Business & Technology Department Unit Plan for Course Name Unit Length: Intermittent throughout semester Date Created: Summer 2010 Unit 2 Title: Formatting & Editing in Word Goals/Standards/Benchmarks: National Business Education Association Standards Standard #6: Technology Operations and Concepts—Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations Illinois State Standards: 3.A.4. 3.A.5. 4.A.4.c. 5.C.4a 25.A.5. 26.A.5. Use standard English to edit documents for clarity, subject/verb agreement, adverb and adjective agreement and verb tense; proofread for spelling, capitalization and punctuation; and ensure that documents are formatted in final form for submission and/or publication. Produce grammatically correct documents using standard manuscript specifications for a variety of purposes and audiences. Follow complex oral instructions. (Accepting Employment—Follow directions) Plan, compose, edit and revise information (e.g., brochures, formal reports, proposals, research summaries, analyses, editorial, articles, overheads, multimedia displays) for presentation to an audience. Analyze and evaluate student and professional works for how aesthetic qualities are used to convey intent, expressive ideas and/ or meaning. Common for all four arts: Analyze and evaluate how the choice of media, tools, technologies and processes support and influence the communication of ideas. Unit Overview Unit Components: Stage 1: Desired Results UNDERSTANDINGS Formatting and editing documents is an important aspect of being an efficient user of technology for personal and professional purposes. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How can you improve communication with the reader by using various Word formatting features? Why is the presentation of a document so important to personal and business situations? Vocabulary : Key terminology MS Windows Basics MS Word 2007 Format Highlighting, Drag and Drop, Toolbars, Ribbons, Tab Groups, Windows Spacing/Punctuation Rules Click/Shift/Click, Click/Shift/Arrows Maneuvering around Word ACT English Grammar Rules Delete, Backspace Icons, Buttons, and Commands Word Wrap Print Screen File Management Proofreader Marks ShortcutsFont, Size Color, Style, Alignment, and Effects Proofreading Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Home, Cut, Copy, Paste Format Painter Ctrl+End, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+A, Header/Footer Undo/Redo Ctrl+B, Ctrl+I, Ctrl+U Spell Check, Thesaurus Correct technique to improve Accuracy Document Setup accuracy Visual Appeal Page Borders Professional Vertically & Horizontally Centering Alignment Inserting Graphics, SmartArt, WordArt Page Setup Formatting Graphics & Text Insert Ribbon Page Layout Ribbon Home Ribbon Compare Feature Page 1 Knowledge and Skills: Student “I Can Statements” I can identify errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spacing, and word choice. I can edit a document using various mouse, keyboard, and short cut strategies. I can create a professional-looking business document, errorfree in regards to format, grammar, and punctuation. I can choose the appropriate Word features to format various documents. I can utilize the MS ribbon, tabs, buttons, and shortcuts to create documents in MS Office 2007. I can identify and label icons, buttons, and commands in Word. I can proofread and mark errors using proofreader marks. I can revise a document using proofreader marks and proofreading skills. I can determine which MS Word features should be used in various situations. I can create profession-looking documents by adding & formatting graphical elements such as graphics, page borders, and color. Assessment/Evidence Products--Microsoft Word documents Products—Proofreading & editing activities Products—Communication Skills in Microtype Products--Microsoft Word documents Products--Microsoft Word documents Products--Microsoft Word documents Products--Microsoft Word documents Process—observations/technique evaluation Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests Constructed Response--labeling parts of the MS Word screen Products—Proofreading & editing activities Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests Constructed Response—labeling errors on a document Products--Microsoft Word documents Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests Products--Microsoft Word documents Products--Microsoft Word documents I can explain how to maneuver through Word documents. Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests I can compose, edit, and identify proper sentence structure specific to grammar, punctuation, and number rules Products--Microsoft Word documents Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Assessment Proofreaders activities Cut, copy, paste, format painter activities Editting & formatting activites Proofreaders’ quiz Accuracy Quiz Proofreaders’ marks quiz Accuracy of documents Microtype lessons, skillbuilding, Communication Skills Weights for 1st Quarter Production Technique Quizzes/Tests Suggested Points Varies 10 pts each Varies 20 pts 20 pts 20 pts Varies Varies 50% 30% 20% Weights for 2nd Quarter Production 60% Timings 20% Quizzes/Tests 20% Category/Weight Production Production Production Quizzes/Tests Quizzes/Tests Quizzes/Tests Production Production Performace Task Summary Proofreaders Packet Formatting & Editing Lesson 2—FBLA Sample Text Cut/Copy/Paste/Format Painter Activities-- School song, Amendments, Party Directions, SuperSub English ACT Skills-- Communication Skills in MicroType, Capitalization Rules Activities, Number Rules Activities Word documents—accuracy Page 2 Rubric Titles Self-Assessment Microtype Compare feature in the Review Ribbon of Microsoft Word Other Evidence, Summarized Graded assigments returned to student by teacher for corrections Page 3 Stage 3: Learning Activities Computer & Keyboarding Technology Calendar Week 1: Week 2: Weights for 2nd Quarter Production 60% Timings 20% Quizzes/Tests 20% Short Week Day 1 Syllabus, Dual Credit, Network Folders, Technique, Home Row Day 2 Review technique and keys: Home Row Lesson 2: Formatting & Editing. Maneuvering around Word, making corrections, shortcuts, page setup. Backspace, Delete, Arrows, Mousing, Select & Combo Keys. Home Ribbon covered thoroughly. FBLA Sample Text Assignment Review technique and keys: Home Row Lesson 2: Formatting & Editing, continued Communication Skills using MT: Spelling: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Review technique and keys: Home Row Technique & Keys: H, E—Microtype 3 Review technique and keys: Home Row, H, E Technique & Keys: I, R—Microtype 4 & 5 Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 3: Weights for 1st Quarter Production 50% Technique 30% Quizzes/Tests 20% Continue Technique & Keys: Home Row ---Microtype 1-2 Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Production grades to show mastery of keys (1) ASDF (2) JKL; (3) H,E (4) I, R Production grades to show mastery of Formatting & Editing Day 1 Technique & Keys: Review technique and keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R Continue Technique & Keys: O, T-- Microtype 6 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Review technique and keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T Continue Technique & Keys: N, G – Microtype 7 Review technique and keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G Continue Technique & Keys: Left Shift, (.)-Microtype 8 & 9 Communication Skills using MT: Terminal Punctuation & Other Internal Punctuation: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Review technique and keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, Left Shift, Period Continue Technique & Keys: U, C-- Microtype 10 Communication Skills using MT: Capitalization: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Key Reinforcement- Review technique and keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, Left Shift, Period, U, C Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Drawing Toolbar: (use PowerPoint)—Most of Insert Ribbon should be covered Shapes, shading, lines, ungroup, group, textures, creating new graphics, cropping Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT 1-10 Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Production grades to show mastery of keys (1) O & T (2) N & G (3) LEFT SHIFT & . (4) U & C Production grades for Drawing Toolbar Page 4 Week 4: Day 1 Continue Technique & Keys: Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, LEFT SHIFT, (.), U, C Technique & New Keys: W, right shift—Microtype 11 Formatting & Editing: Cut/Copy/Paste-School song, Amendments, Party Directions, SuperSub Day 2 Lesson 1-11 Test Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, LEFT SHIFT, (.), U, C, W, RIGHT SHIFT Continue Technique & Keys: B, Y—Microtype 12-13 Cut/Copy/Paste-School School song, Amendments, Party Directions, SuperSub Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, LEFT SHIFT, (.), U, C, W, RIGHT SHIFT, B, Y Continue Technique & Keys: M, X—Microtype 14 WordArt, SmartArt, ClipArt, Text wrapping, Page Borders (Insert, Page Layout, and Format Ribbons) Cut/Copy/Paste/Format Painter: School song, Amendments, Party Directions, SuperSub Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, left shift, (.), U, C, W, right shift, B, Y, M, X, Continue Technique & Keys: P, V—Microtype 15 Cut/Copy/Paste/Format Painter (Home Ribbon & Key combinations on Keyboard): Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, left shift, (.), U, C, W, right shift, B, Y, M, X, P, V Key Reinforcement: Skill Builder. Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT Cut/Copy/Paste/Format Painter Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 5: Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Production grades to show mastery of keys (1) W & RIGHT SHIFT (2) B & Y (3) M & X (4) P & V Production grades for cut/copy/paste/format painter assignments: School song, Amendments, Party Directions, SuperSub Day 1 Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, left shift, (.), U, C, W, right shift, B, Y, M, X, P, V Technique & New Keys: Q and comma (,)—Microtype 16-17 Communication Skills using MT: Commas & Semicolons: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Day 2 Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, left shift, (.), U, C, W, right shift, B, Y, M, X, P, V, Q, & (,) Continue Technique & Keys: z and colon (:)---Microtype 18 Communication Skills using MT: Other Internal Punctuation: Pretest, Discuss Rules, Posttest. Proofreading Packet—ACT English Skills Day 3 Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, left shift, (.), U, C, W, right shift, B, Y, M, X, P, V, Q, & (,), z, (:) Continue Technique & Keys: CAPS Lock, (?)—Microtype 19 Communication Skills using MT: Question Marks : Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Day 4 Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, left shift, (.), U, C, W, right shift, B, Y, M, X, P, V, Q, & (,), z, (:), Caps Lock, (?) Communication Skills using MT: Proofreading: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Continue Technique & Keys: TAB, Backspace—Microtype 20 Test on Lessons 1-20 Day 5 Review technique & keys: Home Row, H, E, I, R, O, T, N, G, left shift, (.), U, C, W, right shift, B, Y, M, X, P, V, Q, & (,), z, (:), Caps Lock, (?), Tab, Backspace Continue Technique & Keys: Skill Building Key Reinforcement: Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Production grades to show mastery of keys (1) Q & , (2) Z & : (3) TAB & BACKSPACE Production grades to show mastery of Proofreading Page 5 Week 6: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 