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Greek Roots
1. Anthrop: man
Derivatives: Anthropocentric, anthropogenesis, anthropogeography, anthropoid,
anthropology anthropometry, misanthropy, philanthropy.
The man-like apes are called anthropoids.
The study of man is anthropology.
Greek Roots
2. Astr: star
Derivatives: Aster, asterisk, asteroid, astra, astrobiology, astrodome, astrogate,
astrolabe, astrology, astrometry, astronaut, astronomy, astrophysics, disaster.
Asteroids are tiny plants that look like stars.
The word disaster hints that the stars were contrary.
Greek Roots
3. Auto: self
Derivatives: Autobiography, autocrat, autogenesis, autograph, autohypothesis,
autoinfection, automat, automation, automaton, automobile, autopsy.
An autobiography is written by one’s self.
Auto suggestion is given by one’s self.
Greek Roots
4. Bibli: book
Derivatives: Bible, Biblicist, bibliofilm, bibliography, bibliolatry, bibliomania,
bibliophile, bibliopole, bibliot.
A list of book sources is called a bibliography.
A library or book collection is sometimes called a bibliotheca.
Greek Roots
5. Bio: life
Derivatives: Biochemist, biodynamics, biogenesis, biography, biology, biolysis,
biometrics, biophysics, biopsy.
Biology deals with plant and animal life.
The written account for a life is a biography.
Greek Roots
6. Chrom: color
Derivatives: Chromatic, chromatology, chrome, chromium, chromosome,
chromospheres, panchromatic, polychrome.
A many-colored print is polychromatic.
A lens with a chromatic distorts color.
Greek Roots
7. Chron: time
Derivatives: Chronic, chronicle, chronograph, chronological, chronology,
chronometer, chronometry, chronoscope, synchronize.
Chronological order is time order.
A motion picture film and its sound effects should be timed together, or
Greek Roots
8. Crypt: secret
Derivatives: crypt, cryptic, cryptogram, cryptographer, cryptography, cryptology,
A cryptic remark has a secret meaning. A secret name is a cryptonym.
A secret, coded message is a cryptogram, and the fellow who decodes it is a
Greek Roots
9. Cycl: circle: wheel
Derivatives: cycle, cyclograph, cycloid, cyclometer, cyclone, cyclorama, cyclotron,
encyclical, encyclopedia.
An encyclopedia gives instruction in the circle of arts and sciences.
A circular room with large pictures is a cyclorama.
Greek Roots
10. Dec: Ten
Derivatives: decade, decagon, deciliter, Decalogue, decameron, decameter,
decasyllable, decathlon, decennial, decimal, decimate.
A decathlon consists of ten athletic events.
A decennial celebrates ten years.
Greek Roots
11. Dem: people
Derivatives: demagogue, demiurge, democracy, democrat, demography, endemic,
epidemic, pandemic.
Government by the people is called a democracy.
One who uses false claims and emotional appeals to stir up the common people is a
Greek Roots
12. Derm: skin
Derivatives: Dermatitis, dermatoid, dermatologist, dermatophyte, epidermis,
hypodermic, pachyderm.
Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin.
A skin infection should be treated by a dermatologist.
Greek Roots
13. Dyn: power
Derivatives: dynamic, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dynamometer, dynasty, dyne,
electrodynamics, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics.
A dyne is a unit of force or power.
Mechanical power can be measured by a dynamometer.
Greek Roots
14. Gram, graph: write
Derivatives: autograph, biography, calligraphy, cryptogram, diagram, epigram,
geography, graffiti, gramophone, grammar, graphic, graphite, graphology,
holography, lithograph, mimeograph, photograph, seismograph, telegram,
A mimeograph makes duplicates of writing.
Graphite is used in encils for writing.
Greek Roots
15. Hetero: other
Derivatives: heterodox, heterodyne, heterogeneous, heterograft, heteromorphic,
heteronym, heteroplasty, heterosexual.
Hetero means other. Members of heterogeneous group are of various types.
A heterosexual person is attracted to the other sex.
Greek Roots
16. Homo: same
Derivatives: homeopathy, homochromatic, homogamy, homogenous, homogenize
Those in a group that are all the same, such as all 17 year old boys, create a
homogenous group.
Words that have the same sound, such as “to”, “too” and “two” are called homonyms.
Greek Roots
17. Hydr: water
Derivatives: hydraulics, hydrocarbon, hydrogen, hydrography, hydrokinetics,
hydrometer, hydropathy, hydrophobia, hydroponics, hydrotherapy.
Hydraulics deals with the mechanical properties of water and other liquids.
Hydropathy and hydrotherapy involve treatment of disease by use of water.
Greek Roots
18. Log: word, study
Derivatives: apology, biology, Decalogue, dialogue, doxology, embryology, eulogy,
geology, hydrology, logic, mineralogy, monologue, philology, prologue, tautology,
Biology is the study of plant and animal life.
Mineralogy is the study of minerals.
Greek Roots
19. Metr, meter: measure
Derivatives: ammeter, barometer, centimeter, chronometer, geometry, hexameter,
hydrometer, metrology, metronome, micrometer, seismometer, speedometer,
thermometer, trigonometry.
A barometer is used to measure air pressure.
A chronometer is used to measure time.
Greek Roots
20. Morph: form
Derivatives: amorphous, anthropomorphic, isomorph, metamorphosis, Morpheus,
morphine, morphology.
Ovid’s Metamorphoses tells how the gods caused people to change their forms.
In linguistics the study of the internal structure and form of words is called
Greek Roots
21. Neur: nerve
Derivatives: Neural, neuralgia, neurocirculatory, neurogenic, neurologist,
neuromotor, neuromuscular, neuron, neurosis, neurotic.
A neurotic suffers from nervous disorder.
Neuritis is a painful inflammation of the nerves.
Greek Roots
22. Orth: right, true
Derivatives: orthochromatic, orthodontics, orthodox, orthogenesis, orthography,
orthopedics, orthoscope
The orthodox religion is the established “true” faith.
The right or correct skeletal deformities is the job of the orthopedist.
Greek Roots
23. Paleo: ancient
Derivatives: paleobotany, Paleocene, paleography, Paleolithic, paleontology,
Paleozoic, paleozoology.
The Paleozoic, Paleocene, and Paleolithic periods belong to ancient eras.
The study of ancient forms of plant and animal life is called paleontology.
Greek Roots
24. Pan: all
Derivatives: Panacea, Pan-American, Pan-Asiatic, panchromatic, pancreas,
pandemic, pandemonium, panegyric, Panhellenic, panorama, pantheism, pantheon,
Panchromatic film is sensitive to all colors.
A panacea is a supposed cure for all disease or trouble.
Greek Roots
25. Path: disease, feeling.
Derivatives: antipathy, apathy, empathy, neuropathy, osteopathy, pathetic,
pathologist, pathos, psychopath, sympathy, telepathy.
A feeling of pity is aroused by pathos or that which is pathetic.
Your compassion for another person is sympathy, and your complete projection of
yourself into feelings of another person is empathy.