Fixed Asset Policy September 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Definition Criteria Authorisations Procedures Accountabilities Other Related Policies 1. Definition In accordance with NZ Accounting Standards, fixed assets are defined as assets that are non-current, tangible assets of the Company. Fixed or non-current assets are those which have an intended useful life of more than 12 months from the date which the asset is available for use. The values of these assets are recorded at cost price (exclusive of GST). Cost price includes the purchase price of assets and all related costs that are necessary in order to bring the asset into working condition and available for its intended use. Such costs would include duties, commissions, legal fees, surveying, architectural and engineering fees, freight and installation costs. 2. Criteria In making the assessment of whether the asset will be capitalised (versus an item of operating expenditure), the Manager Business Services together with the Manager Aeronautical & Infrastructure will apply the following tests The transaction results in increased service potential or a future commercial benefit to the Company; Accounting definition of a fixed asset; Nature and context of the transaction; Where the transaction relates to a component of an existing asset, the transaction will result in increased economic benefit to PNAL and is not purely a reinstatement of that component. (one exception being technological changes extending the life of the asset); The collective ‘cost price’ value of the transaction totals over $500.00 (excluding GST). 3. 4. Authorisations 3.1 Purchases of fixed asset items will be made with approvals in accordance with the PNAL’s Delegations policy as recorded in the Policy Register. Any purchases outside the delegated authorities will be referred for approval by the Board. 3.2 Capital Goods and Services exceeding $100,000 must also have a Business Case presented to the Board with a full justification of the proposed procurement. Included in the Business Case will be an infrastructure analysis, including risk analysis and a cost benefit analysis. Where possible a minimum of three written quotes along with a recommendation of supplier for the Board to consider. Procedures 4.1 Approved purchases of fixed asset items are made through PNAL’s purchase order system. The corresponding invoice is authorised and passed to the Manager Business Services for allocation to the General Ledger system. 4.2 All purchasing of goods and services must also comply with PNAL’s Procurement Policy. 4.3 The Manager Business Services completes a reconciliation of the General Ledger accounts (Fixed Assets/Assets under construction (WiP)/ Accumulated Depreciation) to PNAL’s Fixed Asset Register on a monthly basis. 4.4 Capital Goods & Services exceeding $100,000 must also have a Business Case presented to the Board with a full justification of the proposed procurement. Included in the Business Case will be an infrastructure analysis, including risk analysis and a cost benefit analysis. Where possible a minimum of three written quotes along with a recommendation of supplier for the Board to consider. Additions/Improvements or Disposals within PNAL’s Fixed Asset Register are actioned by the Manager Business Services upon the receipt of the following documentation: -Completed Fixed Asset Maintenance Form, and -Copy of supporting documentation eg. supplier invoice, 4.5 An updated Capital Expenditure Summary report is completed by the Manager Business Services and included in the Financial Reports that are presented to the Board every month. 4.6 Fixed Asset Reviews & Physical Stocktake A physical stock-take of the Company’s assets is completed by the Manager Business Services & Manager Aeronautical & Infrastructure on an annual basis, nearing the completion of the Company’s financial year end date. The Manager Aeronautical & Infrastructure and Manager Business Services are also to complete a review of the Accounting Fixed Asset Register, assessing the appropriateness of the remaining useful lives of each asset. Any changes are approved by the Chief Executive on recommendation from the review. The Manager Business Services will action any necessary adjustments in the Accounting or Tax Fixed Asset Register (adjustment to the rate of depreciation or expiry of the asset) and ensure the financial effect of the reassessment is recorded for the purpose of disclosure in the Annual Report. 4.7 Asset Write-Offs: Removal of fixed asset items from PNAL’s Fixed Asset register are firstly notified to the Chief Executive for authorisation and are actioned by the Manager Business Services upon the receipt of the following documentation : -completed Fixed Asset Maintenance Form, and -any relevant information supporting the asset write-off. 5. 6. Accountabilities 5.1 The Manager Aeronautical & Infrastructure shall be responsible for the physical working condition and maintenance of PNAL’s fixed assets. The Manager Aeronautical & Infrastructure will ensure that any incident or changes to the assets that will have a financial impact on the Company’s Fixed Asset Register are reported to the Manager Business Services in a timely manner. 5.2 The Manager Business Services shall be responsible for operating and maintaining the Company’s Fixed Asset Register (VIA system). The Manager Business Services will ensure that all updates and system backups are completed in accordance with the Company’s ‘Computer network’ policy. 5.3 The Manager Aeronautical and Infrastructure is responsible for implementing and managing a ten-year high level asset plan that incorporates all components of the asset register including airside items and non-airside items. This will be reviewed on an annual basis in order that the assets are maintained and the cost for replacement or maintenance is factored into the annual budget. Other Related Policies Delegations Policy Finance and Treasury Policy Procurement Policy Computer & Networks Policy Handling of Tenders Independent Contractor This policy was approved by the Board in September 2013 and is scheduled to be reviewed by the Board no later than September 2015. FIXED ASSET MAINTENANCE FORM ASSET I.D. NUMBER: Transaction Type: Addition Improvement Sale Write Off Asset Description: ( details / make / model) Quantity : Supplier: (attach a copy of original invoice to this form) Date of purchase/disposal: Value: $ / / (excl GST) Estimated Useful Life: (years) Company Depreciation rate: % Taxation Depreciation rate: % Asset Location: Authorised Signature: Name & position: