Name the Five Books of Moses

Reflecting on the Books of History
1. It is good to review things we’ve studied
already. It helps us learn.
2. It is good to have reminders. The key to learning
is repetition, repetition, repetition.
3. It is good to review things we’ve studied
already. It helps us learn.
4. It is good to have reminders. The key to learning
is repetition, repetition, repetition.
5. Pay attention to the Apostle Peter’s emphasis on
reminders in the Scripture reading later tonight.
Which Book Do I Know the Best?
Joshua? Judges? Ruth & 1 Samuel?
This is just a fun exercise to see how much we know.
No tally cards are going to be collected or reviewed.
First: Which book do you think you know the best?
There will be 20 questions for each book.
The first 14 questions don’t count.
Mark  if you get the answer right.
Mark  if you do not get the answer right.
Circle the  or . Put a dot by it. Whatever.
At the end, total the number of answers you get right.
The only question(s) to which you will be asked to raise
your hand:
“Who knew the book of Joshua the best?”
“Who knew the book of Judges the best?”
“Who knew the books of Ruth & 1 Samuel (ch. 1-7) the best?”
Quote: Joshua 1:5
"I will not leave you nor forsake you."
Quote: Joshua 1:9
"The Lord your God is with you wherever you
Quote: Joshua 21:45
"Not a word failed of any good thing which the
LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All
came to pass."
Quote: Judges 21:25b
"Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
Quote: Ruth 1:16-17
"For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever
you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be
my people, And your God, my God. Where
you die, I will die, And there will I be buried."
Quote: 1 Samuel 1:27-28
"For this child I prayed, and the LORD has
granted me my petition which I asked of Him.
Therefore I also have lent him to the LORD; as
long as he lives he shall be lent to the LORD."
Quote: 1 Samuel 3:9
"Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears."
What do we read about in…
Joshua 2
Rahab & the Spies
What do we read about in…
Joshua 6
Walls of Jericho
What do we read about in…
Judges 6-8
What do we read about in…
Judges 13-16
Where does the Bible teach…
God Gave Israel All the Land He
Joshua 21:43
Where does the Bible teach…
A Generation Arose After Joshua Who
Did Not Know the Lord
Judges 2:10
Where does the Bible teach…
God Judges Parents Who Do Not
Restrain Their Children
1 Samuel 3:13
Ok, here it goes…
Which book do I know the best?
Joshua Tells About
Conquering the Promised Land
Joshua - 1
Chosen By God to Replace Moses
(Josh 1:1)
Joshua - 2
Number of Men Joshua Sent to Spy
Out the Land
(Josh 2:1)
Joshua - 3
Hid the Spies
(Josh 2:1-6)
Joshua - 4
Sign Used to Spare Rahab's Family
Scarlet Cord
(Josh 2:18-21)
Joshua - 5
Memorial of Crossing the Jordan River
12 Stones
(Josh 4:1-24)
Joshua - 6
When Manna Ceased
When Israel Entered the Promised Land
(Josh 5:12)
Joshua - 7
Number of Times Marched Around
13 (once a day for 6 days; 7 times on seventh
(Josh 6:3-4)
Joshua - 8
Only Battle Jews Lost in Taking
Promised Land
(Josh 7:1-9)
Joshua - 9
Reason for Israel's Defeat at Ai
Achan's Sin
(Josh 7:10-26)
Joshua - 10
Read by Joshua at Gerizim & Ebal
All the Words of the Law
(Josh 8:33-35)
Joshua - 11
Enabled Joshua & Israel to Defeat
The Sun Stood Still (About a Whole Day)
(Josh 10:12-14)
Joshua - 12
Territory Captured By Joshua
All of the Promised Land
(Josh 10:40; 11:23)
Joshua - 13
Joshua's Task After Conquering the
Dividing the Land By Tribes
(Josh 13-19)
Joshua - 14
Joshua's Companion Who Wholly
Followed the Lord
(Josh 14:6-14)
Joshua - 15
Caleb's Age When He Took Hebron
(Josh 14:6-14)
Joshua - 16
Number of Cities of Refuge
(Josh 20:7-8)
Joshua - 17
Key Phrase in Joshua's Farewell
Speech to Israel
"Serve the Lord" (used 9 times in 11 verses)
(Josh 24:14-24)
Joshua - 18
Age of Joshua When He Died
110 Years Old
(Josh 24:29)
Joshua - 19
Carried Out of Egypt & Buried By
Israel in Shechem
Joseph's Bone
