
Current status of ESCORENA Network
Regional Workshop on the "Development of Thematic
Knowledge Networks„ in the framework of "Coherence in
Information for Agricultural Research for Development"
(CIARD), 12-15 April 2011, Budapest - Hungary.
Prof. Dr. Ryszard KOZŁOWSKI, M.Sc.Maria MackiewiczTalarczyk, Dr. Jorge Barriga-Bedoya
FAO/ESCORENA – Coordination Center and ESCORENA Focal Point
The ESCORENA system under the
FAO auspices
Main objectives of the
Basic purpose and main objectives of the
ESCORENA system, namely to:
• promote voluntary exchange of information and
experimental data on selected subject matters;
• support joint applied research
• facilitate voluntary exchange of persons,
germplasm and technologies;
• establish close links between European
researchers and institutions working on the same
subject and to stimulate interaction;
• accelerate the transfer of European technology
advances to, and cooperation with, developing
FAO auspices
acts under the FAO auspices,
• by the Regional Office for
Europe in Rome, Italy from 1974
to 2007
• by the Regional Office for
Europe and Central Asia in
Budapest, Hungary from end of
ESCORENA management
ESCORENA management from 2008
Information management by
Mr. Michal Demeš (from Sloval Rep.),
Information and Knowledge
Management Officer of the FAO
Regional Office for Europe and Central
Asia (REUT), Budapest, Hungary
Scientific management since 1 April 2008
• Ms. Nevena Alexandrova (from Bulgaria),
Agricultural Research and
Biotechnology Officer at REU
Structure of ESCORENA Focal Point at the
Institute of Natural Fibres & Medicinal Plants,
Poznan, Poland
Prof. Dr. Ryszard Michal Kozlowski
ESCORENA system Focal Point
(Since IV/2008) with a help of:
• ESCORENA Secretary- Mrs. Maria
• web support provided by Dr. Jorge
The 19 ESCORENA Networks, which are
active in 2011 (in alphabetic order):
Agromarketing -coordinated by Belarus- Dr. Olga
Apricot Network -coordinated by Armenia- Prof.
Ara Hovhannisyan
Buffalo Network- coordinated by Italy – Prof.
Antonio Borghese
CENTAUR- Biomedical Technology, Epidemiology
and Food Safety Network- coordinated by Profesor
Karel Hruska Czech Rep. & Dr. Chris
Wojciechowski, Poland
Cotton Network (Inter-regional) coordinated by
Greece – Prof. Oktay Gencer, Turkey
FAW- Farm Animal Welfare Network, coordinated
by Dr.Rasto Kolesar, of Slovak Republic (World
Society for the Protection of Animals).
Flax and other Bast Plants Network- coordinated
by Poland- Prof. Ryszard M. Kozłowski
Museum- Network of Museums in Agriculture
within International Association of Agricultural
Museums (AIMA)
NACEE - Network of Aquaculture Centres in CEE –
coordinated by Prof. László Váradi and Dr. Peter
Lengyel, General secretary of NACEE, Hungary
NCDN-CEE. Thematic Knowledge Network Central
and Eastern Europe Capacity Development in
Nutrition -coordinated by Serbia: CHAIR Mirjana
Gurinovic, Maria Glibetic, Fre Pepping
(Netherlands), Marija Ranic (IT)
Nut Network - coordinated by Spain- Dr. Merce
Olives Network- coordinated by Spain: team - Luis
Rallo, Juan M. Caballero, Lorenzo León
Organic Edunet - coordinated by Greece
Pastures & Fodders Network- coordinated by
Belgium- Dr. Alain Peeters
RAMIRAN Network- Research Network on Recycling
of Agricultural and Industrial Residues in
Agriculture-coordinated by Dr. Tom Misselbrook -UK,
and Jan Venglovsky, Slovak Republic
Rice Interregional Network, coordinated by Dr Aldo
Ferrero, Italy
Sheep and Goats Network- coordinated by FranceProf. Pierre Mohrand-Fehr (supported by Dr.
