www.vertschoolofbanking.com MARKETING CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to Marketing Marketing Environment Marketing Mix Consumer Behavior Marketing Segmentation Marketing Management & Planning Product Life Cycle(PLC) CONTENTS 8. Channels of Distribution 9. Pricing 10. Advertising 11. Personal Selling 12. Sales Promotion 13. Branding, Packaging & Labeling 14. Marketing Research 15. Consumer Protection 16. Modern Marketing System 1. Introduction to Marketing - the action of promoting and selling products or services. I. Concepts of Marketing II. Types of Marketing III. Functions of Marketing I. Concepts of Marketing • • • • Exchange Concept Production Concept Product Concept Sales Concept II. Types of Marketing A. Marketing to Individuals a. Convenience goods – newspaper, medicine, pen b. Shopping Goods – tv, ref,ac c. Speciality Goods – restaurant B. Marketing to Organization – machines, raw material III. Functions of Marketing A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Marketing Research Product planning and Development Buying and Assembling Packaging and Labeling Standardization and Grading Branding Pricing Transportation Promotion India’s Best Marketing Service Provide Hindustan Unilever (www.hul.co.in) Proctor and Gamble (www.pg-india.com ) 2. Marketing Environment - Factors and forces outside marketing Ex:- seagate I. Components of ME II. PEST Analysis III. SWOT Analysis I. Components of ME • Internal Environment Dept – HR, Finance and etc… • External Environment (A)Micro Environment - Company, Marketing Intermediaries, Customers, Public. (B)Macro Environment - Demographic, Social – Cultural, Economic, Political – Legal, Technological, Natural II. PEST Analysis P – Political Factors E – Economic Factors S – Socio – cultural factors T – Technological factors III. SWOT Analysis INTERNAL S – Strength(advantage) W – Weakness(disadvantage) EXTERNAL O – Opportunities T – Threats 3. Marketing Mix I. 4 Ps II. 7 Ps III. 4 Cs I. 4Ps 1. P – Product 2. P – Price 3. P – Place 4. P - Promotion I. 4Ps 1. PRODUCT (i) Consumer Goods(based on use) – Convenience, Shopping, Speciality. (ii) Industrial Goods (based on Durability) – Durable (capital goods – car, ac) , - Non Durable (FMCG - soap, salt) (based on Tangibility) – Tangible (machinery, raw material) , - Intangible(medical treatment, education) I. 4Ps 2. PRICE (i) Internal factors – Organisation, Marketing mix, Product Differentiation, Cost. (ii) External factors – Demand, Competition, Behaviour, Nature of Buyers, Govt rules and rugulations. 3. PLACE 4. PROMOTION II. 7Ps 1. P – Product 2. P – Price 3. P – Place 4. P – Promotion 5. P – People 6. P – Process 7. P – Physical Evidence III. 4Cs 1. 2. 3. 4. C – Consumer C – Cost C – Communication C – Convenience 4. Consumer Behaviour I. Classification of Consumer II. Importance of CB Nature of Indian Consumers. I. Classification of Consumer 1. Individual – own use 2. Commercial – Manufacturing or reselling II. Importance of CB 1. 2. 3. 4. Production policies Price Policies Distribution policies Sales Promotion policies 5. Market Segmentation - Dividing a market into sub groups. I. Importance of MS II. Causes of MS III. Basis of MS I. Importance of MS 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand customers Maximize product potential Improve distribution NW Gain New clients II. Causes of MS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increase in profit Popularity in the market Better customer satisfaction Better opportunity for product sales growth Very easier customer – Business communication Flow III. Basis of MS 1. Consumer Market 2. Industrial Market 6. Marketing Management & Planning Marketing Management: - MM - Analysis, planning, implementation and control. I. Concepts of MM II. Importance of MM Marketing Planning: I. Process of MP II. Classification of MP III. Factors affecting the MP I. Concepts of MM 1. Consumer oriented concept - target : consumer needs 2. Marketing oriented concept - orientation : sales, product , production 3. Consumer satisfaction 4. Consumer welfare concept - focuses : consumer needs, wants, profits and also social welfare II. Importance of MM 1. Maximum Results with Minimum Efforts. 2. Importance for Consumers - will select the product if aware. 3. Increase in Living Standards 4. Economic growth I. Process of MP Step 1 Goal Setting - mission - objectives Step 2 Analysis the Current situation - Marketing audit -SWOT - Marketing Assumption Step 3 Creating the marketing strategy - marketing objectives and strategies - Forecasts of expected results - Create alternative plans step 4. Allocating Marketing Resources and Monitoring - budget - Detailed action plan II. Classification of MP 1. Long term - more than one year 2. Short term - less than one year 3. Adhoc - future plan (solution if problem arise in the actual performance) III. Factors affecting the MP 1. Internal 2. National - Population, National Income(6.7 trillion PPP dollars), Price trends, Industrial policy. 