Sept. 28-Oct. 2

Science Lesson Plans
Week of Sept. 21-25
Students will be able to describe how rocks are classified based on texture and composition.
Students will be able to describe and identify how weathering agents and erosional processes such as wind,
water, plants, and chemical process can change the surface of the Earth resulting in sediment formation.
Students will be able to explain how sedimentary rocks form.
Students will be able to classify sedimentary rocks using their physical properties.
Learning Target: I can explain how sedimentary rocks form and are classified.
Classwork: Baking soda ball activity to demonstrate chemical weathering. Review Weathering pictures. Read
pp. 176-177 over sedimentary rocks.
Learning Target: I will classify sedimentary rocks.
Classwork: Create a chart in science journal and draw sedimentary rocks. Read pp. 178-179 and 180-181 over
metamorphic rocks. Student will complete the sedimentary rocks crossword.
Learning Target: I will classify metamorphic rocks.
Class work: Students will create a chart in science journal and draw metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rock
Learning Target: I can classify rocks according to the three types of rocks.
Class work: Review sedimentary/metamorphic rocks. Students will complete a sedimentary and metamorphic
rock quiz.
Rock virtual lab
Learning Target: I can explain the process rocks go through in the rock cycle.
Class work: Students will read an article about obsidian rocks. Students will read pp. over the rock cycle.
Students will draw the rock cycle in their science notebooks. Students will begin a web quest over the rock
cycle at