End of Game Plot your Weekly Orders Plot your Inventory and Backlog (back order is treated as minus inventory and plot them in the same graph) Calculate Total Cost at your Stage Sum Costs over all Four Stages and plot the costs of each stage over time Please see slides 5, 6, 7 for examples of the graphs Homework 2 Questions 1. What, if anything, is unrealistic about this game? Is reality more complicated or less complicated? 2. Why are there order, production and shipping delays? Discussion 3. Did you find yourself “blaming” the person upstream for your problems? 4. What commonalities do you see in the graphs for the different teams? Discussion 5. What pattern do you see? What is the cost of this? Value Beer Game Orders Placed 114.592 105.0427 95.49333 85.944 76.39467 66.84533 57.296 47.74667 38.19733 28.648 19.09867 9.549333 0 0 Retailer 8.333333 16.66667 Wholes aler 25 Time Distributor 33.33333 Brewery 41.66667 50 Val ue Beer Ga me Ne t Inventory 76.5779 1 61.3667 6 46.1556 2 30.9444 7 15.7333 2 0.5 2217 89 -14.6889 7 -29.9001 1 -45.1112 6 -60.3224 -75.5335 5 -90.7446 9 -105 .955 8 0 Retai ler $2885 8.3 3333 3 16.6666 7 Who lesa ler 25 Tim e Distri buto r 33.3333 3 Brewery 41.6666 7 50 Total Cost 12000 10000 Manufacturer Wholesaler 6000 Distributor 4000 Retailer 2000 Time (week) 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 0 1 $ 8000