3. International - Monetary system(regulate the supply of money) - Stability and peace - Scientific and technical development 7. Product Life Cycle(PLC) - distinct stages in the sales history. I. Stages in PLC II. Importance of PLC III. Factors Affecting PLC IV. Product Related policy Decision V. Product Development Steps I. Stages in PLC Market Introduction – innovative may launch Market Growth – in sales and profit Market Maturity - reached state of equilibrium Market Saturation – supplies large quantities for sale and saturate the market 5. Market Decline – Customers goes for better products. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. Importance of PLC 1. Life of a product is Limited 2. Estimation of profits 3. Marketing Programme III. Factors Affecting PLC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Development of substitute products Product regulatory system Technical change Competitive entry Legal and Govt. Goodwill Quality of raw material IV. Product Related policy Decision 1. Product Item – list of producer or reseller 2. Product Line – group of products by a single company 3. Product Mix – total no of product lines by a single company V. Product Development Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Idea Generation Product Screening Concept testing Business Analysis Product Development Test Marketing Commercialization 8. Channels of Distribution - set of people and firm. I. Importance of CoD II. Functions of DC III. Types of CoD IV. Factors Affecting the DC I. Importance of CoD 1. 2. 3. 4. Reduce cost Guide the consumer Understand the logistics Reduce the storage cost II. Functions of DC 1. 2. 3. 4. Contact Between Producer and Consumer Satisfaction to the consumer Transferring the title – through sales and purchase Fixing prices III. Types of CoD Conventional DC – producer, wholesaler, and retailer work separately (i) Direct Channel or Zero level channel Manufacturer Consumer (ii) Indirect Channel – manufacturer gets help of 1 or more (a) One stage channel Manufacturer Retailer Consumer (b) two stage channel Manufacturer wholesaler Retailer Consumer (iii) three stage channel Manufacturer Agent wholesaler Retailer Consumer 2. Non – Conventional DC – full co-ordination (i) Vertical – producer, wholesaler, and retailer work together as a unified group in orde r to meet consumer need a)corporate - single firm own production and distribution Ex: Bata, Tata) b)Administrated VC - more than one firm own production and distribution ) c) Contractual VC – producer, wholesaler, retailers employed voluntary basis (ii) Horizontal DC – two or more companies join Ex: Associated Cement Company 1. IV. Factors Affecting the DC 1. Product consideration 2. Market Consideration 3. Company Consideration 4. Middlemen consideration Marketing Middlemen (A) Merchant – person or company involved in wholesale trade (B) Agent – Broker, Commission Agent, Auctioneer 9. Pricing I. II. III. IV. V. Importance of Pricing Factors Affecting pricing decisions Types of Pricing policies Process of pricing Methods of pricing I. Importance of Pricing 1. 2. 3. 4. Determines demand of the product Determine revenue and profit Can regulate the competition Affect the total sale, total revenue, total profit II. Factors Affecting pricing decisions 1. Primary – demand, cost, 2. Secondary – Char of product and consumer, aims, benefits, marketing method, Economic and political environment, Govt. laws and regulation, Delivery route, market competition III. Types of Pricing policies 1. Variable – demand, cost, 2. One price policy 3. Other ways - Based on flexibility, char, price level, geographical ground V. Methods of pricing 1. Cost plus pricing method – determined by adding a percentage to a product Ex : government contracts 2. Marginal cost method - consisting of labor and mate rial costs, plus estimated portion of fixed cost 3. Market penetration method - brand or category Ex : Mercedes Benz 1. Fixed cost – EX : retailer 2. Variable cost – Ex : comission 3. Mark up method - Ex : Computer shop 10. Advertising - ad VERTere (to turn toward) Non personal presentation and promotion. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Characteristics of advertising Objectives of advertising Types of advertising Classification of advertisement on the basis of stages Functions of advertising Media of advertising Factors taken into consideration while selecting the advertising media Principles of Effective advertisement Advantages of advertising Limitation of advertising Publicity Important terms I. Characteristics of advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Impersonal The idea is to promote goods or services Sponsorship Paid form of communication Facilitates consumer choice Element of creativity II. Objectives of advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction of new product Increase in sale Maintaining existing buyers Create and enhance goodwill of the firm Remind consumer Convince consumer Create and enhance brand image Help in personal selling five Ms of advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission Money Message Media Measurement III. Types of advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Classified advertisement Decorative advertisement Financial advertisement Informative advertisement Authenticated advertisement Pannel advertisement Souvenir advertisement National advertisement Cooperative advertisement Contract advertisement IV. Classification of advertisement on the basis of stages 1. Pioneering stage 2. Competitive stage 3. Retentive stage V. Functions of Advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Promote sale Introduce new products Stimulate research and development Educate people Provides source of revenue to press Builds reputation advertiser VI. Media of Advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Press Advertising Outdoor advertising Direct mail advertising Electronic advertising Entertaining advertising Point of purchase advertising Modern advertising 1.Press Advertising 1. Newspaper advertising 2. Magazine advertising 2.Outdoor advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Banners Posters Hoarding Sky advertising Bus advertising Train advertising Tram advertising Electric display Advertising board Sticker advertising Hoarding Sky advertising Bus advertising Train advertising Tram advertising Electric display Advertising board Sticker advertising 3. Direct mail advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Post card Booklets Folders Sales letter Price list Circular Catalogue Personal letters Monthly magazines Leaflets(flyer) 4.Electronic advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radio Television Cinema Video Cassette Cinema slide Film Loudspeaker 5. Entertaining advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. Drama Music programmes Exhibitions Educational Programme 6. Point of purchase advertising 1. Window display 2. Counter display 7. Modern advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Satisfied customers Past customers E-Commerce E-Mails Mobile Internet(Digital Marketing) VII. Factors taken into consideration while selecting the advertising media 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nature of product Objectives of marketing Nature of market Life of advertisement Type of audience Financial consideration Circulation of media VIII. Principles of Effective advertisement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attract the people Suggest something Should aim at educate people Create need for the product People remember IX. Advantages of advertising 1. Benefits Consumers 2. Benefits Manufacturer 3. Benefits society X. Limitations of Advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adds cost Undermines social values Creation of monopoly(exclusive possession ) Encourages sale of inferior(lower in rank) products May not increase overall demand XI. Publicity - mass medium Characteristics of publicity - third person involve - need not bear expense - communicate greater no of people - no possibility of repetition XII. Important Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. Surrogate Advertising Industrial Advertising Sandwich board Advertising frequency world top 3 adagency 1. Y& R (Young & Rubicam) Brands - Newyork 6500 people in 186 offices in 90 countries, all on a mission to resist the usual for our clients. 2. McCANN world group - US McCann is a global advertising agency network, with offices in 120 countries - US 3. Dentsu - Tokyo Dentsu Inc. is an International advertising and publi c relations company whose headquarters are locate d in the Dentsu Building in the Tokyo India top 5 adagency 1. Ogilvy and Mather With its presence in over 100 countries . most successful and renowned bra nds such as utch (Vodafone), Cadbury, Asian Paints and Fevicol. 2. Mudra Communications renowned brands like McDonalds, Tourism Australia, Colgate and PolicyBaza ar.com. 3. JWT It is behind many famous ad campaigns like Listerine, Good night, and Teac h for India. 4. McCann Erickson India Its holds the account of some famous brands like MasterCard, Coca Cola, a nd Greenlam Laminates. 