Weather Brochure Final Lesson Plan

Weather Brochure
Author(s): Melanie Wray
Overall Goal for the Lesson: Students will be able to research and explain weather hazards
and safety tips.
Student Objective(s) for the Lesson (Given a condition, the students will, to what level):
Using a computer, students will be able to create a brochure on Oklahoma weather with at
least ten facts about weather and ten safety tips.
Assessments: (Make sure each objective is paired to an assessment measure that allows
students to show they met the criteria).
Students will have time to share their brochures with the class. The teacher will collect the final
project and check for the presence and accuracy of the ten weather facts and ten safety tips
as well as proper use of grammar and technology.
Description of classroom, grade level, and students:
3rd Grade class of 20 students
1 student has a visual impairment
1 student has ADD
Prior Knowledge of Subject (What do the students already know, if anything, in this subject
Students have experience in local weather and know safety tips used at home and discussed
in class.
Students will have previous experience working with Microsoft Word and Publisher. Students
know how to search for and use templates.
Length of Lesson: (minutes, number of class periods, or days or weeks needed).
Five class periods, 45 minutes a day.
CC Standard(s) Addressed:
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information
Conventions of Standard- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
ISTE Standard(s) Addressed:
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology. Students:
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
Schedule of Activities: (Break down your activity into a timeline of events. Focus on what
students will be doing and what teachers will be doing during each part of the activity.)
Monday- Teacher will introduce activity. Students will have time to use computers and
textbooks to research facts and tips. Students may work individually or in pairs to do research.
Tuesday- Students will research on computers and in textbooks for facts and tips.
Wednesday- Students will plan their brochures on a piece of paper. Teacher will quickly review
how to use Publisher and how to use templates. When students finish their plan, they can work
on the computer. Students will create a brochure individually.
Thursday-Students will have time to work on the computers creating their brochure.
Friday- Students will have time to work on the computers creating their brochure. At the end
students will leave out brochures for a walking tour.
(All of these can be moved up or back based on individual student needs)
Accommodations: (How might the lesson need to be adapted for students with special
Allow student with visual impairment to use large fonts
Allow student with ADD to take a break and walk around the room as needed
App to be used for lesson (if applicable):
No apps used in this lesson. May use computer programs like Publisher or Word.
Materials Needed:
Computer with internet for research and examples
Textbooks for research (this will be the current science textbooks used in class)
Computer with Publisher or Word for creating