Hichem Ben Salem from Tunisia)
Sunflower Network- coordinated by Serbia- team of
IFVCNS: Dr. Sinisa Jocic & Dr. Dragana Miladinovic
and Dr. Yalcin KAYA (Turkey)
SREN- Sustainable Rural Environment and Energy
Network (SREN) – coordinated by Germany- Dr. J.M.
Greef with a help of Dr. Thomas Lewis and Ms.
Magdalena Chudy (Austria)
ESCORENA networks issue the following
• a scientific refereed journal, Helia, published by
the Sunflower Network?
• network journals (Herba and Olea) published by
the Pastures and Fodder Crops and Olive Networks
• newsletters: Buffalo, Euroflax and Journal of Natural
Fibers – of the Flax and other Bast Plants Network,
Medoryzae, Nucis and Sheep and Goat.
Scientific Bulletin of ESCORENA
Scientific Bulletin of ESCORENA
• The first issue –volume 1 was published in 2009
in June as a special issue of the conference of
Flax and other Bast Plants Network in Arad,
• Published as a book with ISSN, by the printing
house of the University of Arad (words of
gratitude to Prof. Dr. Cecilia Sirghie)
• Scientific Bulletin of ESCORENA, Volume 2,
December 2010, published as a book, printing as
well by house of the University of Arad, linked to
ESCORENA Website. Relevant link:
Contribution expected from the Networks
• Submission of one-two articles a year
• Submission and regular update of distribution
• Cooperation in the preparation and update of
distribution list of libraries and information
• Insert cross reference to the Bulletin in their
Network Portal.
What is the contribution of the Secretariat?
• Design the template for the bulletin
• Edit the volumes and publish the articles
• Prepare a short editorial for each volumes and share it for
• Approach the network coordinators for submissions
• Request the networks to update distribution lists
• Distribute the information to the list about the new
volumes .
• Highlight the Bulletin on the website and report about new
volumes in the News section
Editorial Board of the Scientific Bulletin
of ESCORENA, Vol.1
Prof. Dr. R. M. Kozlowski, Coordinator of: ESCORENA Focal Point
and FAO/ESCORENA European Cooperative Research Network on
Flax and other Bast Plants
Assist. Prof. Dr. C. Sirghie, University „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad,
Romania, Deputy Coordinator of Flax &.o.B.P. Network
Eng. M. Mackiewicz-Talarczyk, Network and ESCORENA Secretary
Mr. M. Demes, FAO REUT, Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr. V. Tabara, U.S.A.M.V. , Timisoara, Romania
Prof. Dr. L.Mihut, Rector „Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad, Romania
and the staff of this University: Prof. Dr. M. D. Stanescu, Prof. Dr.
M. Ponta, Associate Prof. Dr. Radu Dana Gina, Associate Prof. Dr.
D. Chambre, Associate Prof. Dr C. Ionescu, and Prof. Dr. C. Iditoiu,
Prof. Dr. R. M. Kozlowski, ESCORENA focal point, Institute for
Engineering of Polymers Materials and Dyes, Poland
Senior Researcher Dr. Eng. Cecilia Sirghie, RDI Institute in Natural and
Technical Sciences of “Aurel Vlaicu” University Arad, Romania
Prof. Dr. Valentin Popa, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Mr. Michal DEMEŠ, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
(REUT), Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Marcel Popa, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,
Senior Researcher Dr. Eng. Botar Alexandru, RDI Institute in Natural
and Technical Sciences of “Aurel Vlaicu” University Arad, Romania
Prof. Dr. Aurelia Meghea, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Eng. M. Mackiewicz –Talarczyk, Network and ESCORENA Secretary
Prof. Dr. R. M. Kozlowski, ESCORENA focal point, Institute for
Engineering of Polymers Materials and Dyes, Poland
Senior Researcher Dr. Eng. Cecilia Sirghie, RDI Institute in Natural and
Technical Sciences of “Aurel Vlaicu” University Arad, Romania
Eng. M. Mackiewicz –Talarczyk, Network and ESCORENA Secretary.
