Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 1. Contents 1. Contents ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Scope and Applicability .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Personnel Data, Practical Type Training Data........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. Practical Type Training Programme ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 4.1 Logbook Filling Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 4.2 Logbook Records. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 4.3 Logbook Additional Optional Records ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 4.4 Compliance Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 4.4.1 Percentage by Task type ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 4.4.2 Percentage by chapter ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 5. Practical Assessment Record............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 1 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 2. Scope and Applicability The practical element of the type training shall be followed in an EASA part 147 approved Organisation. However, in exceptional cases, the “Foreign Part 145 approvals – Aircraft type training (theoretical and practical)” UG.CAO.00.122-xxx, provides the criteria for such training to be carried out in a EASA Part 145 Organisation. This practical training log book is intended to: be used by a Part 145 Organisation delivering the practical element of the type training. The Part 145 Organisation shall be appropriately approved on the specific aircraft type in accordance with Annex II (Part-145); to meet the objective and content of the practical element of the aircraft type training and the related practical assessment in accordance with Appendix III to Part 66; be developed for the certifying staff category mentioned above; be customised for the specific aircraft type intended to be endorsed in the EASA Part 145 individual authorisation; be used for recording the required information (tasks performed, personnel data, assessment, etc..). Note: The practical training programme should normally be imparted after the performance of the theoretical portion of the type training course. Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 2 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 3. Personnel Data, Practical Type Training Data Trainee Data Name Name Practical instructor (s) Data Surname Signature Name Practical Assessor (s) Data Surname Signature Surname Date of birth Place of birth Signature Practical type training data Start date End date Maintenance Organisation* (Name and EASA approval nr) Location * where the practical tasks have been carried out in the real maintenance environment. This activity shall be carried out under strict supervision of an appropriately authorised certifying staff (or the practical assessor if appropriately authorised), responsible on behalf of the maintenance organisation for any maintenance performed/recorded on the aircraft. Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 3 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 4. Practical Type Training Programme 4.1 Logbook Filling Instructions ID 1. 2. 3. 4. Option Description/ Remarks ID Ch. Subject Task type - LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL TS M 5. M/O O 6. 7. Reference ET (min) - 8. A/C - 9. Date - 10. Operation performed - 11. Trainee’s signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature - Task progressive identification number. This field is pre-filled Chapter identification as per table 3.2 of Part 66 Appendix III. This field is pre-filled Subject identification as per table 3.2 of Part 66 Appendix III. This field is pre-filled Location. This field is pre-filled Functional / Operational Test. This field is pre-filled Service and Ground Handling. This field is pre-filled Removal / Installation. This field is pre-filled Minimum Equipment List. This field is pre-filled Trouble Shooting. This field is pre-filled Mandatory tasks. This field is pre-filled At least 50% of the tasks in the table 3.2 of Part 66 Appendix III, which are relevant to the particular aircraft type, shall be identified/ included as “mandatory tasks” in the practical training logbook Optional tasks. This field is pre-filled The accomplishment of optional tasks may be decided during the practical type training depending on the availability of