5. Lowe Lintas responsible for ad campaigns like Idea, ICICI Prudential and Tata Tea. 11. Personal Selling - salesperson customer I. Steps in PS II. Characteristics of PS III. Significance of PS IV. Qualities of Good salesperson I. steps in Personal Selling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prospecting and Qualifying Pre-Approach Approach Presentation Handling Objections Closing the sale Follow up II. Characteristics of Personal Selling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oral presentation Two way communication Creative activity Involve personal relationship relationship marketing III. Significance of Personal Selling 1. Benefits the consumer 2. Benefits the business 3. Benefits the society DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Personal Selling & ADVERTISING IV. Qualities of Good salesperson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Impressive Personality Good Behaviour Ability to communicate and persuade Persistence Mental qualities Knowledge of the product and the company 12. Sales Promotion I. Objectives & Importance of promotion II. Promotion Mix III. Sales Promotion I. Objectives & Importance of promotion Objectives of promotion - introduce new product - compete with competitor’s product - improve the company/brand image - increase sales Importance of promotion - boost sales - encourage people to try, buy a product II. Promotion Mix 1. Elements of PM - advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, social media, direct marketing 2. Factors affecting PM - budget, stages in PLC, type of product, consumers preference, competitors. III. Sales Promotion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Objectives of SP - Informative to customers - persuades customers - increase in sales volume - incentive to retailers - create product identity Characteristics of SP - Attractiveness, fit to product category, reception delay, value Importance of SP Elements of SP Merits and Demerits of SP 13. Branding, Packaging & Labeling I. Branding 1. Importance of Branding 2. Functions of Branding 3. Advantages of Branding 4. Types of Brand 5. Brand Name 1. Importance of Branding Creating difference between products Create mental structure Physical goods : pears, lux Service : VIT,SRM,ICICI Place : Goa, Kerala 2. Functions of Branding Helps product identification Indirectly denote quality Ensure legal right Help price differentiation 3.Advantages of Branding A. To the Manufacturer B. To the Consumers C. To the Distributors 4. Types of Brand A. Manufacturer Brand - National, Regional, Advertising, Family Brands, Individual Brand A. Distributors Brand - Private, Store, Dealer, House 5. Brand Name A. Characteristics of a Good Brand Name - easy to pronounce, read, understand, remember, B. Brand Awareness C. Brand Mark D. Brand Cover E. Brand Loyalty F. Brand Equity G. Trademark H. Logo 2. Packaging - Enclosing or protecting products 1. Types of packaging - Primary, secondary, teritrary ,family, reuse, multiple 2. Characteristics of packaging 3. Importance of packaging 3. Labelling 1.Types of Labels Brand, Grade, Descriptive 2. Functions of Labelling 14. Marketing Research I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. - systematic gathering, recording, and analysing of data. Characteristics of MR Elements of MR Types of MR Methods of MR Steps in MR Needs of MR Limitation of MR I. Characteristics of MR - prodcut, packaging, sales - scientific method to solving problem - important to decision making - component of MIS - reduce the gap between producer and consumer II. Elements of MR - Research of Market, sales, product, packaging, advertising, business economic, export marketing III. Methods of MR - product analysis market analysis Distribution analysis Competitions analysis consumer research Sales analysis Motivational research IV. Methods of MR A. Questionnaire method B. Experimental method C. Observation method V. Steps in MR Define the problem and objectives Analysis of problem Determine the information needed Determine source of information Decide research methodology Analyse and interpret data Prepare the report Follow up the study V. Needs of MR To start production of new product Provides in deciding marketing policies, strategies and programme Helps to select CoD Helping sales forecasts VI. Limitation of MR Heavy expenditure adopt only large industry Sufficient time Based on research scholar If research scholar biased. 15. Consumer Protection I. Consuemr Protection Act(CPA), 1986 II. Rights to Consumers III. MRTP ACT – Monopolies(exclusive control) and Restrictive Trade Practices Act II.Rights to Consumers Rights to safety Rights to be informed Rights to choose Rights to be heard Rights to seek redressal ( management- and gover nance-related process) Rights to consumer education 16. Modern Marketing System I. Fields of MMS II. Functions of MMS III. Various MMS IV. Type of E-commerce V. Global marketing VI. Service marketing VII. Bank marketing I. Fields of MMS Traditional Fields Modern Fields Newly Developing Fields II.Functions of MMS Understand the nature of service Understand the customer and his expectations Promotion To decide price Organise delivery system III. Various MMS Mobile banking Cyber markting CRM(customer relationship Management) Green Marketing E -Commerce IV. Type of E-commerce B2B B2C C2B C2C V. Global marketing B2B B2C C2B C2C