Computerized Beer Game

Computerized Beer Game
Designing & Managing the Supply Chain
Appendix A
Youn-Ju Woo
 Introduction
 The Traditional Beer Game
 The Scenarios
 Playing a round
 Options and Settings
 Summary
 Traditional Beer Game
 Role-playing simulation of a simple production and distribution
 MIT developed in the 1960s
 Computerized Beer Game
 Similar to Traditional Beer Game
 Possible to test the various SCM concept
The Traditional Beer Game (1)
 Retail Manager
• Observing external demand
• Filling demand as much as
• Record Back orders
• Place order with wholesaler
 Wholesaler Manager
• Observing demand
• Filling demand and back
• Place order with distributor
 Factory Manager
• Observing demand
• Filling demand and back
• Begins production
 Distributor Manager
• Observing demand
• Filling demand and back
• Place order with factory
The Traditional Beer Game (2)
 Goal of Team
 Minimize : Total cost = Holding cost + Shortage cost
 Game Rules
Back-order should be filled ASPS
Each manager has only local information
25 ~50 weeks
Holding cost $0.50, Shortage cost $1
 End of the game
 Players are asked to estimate customer demand
 The demand information is opened to players
• Demand is 4 during the 4 weeks and 8 during the last
The Traditional Beer Game (3)
 Difficulties
 The students focus on correctly following the rules, not
developing an effective strategy
 Demand pattern does not reflect a realistic supply chain scenario
 Doesn’t demonstrate several important issues in SCM
• The real objective is to minimize the total system cost, not individual
 Shortening cycle times and centralizing information are useful
The computerized Beer Game is developed
The Scenarios (1)
 A simplified beer supply chain
 Consist of a single retailer, a single distributor, a single
wholesaler and a single factory
 Each component has unlimited storage capacity, fixed lead time
and order delay time
 Every week, each component tries to meet the
demand of downstream component
 Meet every back order ASPS
 No ignore any order
 Member orders item to the upstream component
an order
ordered item
gets order
The Scenarios (2)
 Other options to model various situations
 Lead time reduction, global information sharing, centralized
 A centralized scenario
 Factory manager controls the entire supply chain and has
information of external demand and entire inventory
 Only factory can place orders
 Only retailer pays a $4.0 shortage cost
Playing a round (1)
 Modeling the first scenario
 Player chooses one component
(Retailer, Wholesaler, Distributor, Factory)
 Computer takes the remaining roles
Playing a round (2)
 Order of Events
 Step 1
◦ Contents of delay 2 moved to delay 1
 Step 2
◦ Order from downstream facility are filled
◦ Order = current order + back orders
◦ Remaining orders = current inventory – Order
 Back orders
◦ Except the retailer, the orders are filled to the delay 2 location of the downstream
 Step 3
◦ Total costs = accumulated cost from previous period + shortage and Holding cost
◦ Holding cost = $ 0.5 ×(Inventory at facility + in transit to the next downstream)
◦ Shortage cost = $ 1 ×Back orders
 Step 4
◦ Player input the order quantity, other orders are placed by computer
Playing a round (3)
 Understanding the Screen
 Example; Distributor
Number of items in
In transit to inventory
Delay 1: No. of items will arrive in one week
 Total cost : Accumulated cost from previous period and shortage
and Holding cost
 Backorder: Orders received by the Distributor but not yet met
from inventory
Playing a round (4)
1. Click start
Input order
Start Button
 Week 0
 Initial inventory : 4 unit
 Delay 1 : 4 unit
 Delay 2 : 4 unit
 Week 1
 Inventory : 8 unit
 Delay 1 : 4 unit
 Delay 2 : 0 unit
Playing a round (5)
2. Enter a demand amount ( Ex, Input 3)
 Make balance inventory holding costs and shortage costs
 Check the amount of back order your upstream supplier already
has to fill
 After entering the quantity, the remaining members play
automatically, the screen is updated
 Total cost = (4 + 0 + 8) ×$ 0.5 = $ 6
Playing a round (6)
3. Select Next Round
 The upstream supplier will try to meet last period’s order (3)
 Enter order 6
 Total cost = $ 6 + (0 + 0 + 12) ×$ 0.5 = $ 12
Playing a round (7)
3. Select Next Round
 Total cost = $ 12 + (0 + 12 + 0) ×$ 0.5 + 18 ×$ 1 = $ 36
Level of back order at
the beginning of this
round, before the
player attempted to
fill downstream
How much total back
Current level of back
 How much order quantity should be entered?
 Order = current order + back orders
Options and Settings (1)
 File Commands
 File-Reset : Reset the game
 File-Exit : Exit the game
 Options Commands
 Options-Player
Options and Settings (2)
 Options Commands
 Options-Policy
• s-S: When inventory falls below s, the system
order to bring inventory to S
• S-Q: When inventory falls below s, the system
places an order for Q
• Order to S: Each week, the system order bring
inventory to S
• Order Q: Each week, the system orders Q
• Updated s: The order-up-to level s is updated
- The moving average of demand over past 10 wks
- Inventory level falls below s, the system orders up to
s, the maximum order size is S
• Echelon: A modified version of perododic
review echelon policy
retailer :
s  ( L  r )  AVG ( D)  M  STD( D)  ( L  r ).5
wholesaler : s  ( L  L  r )  AVG ( D)  M  STD( D)  ( L  L  r ).5
distributor : s  (2  L  L  r )  AVG ( D)  M  STD( D)  (2  L  L  r ).5
: s  (3  L  L  r )  AVG ( D)  M  STD( D)  (3  L  L  r ).5
Options and Settings (3)
 Options - Short Lead Time
• Remove delay 2, shorten lead time to 1 week
 Option - Centralized
• The interactive player manages the factory, can observe external demand
and react it
• The inventory is only held by Retailer
 Option - Demand
• Set the external customer demand
• Deterministic – Select the constant
demands and weeks
• Random Normal – Select Means,
stds, weeks
 Option – Global Information
• Display iventory and cost information
and external demand at all of the stages
Options and Settings (4)
 The Graphs Commands
 Graphs - Player
 Graphs – Others
 Graphs - System
Options and Settings (5)
 The Reports Commands
 Reports - Player
 Reports – Others
 Reports - System
 Usage of Computerized Beer Game
 Test the Traditional Beer Game
 Possible to test the various SCM concept
Shortened lead time
Centralized SCM
SCM with Global information system
Setting Various Demand
 Display Results
• Graph
• Report
The Risk Pool Game
Designing & Managing the Supply Chain
Appendix B
Youn-Ju Woo
 Introduction
 The Scenarios
 Playing several round
 Options and Settings
 Summary
 Concept of Risk Pooling
 If each retailer maintains separate inventory and safety stock,
the higher level of inventory is needed than using pooling system
 Risk Pooling Game
 Execute both system simultaneously
• A system with risk pooling – Centralized System
• A system without risk pooling – Decentralized System
 Compare the performances to understand the concept
The Scenarios
 Centralized Game
 A supplier serves a warehouse, which serves three retailers
2 periods
2 periods
 Decentralized Game
 Three retailers order separately , and supplier ships material directly to
each retailer
4 periods
 If the demand is not fulfilled at the time, it is lost.
 The goal in both system is to maximize profit
Playing a round (1)
 Description of Screen
Order from
Inventory at
least 4 period
away from
to retailers
of retailers
Cost of
goods sold
Holding Cost
= Revenue –
(COGS + Holding)
= Demand met /
Total demand * 100
Playing a round (2)
 Order of Events
Step 1.
• Centralized System: Four period moves to three periods
away, inventory three periods is added to warehouse inventory
• Inventory one moved to retailer inventory
Step 2.
Each retailer fills demand as much as possible
Both systems faces the same demand
Step 3.
Centralized System: Enter an order for the supplier or keep the default value
Allocate the warehouse inventory to the retailers
Decentralized System: Enter an order for each retailer or keep the default value
The allocation amount must be less than or equal to the total warehouse inventory
Press Orders button
Step 4.
Orders are filled
Step 5.
Cost, Revenue, and service level is calculated
Playing a round (3)
Playing a round (4)
Options and Settings (1)
 Play – Play Options
 Initial Conditions
• The retailers must have same initial inventory
• The transit inventories should be same
 Demand
• Normal distribution
with mean and standard deviation
• The slider control enables to control
the correlation of demand at retailers
Options and Settings (2)
 Inventory Policy
• Safety Stock policy
- Select order-up-to levels
- Using multipliers by
mean demand and Std. deviation
• Weeks of Inventory policy
- A single value multiplied by
mean demand
 Cost
• Holding cost, Cost, and Revenue cost
are per item per period
Options and Settings (3)
 The Reports Commands
 Reports - Orders
 Reports – Demands