(Josh 24:32)
Joshua - 20
Judges Tells About
God Raising Up Deliverers for Israel in the
Promised Land
(Judg 2:16)
Judges - 1
The Cycle of Judges
Sin --> Oppression --> Repentance -->
Deliverer/Judge --> Sin
(Judg 2:17-19)
Judges - 2
Number of Judges
Judges - 3
Name the Judges
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon,
Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah,
Ibzan, Elon, Abdon,
Samson, Eli, Samuel
Judges - 4
Failure of Israel Regarding Canaanite
Did Not Drive Them Out
(Judg 1:19-36)
Judges - 5
Failure of Israel Regarding Their
Did Not Teach Their Children to Know the Lord
and His Work
(Judg 2:7-10)
Judges - 6
Left-Handed Judge
(Judg 3:15)
Judges - 7
Woman Judge
(Judg 4:4)
Judges - 8
Appointed By Deborah to Lead Israel
in Battle
(Judg 4:6-7)
Judges - 9
The Judge with the Army of 300
(Judg 7:7)
Judges - 10
Three Signs Given to Gideon
Fire Out of the Rock,
Dew on the Fleece,
Dew Not on the Fleece
(Judg 6:21, 36-40)
Judges - 11
Process of Reducing Gideon's Army to
22,000 Were Afraid;
9,700 Drank on Their Knees
(Judg 7:3-7)
Judges - 12
Weapons Given to Gideon's Soldiers
Trumpets, Pitchers, Torches
(Judg 7:16)
Judges - 13
Number of Midianites Killed in Battle
with Gideon
(Judg 8:10)
Judges - 14
The Judge Who Wanted to Be a King
(Judg 9:1-2, 22)
Judges - 15
The Judge Who Made the Foolish
(Judg 11:30-31)
Judges - 16
The Strong Judge
(Judg 16:5-6)
Judges - 17
Vow Samson's Parents Made About
Nazirite Vow (Not Cut Hair, Drink Wine or Eat
Anything Unclean)
(Judg 13:3-7)
Judges - 18
Woman Who Deceived Samson
(Judg 16:1-31)
Judges - 19
How Samson Killed 3,000 in His Death
Pushed Down the Pillars Supporting of the
(Judg 16:25-31)
Judges - 20
The Book of Ruth Tells About
Ruth's Marriage to Boaz (a Moabite to a Jew)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 1
Ruth's Mother-in-Law
(Ruth 1:3-4)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 2
Ruth's Homeland
(Ruth 1:4)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 3
Ruth's Commitment to Naomi
Your People Shall Be My People, and Your God
Shall Be My God
(Ruth 1:16-17)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 4
Ruth's Second Husband
(Ruth 4:13)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 5
Ruth's Relationship to King David
His Great-Grandmother
(Ruth 4:17)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 6
David's Lineage from Ruth (Boaz) to
Boaz (Ruth), Obed, Jesse, David
(Ruth 4:17-22)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 7
First Samuel Tells About
Samuel, Saul & David
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 8
The Old Judge
(1 Sam 2:22)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 9
Samuel's Mother
(1 Sam 1:20)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 10
The Prayer of Samuel's Mother
That She Might Have a Son to Give Back to God
(1 Sam 1:11)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 11
Raised Samuel
(1 Sam 1:25)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 12
Eli's Wicked Sons
Hophni & Phinehas
(1 Sam 1:3; 2:12)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 13
Heard By Samuel in the Middle of the
The Voice of God
(1 Sam 3:1-14)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 14
Samuel's Response When God Spoke
to Him
"Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears."
(1 Sam 3:9-10)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 15
God's Message to Young Samuel
Eli's Sons Will Be Killed
(1 Sam 3:11-14)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 16
Sin of Eli in Rearing His Sons
He Did Not Restrain Them From Evil
(1 Sam 3:13)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 17
Eli's Reaction When He Heard the Ark
Had Been Captured
Fell Backward, Broke His Neck & Died
(1 Sam 4:18)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 18
The Last Judge
(1 Sam 7:15)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 19
Reason Israel Asked for a King
To Be Like All the Nations (Peer Pressure)
(1 Sam 8:5)
Ruth & 1 Samuel - 20