7: Review technique & keys: Entire alphabetic keyboard Technique & New Keys: Introduce numeric keying in Word ---Microtype Numeric Keying Review #6. Microtype SkillBuilder Review technique & keys: Entire alphabetic keyboard Technique & New Keys: Numeric keys Communication Skills using MT: Number Expression: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Microtype SkillBuilder Review technique & keys: Entire alphabetic keyboard Organization Skills—Lists: Bullets, numbering, outlines, SmartArt Review technique & keys: Entire alphabetic keyboard Skill Building, Capitalization & Number Rules Assignments Communication Skills using MT: Word Usage: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Technique & New Keys: Numeric keys Microtype SkillBuilder Review technique & keys: Entire alphabetic keyboard Key Reinforcement: Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT Numeric Keys Communication Skills using MT: Sentence Types: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Quiz to test Accuracy Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Production Grades for Capitalization and Number Rules Production grades to show mastery of Skill Building—Accuracy Production grades to show mastery of organizing information in lists Test/Quiz—Accuracy Students should work on Microtype SkillBuilder whenever time allows. Day 1 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Communication Skills using MT: Subject-Verb Agreement: Pretest, Discuss Rules, Posttest. Tab Tables—Organization Skills & Reading for information Skill Building to increase speed & accuracy Day 2 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Communication Skills using MT: Modifiers: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Tab Tables Skill Building to increase speed & accuracy Day 3 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Tab Tables Skill Building to increase speed & accuracy Day 4 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Communication Skills using MT: Pronoun Case: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Tab Tables Skill Building to increase speed & accuracy Day 5 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Communication Skills using MT: Pronoun Agreement: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Tab Tables Skill Building to increase speed & accuracy Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Production Grades for Tab Tables Page 6 Week 8: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 9: Week 10: Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Organizing Information in Grid Tables-creating Tables & Reading Tables (science ACT) Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Grid Tables Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Grid Tables Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Communication Skills using MT: Abbreviations: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Introduction to Excel Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Accuracy Emphasis Introduction to Excel Tabs & Tables Quiz Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Production Grades for Grid Tables Tests/Quizzes: Tabs & Tables quiz Students should work on Microtype SkillBuilder whenever time allows. Day 1 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation Day 2 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy Communication Skills using MT: Commas & Semicolons: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation Day 3 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation Day 4 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation Day 5 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy MLA Quiz—Without a title page Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT Timings—Three timings Grades: Tests/Quizzes: MLA quiz Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Timings: top three speed grades Production grades for MLA Reports Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy Day 1 MLA Reports—With a Title Page & Works Cited —ACT English Preparation—ACT English Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy Day 2 Communication Skills using MT: Pronoun Agreement: Pretest, Discuss Rules, Posttest. MLA Reports—With a Title Page & Works Cited-Using the References Ribbon Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy Day 3 MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy Day 4 MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy Day 5 MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation—with a Title Page Grades: Timings: top three speed grades Production grades for MLA Reports Page 7 Week 11: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 12: Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Review technique & keys: Skill Builder— Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Memos—Reading for Information Timings Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Communication Skills using MT: Pronoun Case: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Memos—Reading for Information Timings Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Memos—Reading for Information Timings Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Timings Memos/Email—Reading for Information Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Key Reinforcement: Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT Assess letters and memos Timings Grades: Timings: top three speed grades Production grades for memos Day 1 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Review technique & keys: Skill Builder— Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Letters Timings-Micropace Day 2 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Communication Skills using MT: Subject-Verb Agreement: Pretest, Discuss Rules, Posttest. Letters—Writing Unit (Insert Ribbon-Date & Time, Signature Line) Day 3 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Letters—Writing Unit Day 4 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Letters—Writing Unit Day 5 Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT Assessment of Communications Unit-Letters & Memos Grades: Production grades for letters Timings: top three speed grades Tests/Quizzes: Letters & Memos quiz Page 8 Week 13: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 14: Week 15: Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Review technique & keys: Skill Builder— Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Communication Skills using MT: Modifiers: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest. Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Formatting & Editing: Research & CompEduc Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Formatting & Editing Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, building speed, and accuracy Formatting & Editing Grades: Timings: top three speed grades Production grades for Research & CompEduc Day 1 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Desktop Publishing Day 2 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Desktop Publishing Day 3 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Desktop Publishing Day 4 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Desktop Publishing Day 5 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Skill Building & make-up work Grades: Production grades for Desktop publishing assignments Test/Quizzes: Final Exam Day 1 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Holiday Projects-Review of Skills Day 2 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Holiday Projects-Review of Skills Study guide & review of key concepts Day 3 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Holiday Projects-Review of Skills Skill Building & make-up work Day 4 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Holiday Projects-Review of Skills Day 5 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Holiday Projects Grades: Test/Quizzes: Final Exam Production grades for Holiday projects Page 9 Week 16: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 17: Week 18: Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Mail Merge—envelopes, labels Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Mail Merge-letters & memos Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Mail Merge-phone list Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Mail Merge-forms Grades: Test/Quizzes: Final Exam Production grades for mail merge Day 1 Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis Timings-Micropace Day 2 Review/Simulation---Extension of topics covered Day 3 Skill Building & make-up work Day 4 Production part of final Day 5 Final Exam-multiple choice Grades: Test/Quizzes: Final Exam Review Finals Study guide & review of key concepts & Finals Grades: Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture Test/Quizzes: Final Exam Test/Quizzes: Production Tests Page 10 Capitalization & Number Rules: Capitalization Rules: Rule#1: Rule#2: Rule#3: Rule#4: Rule#5: Rule#6: Rule#7: Rule#8: Rule#9: Rule#10: Rule#11: Capitalize the first word in a sentence. Capitalize personal titles and names of people. Capitalize names of clubs, schools, organizations and companies. Capitalize the days of the week. Capitalize the months of the year. Capitalize names of holidays. Capitalize the names of historic periods and events and special events. Capitalize names of cities, states, and other important places Capitalize geographic names, regions, and locations. Capitalize names of streets, roads, avenues, and buildings. Capitalize an official title when it preceded a name and elsewhere if it is a title of high distinction Rule#12: Capitalize initials; also capitalize letters in abbreviations if the letters would be capitalized when the words are spelled out. Number Rules: Rule #1: Rule #2: Spell a number that begins a sentence even when other numbers in the sentence are shown in figures. Use figures for numbers above ten and for numbers one to ten when they are used with numbers above ten. Rule #3: Use figures to express dates and times (except when used with the word o’clock). Rule #4: Rule #5: Rule #6: Rule #7: Rule #8: Rule #9: Use figures for house numbers except house number One. Use figures to express measures and weights. Use figures for numbers following nouns. Capitalize nouns preceding numbers (except page and line). Spell (and initial cap) names of small-numbered street and avenues (ten and under). Spell indefinite numbers. Page 11 Proofreading Marks: Page 12 Punctuation Spacing Rules: Punctuation Semicolon - ; Period - . Spacing Rule Space one time after a semicolon. Kara is present; Karl is absent. Space one time after a period following an initial. J. L. Han skis on Oak Lake. Space one time after a period following an abbreviation. Space one time after a sentence. Comma - , Question Mark - ? Example Lt. Haig skis on Bruce Lake. Jan will sing. John will read the play. Do not space after an internal period within an abbreviation. Space one time after a comma used as punctuation. Ed Rowan has an Ed.D. degree. Space one time after a question mark ending a sentence. Will Sarah come tonight? Did Megan finish her work? Space two times after a colon used as punctuation. Key these works: park, maze, and zoo. (Capitalize the first word of a complete sentence following a colon.) Dennis read: Shift to key a colon. Mary, Nick, and Ben worked well. Colon - : Page 13 Screen Shots of Word Toolbars (to be labeled): Home Ribbon: Label the icons. Describe the purpose of each button. Insert Ribbon: Label the icons. Describe the purpose of each button. Page 14 Page Layout Ribbon: Label the icons. Describe the purpose of each button. Page 15