the required activity and subject to the decision of the practical assessor. Maintenance data task description and identification number (i.e. AMM ATA-Sub-Task). This field is pre-filled Estimated time (in minutes) to accomplish the task. This field is pre-filled A/C registration marks. To be filled by the trainee The aircraft registration shall correspond to the same aircraft type for which the practical type training is conducted. The engine difference shall be also considered when performing maintenance tasks applicable to the engine. For example, a B1 category practical training on A320(CFM56) may be performed on a A320(V2500) aircraft when related to practical tasks on the landing gear, but necessarily on A320(CFM56) when related to practical tasks on the engine. Date when the specific task is carried out. To be filled by the trainee This filed is used to provide detailed reference to the task carried out. To be filled by the trainee Precise reference to the aircraft logbook and/or workcard / workpackage shall be entered in this block to retrieve the evidence of the task carried out. Self-explanatory. To be filled by the trainee Self-explanatory. To be filled by the practical instructor - Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 4 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 4.2 Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name Logbook Records. The Organisation delivering the training is responsible to prepare and complete the table below, which is including all the practical training subjects applicable to the certifying staff category identified above as listed in the table 3.2 of Appendix III to Part 66. The tasks selected shall be not less than 50% of the tasks presented in the table below and: be relevant to the type; be representative of the maintenance to be performed in terms of complexity, frequency, variety, safety, criticality, novelty etc….; include components unique to the type, or type-specific maintenance practices; be distributed in order that all ATA chapters and task categories (LOC, FOT, SGH, R/I, MEL, TS) are covered by practical tasks; take into account, when available, the feedback from in-service experience or customer specific additional training needs. Considering the above listed criteria, the table shall be adjusted by: removing the rows that are not applicable to the aircraft type: For instance “piston engines” and “propellers” modules must be removed for B737 or A320 type training; Adding items where applicable to the aircraft type. Grey blocks are intended to be prefilled by the organisation delivering the course ensuring pre-identification of specific tasks to be carried out. This includes whether the tasks is mandatory or not (column 5), the reference of the specific maintenance tasks selected (column 6) and the time to perform it (column 7). Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 5 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature INTRODUCTION MODULE Time limits/maintenance checks Dimension/Areas (MTOM, etc.) 1. 5 2. 6 3. 7 Lifting and Shoring LOC 4. 8 Levelling and weighing LOC 5. 8 Levelling and weighing SGH 6. 9 Towing and taxiing LOC 7. 9 Towing and taxiing SGH 8. 10 9. 10 10. 11 Placards and Markings LOC 11. 12 Servicing LOC 12. 12 Servicing SGH 13. 20 14. 20 Parking/mooring, Storing & Return to Service Parking/mooring, Storing & Return to Service Standard practices – only type particular Standard practices – only type particular LOC LOC LOC SGH LOC SGH Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 6 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature HELICOPTERS Vibration and Noise Analysis Blade tracking) Vibration and Noise Analysis(Blade tracking) Standard Practices Rotor – only type specific Standard Practices Rotor – only type specific 1. 18 2. 18 3. 60 4. 60 5. 62 Rotors LOC 6. 62 Rotors SGH 7. 62 Rotors R/I 8. 62 Rotors TS 9. 62A 10. 62A 11. 62A 12. 62A 13. 62A 14. 62A Rotors – Monitoring and indicating Rotors – Monitoring and indicating Rotors – Monitoring and indicating Rotors – Monitoring and indicating Rotors – Monitoring and indicating Rotors – Monitoring and indicating LOC TS LOC SGH LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL TS Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 7 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 15. 63 Rotor Drives LOC 16. 63 Rotor Drives FOT 17. 63 Rotor Drives TS 18. 63A 19. 63A 20. 63A 21. 63A 22. 