1905: Tsar Nicholas the Second issued the
October Manifesto which, in the aftermath
of the Russian Revolution, gave the people
of Russia greater freedom. Humans have
always responded better to fair treatment.
Why do many governments forget
that element?
American History:
1938: Orson Welles was a well known
radio broadcaster. He was also a great
actor. He read aloud War of the Worlds and
many Americans panicked, thinking we were
under attack by aliens. What would be
your greatest fear if that were actually the
Word of the day:
Aliens: Foreigners. All immigrants to the
United States are actually called aliens.
Immigration is a hotly debated topic. Our
country was founded by immigrants and
has been an element of pride for the
American people. Summarize your position
on immigration.
Bonus Corner:
1890: The first restrictions were legislated
In Oakland, California for use of addictive
Drugs including opium, morphine and cocaine.
Do laws help control the use of drugs
or not? Defend you position.
Take off with history!
Welcome to October 31
Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!
World History:
1815: Humphrey Davy makes the first
safety lamp for miners. It provides a
warning when methane gas is present. We
still have many accidents in mines and
miners trapped in an underground crypt.
Should mining be banned? Share the
justification for your position.
American History:
1864: Congress puts
Nevada statehood on the
fast track before elections
so that another ‘Free’ (or Northern) state
will support Abraham Lincoln. We have
not added another state since the 50’s
(Alaska and Hawaii). Puerto Rico has been
suggested. What is your opinion to #51?
Word of the day:
Congress: The legislative branch of the U.S.
Government consists of the Senate and the
House of Representatives. Why are there
two houses and how are members of each
house selected?
Bonus Corner:
What was my contribution to society?
• I was born in 1860.
• My name is Juliette Low.
• I loved providing girls with lots of outdoor
• I created a club.
• Every year, we do cookies right!