May 13 Final Project of MacroEconomi cs Investment Macroeconomics 201 3 M UMAR SADIQ 13733 Page 1 Introduction…………………………………………………1 Factor affecting investment…………………………………2 Availability of finance Interest rate Expected rate of return Determinants………………………………………………..3 Profit expectation. Real interest rate Type of Investment………………………………………….6 Autonomous and induce investment Actual investment Planned investment Un planned Investment Real Investment Net Investment Financial Investment Gross Domestic Investment Investment Demand………………………………………..10 Conclusion……………………………………………………...15 References……………………………………….15 Macroeconomics Page 2 Macroeconomics Page 3 Introduction Definition Investment is defined as any use of resources intended to increase future production output or income. Some time investment in terms of economics is defined as anything increases firms production or investment is the addition to the existing Capital stock. Example Machinery, factory. Or Investment is an expenditure on capital good which are expected to yield profits in the future it has two elements The purchased of new capital such as equipment and factories Macroeconomics Page 4 Factor affecting investment: 1) Availability of finance: The level of investment in an economy highly depend on availability of finance which in turn effected by the level of saving there for high MPS will lead to more investment and low MPS to low ,level of investment in an economy 2) Interest rate: Investment is negatively related to interest rate because; high interest rate means more savings and less borrowing. Therefore the level of investment falls with increase in interest rate and vice versa. 3) Expected rate of return: It depends on the following, The initial cost of capital goods, Expected cost. Expected revenues. Expected productivity If the expected rate of return is greater than the cost of borrowing (interest rate) then the firm will invest. If the expected rate of return is less than the cost of borrowing then the firm will not invest Macroeconomics Page 5 Determinants Two determinants of investment. a) Profit expectation. b) Real interest rate Profit expectation: Firms take investment in the expectation of earning more profit. They cannot know how much profit they earn. So they use forecasts of revenues and costs to decide on an appropriate level of investment. It is their expected rate of return that actually determines their level of investment. Many factors effect profit expectations. By this the change of investment happens. If the firm entering in the market, the following factors effect profit expectation return: 1) Political change 2) New rules/ laws 3) Subsidies from government And overall economics are measured by GDP To calculate the profit expectation we use the formula: Profit/Cost x 100 Macroeconomics Page 6 Real interest rate Real interest rate is the cost of investment if the firm uses borrowed funds it has to pay interest and increase the firm uses. Its own fund includes oppournity cost in the form of interest forgone. To calculate the real interest rate in economics we use the formula Real I = Nominal – Rate of inflation Example Suppose the nominal GPD is 21% and Rate of inflation is 12% now calculate Real interest Rate? Solution Real I= Nominal – Rate of Inflation = 21- 12 = 9% From this example the real interest rate is 9%. Expected rate of return Re>i Re=i Re<i Macroeconomics Page 7 Example Suppose a firm invest $11oo in business by buying a new machine. The firm expect its total revenue (TR) will increase by $1200. Given interest rate as 7% should this firm by the new machine? Solution Total cost=1100 Total revenue=1200 Interest= 7% Profit= TR-TC = 1200-1100 = $100 Re= profit/cost x 100 = 100/1100 x 100 =9.09% From this example its shows Re>i===>9.09>7. So the firm should buy the new machine because profit expectation is greater than interest rate. This is ideal situation for any firm to invest. Macroeconomics Page 8 Types of investment: Macroeconomics Page 9 a) Autonomous and induce investment: Is an investment that is not related to level of national income whereas induce investment change with the level of investment b) Actual investment: Is the level which has accrued at the end of the period. c) Planned investment: Is the level of investment which firm intent to undertake at the beginning of the period. Investment which remains fixed and doesn’t change with the GDP level is called planned investment. Macroeconomics Page 10 Explanation of planned investment graph: In this graph the planned investment is fixed as 20% although the GDP is increased by 100 in an economy. But the investment is same as 20 so this is called planned investment in an economy. d) Un planned Investment Investment done without any planning is called unplanned investment. In this type investor make investment randomly without any plane. Also investor may not consisdor the objective while making any investment decision. e) Real Investment Investment made in new plant and equipment. Construction of public utilities like School, Roads and Railways Etc. is consisder as Real investment In this investment new toos and new purchased factories are include. Increase imployment production in the national and economic growth is occurred by it, Thus real investment has direct impact on employment generation economic growth. f) Net Investment In this investment less capital consumption during a period of time usually a year. It must be noted a part of investment is ment for depraction of the capital assets or for replanning. g) Financial Investment Investment made in buying financial instrutments. Such as new shares securities etc is consisder as financial. Macroeconomics Page 11 h) Gross Domestic Investment Public Investment Private Investment i) Gross Domestic Investment Additions of capital stock in a country that does not include deduction for depreciation of capital that may have been produce previously The sum of gross private domestic fixed investment, the change in private inventories, and government gross investment. Gross domestic investment is the measure of investment used in GDP formula. GDI provides an indicator of the future productive capacity of the economy for GDP. It includes replacement purchases and additions to capital assets plus investments in inventories. It usually amounts to between 10 and 20 percent of GDP. Gross domestic investment includes 3 types of investment including: Non residential investment Residential Investment Change in inventories Non residential investment: Expenditures by firms for machines and tools. Residential Investment: Expenditures by households and firms on apartments, buildings, and factories. Macroeconomics Page 12 Change in inventories: The change of inventories in a given period. Public Investment A bond is a debt investment in which an investor loans a certain amount of money, for a certain amount of time, with a certain interest.. Investment demand Investment demand is the amount of investment demand by an economy at various expected rate of firm. Profit Expectation 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Macroeconomics Cumulative amount of Investment 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Page 13 Graph: Real interest = 10 % Determines of investment demand: Investment factor are Operating, maintenance, raw material cost. Business taxes. Technology. Business environment / expectation. Legal formwork to start business. Economics / political outlook. Macroeconomics Page 14 This factor may affect the shifts of investment demand curve that’s shifts like id to id1 . 1. Operating maintenance raw material cost Sub↑→ re↑→id↑ to id1 2. Business taxes. T↑→re↓→id1↓ to id2 Macroeconomics Page 15 3. 4. 5. 6. Business environment / expectation. Technology. Legal formwork to start business. Economics / political outlook. Macroeconomics Page 16 Conclusion: In this project of investment we can explain investment types of investment and determents that effect investment. We can explain the types such as NET , PLANNED , ACTUAL ,and some other including gross investment ,we can discuss investment demand , and their graphs also history of investment in introduction. References: 1) Colin Bamford and Susan Grant Cambridge International AS Second Edition 2) The knowledge Point ( Economics And Business) 3) 4) 5) Class Lectures 6) Economics- Principles, Problems and Policies, By Campbell R. McConnell and Stanley L. Brue, 17th Edition Macroeconomics Page 17 Macroeconomics Page 18