63A Rotor Drives – Monitoring and indicating Rotor Drives Monitoring and indicating Rotor Drives Monitoring and indicating Rotor Drives Monitoring and indicating Rotor Drives Monitoring and indicating 9. Date 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature MEL TS 24. 64 Tail Rotor SGH 25. 64 Tail Rotor TS 28. 64A 8. A/C Reg. R/I LOC 27. 64A 7. ET (min) FOT Tail Rotor Tail rotor -Monitoring and indicating Tail rotor -Monitoring and indicating Tail rotor -Monitoring and indicating 6. Reference LOC 23. 64 26. 64A 5. M/O MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name LOC FOT R/I Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 8 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 29. 64A 30. 64A 3. Subject Tail rotor -Monitoring and indicating Tail rotor -Monitoring and indicating 4. Task type LOC 32. 65 Tail Rotor Drive FOT 33. 65 Tail Rotor Drive TS 35. 65A 36. 65A 37. 65A 38. 65A 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature TS Tail Rotor Drive Tail Rotor Drive Monitoring and indicating Tail Rotor Drive Monitoring and indicating Tail Rotor Drive Monitoring and indicating Tail Rotor Drive Monitoring and indicating Tail Rotor Drive Monitoring and indicating 6. Reference MEL 31. 65 34. 65A 5. M/O MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name LOC FOT R/I MEL TS 39. 66 Folding Blades/Pylon LOC 40. 66 Folding Blades/Pylon FOT 41. 66 Folding Blades/Pylon SGH 42. 66 Folding Blades/Pylon TS Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 9 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 43. 67 Rotors Flight Control LOC 44. 67 Rotors Flight Control FOT 45. 67 Rotors Flight Control SGH 46. 67 Rotors Flight Control MEL 47. 67 Rotors Flight Control TS 48. 25 49. 25 50. 25 51. 25 52. 25 53. 25 Emergency Flotation Equipment Emergency Flotation Equipment Emergency Flotation Equipment Emergency Flotation Equipment Emergency Flotation Equipment Emergency Flotation Equipment 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL TS AIRFRAME STRUCTURES 1. 53 Fuselage LOC 2. 53 Fuselage TS 3. 54 Nacelles/Pylons LOC 4. 55 Stabilisers LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 10 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 5. 56 Windows LOC 6. 56 Windows TS 7. 57 Wings LOC 8. 27A Flight Control Surfaces LOC 9. 27A Flight Control Surfaces TS 10. 52 Doors LOC 11. 52 Doors FOT 12. 52 Doors SGH 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature AIRFRAME SYSTEMS 1. 21 Air Conditioning LOC 2. 21 Air Conditioning FOT 3. 21 Air Conditioning SGH 4. 21 Air Conditioning MEL 5. 21 Air Conditioning TS 6. 21A Air Supply LOC 7. 21A Air Supply FOT 8. 21B Pressurization LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 11 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 9. 21B Pressurization FOT 10. 21B Pressurization MEL 11. 21B Pressurization TS 14. 22 Safety and warning Devices Safety and warning Devices Autoflight 15. 22 Autoflight MEL 16. 23 Communications LOC 17. 23 Communications SGH 18. 23 Communications MEL 19. 24 Electrical Power LOC 20. 24 Electrical Power FOT 21. 24 Electrical Power SGH 22. 24 Electrical Power R/I 23. 24 Electrical Power MEL 24. 24 Electrical Power TS 12. 21C 13. 21C 25. 25 Equipment & Furnishings 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC SGH LOC LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 12 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 33. 26 Equipment & Furnishings Equipment & Furnishings Equipment & Furnishings Electronic Equipment including emergency equipment Electronic Equipment including emergency equipment Electronic Equipment including emergency equipment Electronic Equipment including emergency equipment Fire Protection 34. 26 Fire Protection FOT 35. 26 Fire Protection SGH 36. 26 Fire Protection R/I 37. 26 Fire Protection MEL 38. 26 Fire Protection TS 39. 27 Flight Controls LOC 40. 27 Flight Controls FOT 26. 25 27. 25 28. 25 29. 25A 30. 25A 31. 25A 32. 25A 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature FOT SGH R/I LOC FOT SGH R/I LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 13 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 41. 27 Flight Controls SGH 42. 27 Flight Controls R/I 43. 27 Flight Controls MEL 44. 27 Flight Controls TS 50. 28 Sys. Operation: Electrical/FlybyWire Sys. Operation: Electrical/FlybyWire Sys. Operation: Electrical/FlybyWire Sys. Operation: Electrical/FlybyWire Sys. Operation: Electrical/FlybyWire Fuel Systems 51. 