Mr. Michal DEMEŠ, Information and Knowledge Management Officer,
FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REUT), Budapest,
Associate professor Dr. Radu Dana Gina - “Aurel Vlaicu” University –
Arad - Romania
Associate professor Dr. Dorina Chambre - “Aurel Vlaicu” University –
Arad -Romania
Associate professor Dr. Claudiu Ionescu – “Aurel Vlaicu” University –
Arad – Romania
ESCORENA vol. 1/VI.2009
Vol. 1
Was a special issue of the FAO/ESCOORENA
Conference of the European Cooperative
Research Network on Flax and other Bast Plants,
held in June 2009, Arad, Romania
Printed with the financial support derived from the
project: POS-CCE 210/2010: Acronim
„BASTEURES”: “Bast Plants- Strategic Resources
for European Economy”, led by the “Aurel Vlaicu”
and Prof. Dr. R.M. Kozlowski
OF ESCORENA, Vol.2, Dec. 2010
Preface - Prof. Dr. Ryszard Michal Kozlowski, ESCORENA Focal Point Coordinator
ESCORENA-history and objectives. R. Kozlowski et al.
Part I: presentations of the activities of the ESCORENA Networks:
Agromarketing Network
Apricot Network
Buffalo Network
CENTAUR-Biomedical Technology, Epidemiology and Food Safety Global Network
Cotton Network
Flax and other Bast Plants Network
NCDN-Capacity Development in Nutrition.
Thematic Knowledge Network Central and Eastern Europe
Nut Network
Olives Network
Organic Edunet
Pastures & Fodders Network
RAMIRAN (Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in
Sonolysis Of Denilite Laccase: Effects On Enzymatic Activity:
Florentina-Daniela Munteanu, Mihaela Dochia, Cecilia Sirghie
Obtaining flax lignans or nutraceuticals for functional food purposes (Literature
Andreea Pag, Cristian Moisa, Dana Gina Radu, Cecilia Sirghie
Obtaining bast plants oils with specific nutritional and functional properties (Literature
Cristian Moisa, Andreea Pag, Dana Gina Radu, Cecilia Sirghie
Raw Materials Characteristics of Fibre Plants in Europe. Cotton: Prof. Dr. Ryszard M.
Dr. Zbigniew Roskwitalski, Dr. Andrzej Drozdz, Eng. Maria Mackiewicz-Talarczyk
The Networks within ESCORENA (19). State-of–art in December 2010
The new members of the Editorial Board
All the ESCORENA Networks Coordinators had
been invited to act as the members of the
editorial board of the Scientific Bulletin of
ESCORENA –most the replies are positive.
Expected inputs: to review the relevant scientific
and survey papers and help to decide about the
content and advice future submissions.
Results obtained by
Particular results were obtained in:
the joint research programmes, e.g. joint application
to EC for a project: REFARM with ESCORENA
Networks involvement. „Strategies for Mixed and
Resilient Farming to Secure Food, Feed and Energy
Production in Europe”
exchange of germplasm,
collection, conservation and utilisation of plant
genetic resources,
sustainable management of natural resources,
Results obtained by ESCORENA2
diversification of agricultural production (e.g. use
of marginal lands for non-food agricultural
production, such as flax and industrial hemp in
industrially polluted areas)
the development of sustainable production
systems for improvements in rural areas
distribution of publications to institutions and
individual researchers from developing countries
in Latin America and Asia.
the broader involvement of local researchers in
international cooperation, particularly if a
selected topic was of relevance to the host
International Year of Natural
Fibres 2009
The celebrations proclaimed by UN and FAO.
