Six Traits Project Menu ()

Name: _____________________________________
Six Traits Project Menu
Choose projects from the options below, to add up to a total of 100 points.
We will work on projects in class __________________________________________________________
You may also need to work at home to complete your project on time.
All projects are due ________________________
You may complete one project with a partner. Others need to be done individually.
For all projects, neatness counts and work habits are important!
50 points each:
 Create a poster explaining the Six Traits of Writing. You’ll need to include all six traits and define
them. Your poster should be 18x24” in size.
 Write a song or rap about the Six Traits of Writing; include all six traits. Perform your song for
the class.
 Make a flipbook of proofreader’s marks. Include at least 10 marks and how to use them, with
examples. Make a cover for your book.
30 points each:
 Make a bumper sticker advertising one of the Six Traits. Include color and an image that
represents the trait. Make your bumper sticker 2x10” in size.
 Create a mini-poster on one piece of punctuation (comma, semicolon, quotation mark, period,
question mark, exclamation point). Explain how that piece of punctuation is used and give
examples. Your mini-poster should be 8½ x 11” in size.
20 points each:
 Make a crossword puzzle of the Six Traits of Writing and other writing terms. Have at least 10
terms in your puzzle.
 Create a quiz on the Six Traits of Writing and other writing terms. Write at least 10 questions.
You can setup your quiz however you wish (multiple choice, matching, etc).
10 points each:
 Create a word search of the Six Traits of Writing and other writing terms. Have at least 10 terms
to find.
 Write a paragraph explaining the Six Traits of Writing; define each trait.
 Draw a mini-poster of the ice cream sundae, labeled with the Six Traits of Writing. Your miniposter should be 8½ x 11” in size.