28 Fuel Systems FOT 52. 28 Fuel Systems SGH 53. 28 Fuel Systems R/I 54. 28 Fuel Systems MEL 55. 28 Fuel Systems TS 45. 27A 46. 27A 47. 27A 48. 27A 49. 27A 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 14 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 58. 29 Fuel Systems Monitoring and indicating Fuel Systems Monitoring and indicating Hydraulic Power 59. 29 Hydraulic Power FOT 60. 29 Hydraulic Power SGH 61. 29 Hydraulic Power R/I 62. 29 Hydraulic Power MEL 63. 29 Hydraulic Power TS 56. 28A 57. 28A 64. 29A 65. 29A 66. 29A 67. 29A 68. 29A Hydraulic Power Monitoring and indicating Hydraulic Power Monitoring and indicating Hydraulic Power Monitoring and indicating Hydraulic Power Monitoring and indicating Hydraulic Power Monitoring and indicating 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT LOC LOC FOT R/I MEL TS Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 15 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 69. 30 Ice & Rain Protection LOC 70. 30 Ice & Rain Protection FOT 71. 30 Ice & Rain Protection R/I 72. 30 Ice & Rain Protection MEL 73. 30 Ice & Rain Protection TS 80. 31A Indicating/Recording Systems Indicating/Recording Systems Indicating/Recording Systems Indicating/Recording Systems Indicating/Recording Systems Indicating/Recording Systems Instrument Systems 81. 31A Instrument Systems FOT 82. 31A Instrument Systems SGH 83. 31A Instrument Systems R/I 84. 31A Instrument Systems MEL 85. 31A Instrument Systems TS 74. 31 75. 31 76. 31 77. 31 78. 31 79. 31 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL TS LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 16 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 86. 32 Landing Gear LOC 87. 32 Landing Gear FOT 88. 32 Landing Gear SGH 89. 32 Landing Gear R/I 90. 32 Landing Gear MEL 91. 32 Landing Gear TS 92. 32A 93. 32A 94. 32A 95. 32A 96. 32A Landing Gear Monitoring and indicating Landing Gear Monitoring and indicating Landing Gear Monitoring and indicating Landing Gear Monitoring and indicating Landing Gear Monitoring and indicating 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT R/I MEL TS 97. 33 Lights LOC 98. 33 Lights FOT 99. 33 Lights SGH 100. 33 Lights MEL Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 17 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 101. 34 Navigation LOC 102. 34 Navigation SGH 103. 34 Navigation MEL 104. 35 Oxygen LOC 105. 35 Oxygen FOT 106. 35 Oxygen SGH 107. 35 Oxygen R/I 108. 36 Pneumatic LOC 109. 36 Pneumatic FOT 110. 36 Pneumatic R/I 111. 36 Pneumatic MEL 112. 36 Pneumatic TS 113. 36A 114. 36A 115. 36A 116. 36A 117. 36A Pneumatic - Monitoring and Indicating Pneumatic - Monitoring and Indicating Pneumatic - Monitoring and Indicating Pneumatic - Monitoring and Indicating Pneumatic - Monitoring and Indicating 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 18 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 119. 37 Pneumatic - Monitoring and Indicating Vacuum 120. 37 Vacuum FOT 121. 37 Vacuum R/I 122. 37 Vacuum MEL 123. 37 Vacuum TS 124. 38 Water/Waste LOC 125. 38 Water/Waste FOT 126. 38 Water/Waste SGH 127. 41 Water Ballast LOC 128. 42 Integrated modular avionics LOC 129. 44 Cabin Systems LOC 118. 36A 130. 45 131. 45 132. 45 On-Board Maintenance System (or covered in 31) On-Board Maintenance System (or covered in 31) On-Board Maintenance System (or covered in 31) 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature TS LOC LOC FOT SGH Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 19 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 133. 45 134. 45 135. 45 136. 46 137. 50 138. 50 3. Subject On-Board Maintenance System (or covered in 31) On-Board Maintenance System (or covered in 31) On-Board Maintenance System (or covered in 31) Information Systems Cargo and Accessory Compartments Cargo and Accessory Compartments 4. Task type 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature R/I MEL TS LOC LOC SGH TURBINE/PISTON ENGINE MODULE 1. 70 2. 70A Standard Practices Engines only type particular Constructional arrangement and operation SGH LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 20 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature TURBINE ENGINES 1. 70B Engine Performance TS 2. 71 Power Plant LOC 3. 71 Power Plant FOT 4. 71 Power Plant SGH 5. 72 6. 73 Engine Turbine / Turbo Prop /Ducted Fan / Unducted Fan Engine Fuel and Control 7. 73 Engine Fuel and Control FOT 8. 