Aim was: to raise awareness of natural fibres,
• to promote efficiency and sustainability of
the natural fibres,
• to foster an effective international
partnership among the various natural fibres
The continuation of the ideas of the
International Year of Natural Fibres is
conducted by the Discover Natural Fibres
Initiative, which are run by joint bodies:
1. International Wool Textile OrganisationDr. Henrik Kuffner, helped by Elisabeth van
Delden-present at our meeting,
2. Mr.Terry Townsend (Cotton ICAC
Executive Director). The DNFI presented a
Project Proposal Brief for Discover Natural
Fibres Initiative – Website)
The proposals of the ESCORENA development
• Further inclusion of new, active thematic Networks
• Efforts toward applying/conducting joint research
projects, e.g. COST Action programs
• Up-date of the content of the Networks websites
and the contacts
• Utilization of modern tools for administration
and development of website and interpersonal
communication (e.g. electronic conferences)
• Joint efforts towards better visibility of the ESCORENA
• Continuous contribution by all Networks to the contents
and publication of the SCIENTIFIC Bulletin of ESCORENA
• ESCORENA poster for promotion at exhibitions, meetings etc.
• Contributions to the development of Discover Natural
Fibre Initiative (fibre oriented Networks)
Purpose Network check list -the form proposed by Mr. Stephan
Rudgard, FAO, Rome, Italy, for Workshop in IV/2008, Poznan,
ESCORENA Network Checklist
This Checklist can help you to outline the nature and purpose of your network. Some questions may be relevant
to your situation, some may not. Please feel free to add any particular context that is missing. This Checklist
could help you to start thinking about implications and/or challenges that could affect your network, as well as
possible solutions.
Name/Topic of Network:
1. Purpose/Outcome
What is the desired purpose and outcome of the network?
Does your group have a vision/purpose that you can communicate to potential members? Please write it down
Are there specific desired outcomes? Please describe them.
Are the benefits of participation measurable and visible to members and potential members? Please describe
Is the outcome determined by the organizer? …by group members? …by both? How are these outcomes
Can any or all of the group’s purpose be accomplished online? Would that replace something offline? Or would
some combination be better?
2. Target Membership
How would you describe members/participants of the network?
How many people are there in the network now? Do you have a sense of how your
network could expand if there is greater interest?
Do you want to work simply with an existing pool of participants? Or do you want to
draw in new people? Where might you find potential new participants?
Are there any subgroups in the network? Is so, on what topics?
Do you want your community to be public or private? If private, what and who
determines eligibility?
Motivation and Interest
• How motivated are your participants
to participate? What benefits would
they derive?
• Is this part of their job, or in addition
to their job?
• How much time would they be
prepared to spend on network
3. Type of Member Interactions
What kinds of interactions between network members exist now and could be
In case you would know, how many members in your network currently know each
other personally?
Is there any exchange of information such as documents or other content?
Are there any face-to-face meetings of network members? If so, how often?
Are there ongoing discussions?
Is the network conducting any learning activities?
Does the network itself generate any information/knowledge? If so, where could that
information be stored so that it is accessible?
Does the network have a need for a web-based interaction space? (Remember: just
putting up an online space does not guarantee anyone will come participate in it!)
4. Technological Issues
Do network participants have Internet access available at all times; are there
any limitations?
What is the expected level of comfort and skill of the participants in using webbased systems/tools?
Does your network already have a web-based platform for collaboration or
During the Workshop in Poznan, IV.2008 we have got filled –in
questionnaires from Networks: Buffalo, Flax &o.B.P., Nut, Olives,
Pastures and Fodders, RAMIRAN, Sheep & Goat, Sunflower.
Those forms could be up-dated.
I propose that the other Networks will fill-in this questionnaire and
share with all the Networks and submit for the analyse by FAO
and ESCORENA Focal Point.
Dear delegates!
If you have any ideas how to contribute towards
more active and efficient ESCORENA
Networks, please, give us your proposals!!!
On behalf of ESCORENA Focal point and all
participants of this Workshop we like to
express our deep thanks to Mr. Michal Demes,
Ms. Nevena Alexandrova, Mr. Laszlo Papoci,
Ms. Ildiko Pocza and all who helped in the
organization of this very important meeting.
Thank you for your attention!!