Latin Roots Name: Handout #____ GRILLS

Latin Roots
Handout #____
In your group, try to come up with as many words as you can that
have the Latin root indicated. You will be given 20 minutes for this activity
so divide the labor!
Write them on the lines. Discuss their meanings. Just like for the Greek
words, you will have a quiz over Latin roots.
1. Root word: act
Meaning: to act
2. Root word: mort
Meaning: death
3. Root word: cog
Meaning: to know
4. Root word: gen
Meaning: race, family, kind
5. Root word: port
Meaning: to carry
6. Root word: grad, gred, gress
Meaning: step, degree, rank
7. Root word: ped
Meaning: foot
(You might remember that the GREEK word pedo meant “child.” Don’t be confused.)
8. Root word: form
Meaning: shape, form
9. Root word: corp
Meaning: body
10. Root word: dent, odon
Meaning: tooth
For the quiz, you will be given a sentence that contains a word with one of these roots. You will
have to identify the word and underline the root.