73A FADEC Systems LOC 9. 73A FADEC Systems FOT 10. 73A FADEC Systems R/I 11. 73A FADEC Systems MEL 12. 73A FADEC Systems TS 13. 74 Ignition LOC 14. 74 Ignition FOT 15. 75 Air LOC 16. 75 Air R/I LOC LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 21 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 17. 75 Air TS 18. 76 Engine Controls LOC 19. 76 Engine Controls FOT 20. 76 Engine Controls TS 21. 77 Engine Indicating LOC 22. 77 Engine Indicating FOT 23. 77 Engine Indicating MEL 24. 77 Engine Indicating TS 25. 78 Exhaust LOC 26. 78 Exhaust FOT 27. 78 Exhaust MEL 28. 79 Oil LOC 29. 79 Oil SGH 30. 79 Oil R/I 31. 80 Starting LOC 32. 80 Starting FOT 33. 80 Starting MEL 34. 80 Starting TS 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature Page 12. Practical Instructor’s signature 22 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 35. 82 Water Injection LOC 36. 82 Water Injection FOT 37. 83 Accessory Gearboxes LOC 38. 83 Accessory Gearboxes SGH 39. 84 40. 84 Propulsion Augmentation Propulsion Augmentation 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT APU 1. 49 APU LOC 2. 49 APU FOT 3. 49 APU SGH 4. 49 APU TS PISTON ENGINES 1. 70 2. 70A 3. 70B Standard Practices Engines only type particular Constructional arrangement and operation Engine Performance SGH LOC TS Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 23 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 4. 71 Power Plant LOC 5. 71 Power Plant FOT 6. 71 Power Plant SGH 7. 73 Engine Fuel and Control LOC 8. 73 Engine Fuel and Control FOT 9. 73A FADEC Systems LOC 10. 73A FADEC Systems FOT 11. 73A FADEC Systems R/I 12. 73A FADEC Systems MEL 13. 73A FADEC Systems TS 14. 74 Ignition LOC 15. 74 Ignition FOT 16. 76 Engine Controls LOC 17. 76 Engine Controls FOT 18. 76 Engine Controls TS 19. 77 Engine Indicating LOC 20. 77 Engine Indicating FOT 21. 77 Engine Indicating MEL 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature Page 12. Practical Instructor’s signature 24 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 22. 77 Engine Indicating TS 23. 78 Exhaust LOC 24. 78 Exhaust FOT 25. 78 Exhaust MEL 26. 78 Exhaust TS 27. 79 Oil LOC 28. 79 Oil SGH 29. 79 Oil R/I 30. 80 Starting LOC 31. 80 Starting FOT 32. 80 Starting MEL 33. 80 Starting TS 34. 81 Turbines LOC 35. 81 Turbines FOT 36. 81 Turbines SGH 37. 81 Turbines R/I 38. 81 Turbines TS 39. 82 Water Injection LOC 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature Page 12. Practical Instructor’s signature 25 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 40. 82 Water Injection FOT 41. 83 Accessory Gearboxes LOC 42. 83 Accessory Gearboxes SGH 43. 83 Accessory Gearboxes R/I 44. 84 45. 84 Propulsion Augmentation Propulsion Augmentation 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT PROPELLERS 1. 60A 2. 61 Standard Practices Propeller Propellers / Propulsion 3. 61 Propellers / Propulsion FOT 4. 61 Propellers / Propulsion SGH 5. 61 Propellers / Propulsion MEL 6. 61 Propellers / Propulsion TS 7. 61A Propeller Construction LOC 8. 61A Propeller Construction SGH 9. 61B Propeller Pitch Control LOC 10. 61B Propeller Pitch Control FOT R/I LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 26 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 11. 61B Propeller Pitch Control R/I 12. 61B Propeller Pitch Control MEL 13. 61B Propeller Pitch Control TS 14. 61C Propeller Synchronising LOC 15. 61C Propeller Synchronising FOT 16. 61C Propeller Synchronising TS 23. 61E Propeller Electronic control Propeller Electronic control Propeller Electronic control Propeller Electronic control Propeller Electronic control Propeller Electronic control Propeller Ice Protection 24. 61E Propeller Ice Protection FOT 25. 61E Propeller Ice Protection R/I 26. 61E Propeller Ice Protection MEL 27. 61E Propeller Ice Protection TS 17. 61D 18. 61D 19. 61D 20. 61D 21. 61D 22. 61D 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature 12. Practical Instructor’s signature LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL TS LOC Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 27 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 1. ID 2. Ch. 3. Subject 4. Task type 28. 61F Propeller Maintenance LOC 29. 61F Propeller Maintenance FOT 30. 61F Propeller Maintenance SGH 31. 61F Propeller Maintenance R/I 32. 61F Propeller Maintenance MEL 33. 61F Propeller Maintenance TS 5. M/O 6. Reference 7. ET (min) 8. A/C Reg. Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. 9. Date MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 10. Operation performed 11. Trainee’ signature Page 12. Practical Instructor’s signature 28 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 4.3 Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name Logbook Additional Optional Records The completion of this part is optional and intended to be used when the need exist to record additional data which was not possible to be entered in the previous pre-filled logbook. This need may be identified by the organisation delivering the training and/or by the practical instructor. In particular, when a pre-filled task required in the logbook cannot be completed due to unavailability of the particular maintenance activity, this part may be used to record evidence of a different maintenance task performed to satisfy the same requirement. In this case a cross reference shall be made between the two tables to identify the task which is replaced under the responsibility of the practical assessor countersigning the corresponding raw. The table below is intended to be hand written (add rows as necessary). Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 29 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number 4.4 Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name Compliance Report The intent of this table is to provide a compliance report demonstrating that the practical type training meets the standard required by Appendix III to Part 66. In particular, the tables shall indicate the percentage of tasks effectively performed against the tasks contained in the Appendix III to Part 66 which are applicable to the aircraft type. The following table are to be completed by the Organisation delivering the practical type training. 4.4.1 Percentage by Task type Type of task Number of tasks applicable to the A/C type Number of tasks effectively performed Percentage (%) of tasks effectively performed against the applicable tasks (should be at least 50% of the applicable tasks on each row) LOC FOT SGH R/I MEL TS Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 30 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 4.4.2 Percentage by chapter (example) Chapter Number of tasks applicable to the A/C type Number of tasks effectively performed Percentage (%) of tasks effectively performed against the applicable tasks (should be at least 50% of the applicable tasks on each row) 5 6 7 ….. 21 ……………………………………….. Place ……………………………………….. Date ……………………………………….. Name & Title Approval signature (*) (*) this approval signature shall be entered by a responsible person of the Organisation providing the training (i.e. Quality manager). This person undertakes the responsibility on behalf of the Organisation that the practical type training program meets the standard required by Appendix III to Part 66. This report shall be signed before the final assessment. Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. Page 31 of 32 Foreign Part 145 approvals- practical type training logbook cat.B1 European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 practical type training logbook Enter aircraft type AMO Logo, Name, EASA Approval number MS. / MRs / Mr. name SURNAME Trainee Name 5. Practical Assessment Record. This is to certify that Ms. / Mrs. / Mr. ………(Trainee`s name SURNAME)…………..: 1. has completed the practical element of the ………..( aircraft type and category)……..type training, for a total duration of ………weeks , as evidenced in the enclosed logbook records (compliance report signed by the Organisation providing the training); 2. has been assessed on the following tasks and successfully passed the practical assessment demonstrating appropriate knowledge and skills: ID ATA Subject Task type Reference Operation performed Date Trainee’s signature Practical Assessor`s signature This table is intended to be hand written. The number, type and content of task used for the assessment is solely under the discretion of the practical assessor. Remarks: These remark field is intended to leave the practical assessor the possibility to enter additional comments regarding the trainee`s knowledge and skills. The completion of this field is optional ……………………………………….. Place ……………………………………….. Date Logbook Revision number and date TE.CAO.00123-001 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. ……………………………………….. Practical Assessor`s signature (conducting the final assessment) Page 32 of 32