Structure and Function of the Nervous System

Name ____________________________ Date _______________ Block ____
1) What are the 3 main functions of the nervous system?
a) _______________________________________________________
b) _______________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________
2) What other system does the nervous system work with to regulate the body?
Organization of the Nervous System
3) The nervous system is divided into two classifications. What are these two classification systems
based upon?
4) What are the two subdivisions of the structural classification?
5) What organs make up the central nervous system? What is their job?
a) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) What are the major organs that make up the peripheral nervous system? What is there job?
a) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) What are the two subdivisions of the functional classification?
8) What is the purpose of the sensory division of nerves?
9) What organs do somatic sensory(afferent) fibers deliver impulses from?
10)What do the motor division of nerves do? What is their function?
11) The motor division breaks up into two subdivisions, the somatic nervous system and the autonomic
nervous system. What is the function of the somatic nervous system?
12)The motor division breaks up into two subdivisions, the somatic nervous system and the autonomic
nervous system. What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
Structure and Function of the Nervous System
13)What are the two principal cell types of the nervous system?
14)What are neuroglia? What is their function?
15) Complete the following chart.
Type of Neuroglia
Name ____________________________ Date _______________ Block ____
1) What is the main job of the neuron?
2) What two things do all neurons have in common?
a. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) Which type of neuron process conducts electrical currents away from the cell body?
4) Which type of neuron process conducts electrical currents toward from the cell body?
5) How many dendrites and axons does each neuron have?
6) What is a collateral branch?
7) How many axonal terminals will a neuron have?
8) How do axonal terminals communicate with the body?
9) How often do neurons join and touch each other?
10)What is myelin? What is it’s job?
11)What is a Schwann cell? Where is it found? What does it do?
12)What is the difference between neurillemma and myelin sheath?
13)What is the difference between Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes?
14)What is one very important thing that, with the help of the neurillemma, peripheral nerves can do
that the CNS can not do?
15)What is an example that demonstrates why myelin sheaths are so important?
16)What are scleroses? What happens as a result of these scleroses?
17)Why is it so important for the CNS neurons to be well protected inside the skull or vertebral
18)What are the two different names for groups or cluster of neurons?
a. CNS name __________________________
b. PNS name __________________________
19)What are the two different names for bundles of nerve fibers?
a. CNS name __________________________
b. PNS name __________________________
20)What is the difference between white matter and gray matter?
a. White matter
b. Gray matter
Functional Classification
21)How are functionally classified neurons grouped?
22)Where are sensory neurons found? What is their job?
23)What are some specific types of sensory receptors?
a. ________________________________________ location ___________________________
b. ________________________________________ location ___________________________
c. ________________________________________ location ___________________________
d. ________________________________________ location ___________________________
e. ________________________________________ location ___________________________