Interviewer - Napa Valley College

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Principles of Interviewing
Chapter Summary
Planning the Interview
Conducting the Interview
The Ethics of Interviewing
Sample Interview Plan
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Slide 3
Planning the Interview
“There are many kinds of interviews, each of which
requires some special skills. However, many common
principles apply to planning and conducting most
––Communicating at Work
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Slide 4
Planning the Interview
Define the Goal
Identify and Analyze the Other Party
Knowledge Level
The Other’s Concept of Self
Your Image
Prepare a List of Topics
Choose the Best Interview Structure
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Slide 5
Planning the Interview
Differences Between Highly Structured and Non-structured Interviews
Highly Structured Interview (Direct)
 Usually takes less time
 Easier for interviewer to
 Provides quantifiable results
 Requires less skill by
 Low flexibility in exploring
Non-structured Interview (Indirect)
 Usually takes more time
 More difficult for interviewer to
 Results more difficult to quantify
 Requires high degree of
interviewer skill
 High flexibility in exploring
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Slide 6
Planning the Interview
Consider Possible Questions
Open Versus Closed Questions
Factual Versus Opinion Questions
Primary and Secondary Questions
Direct and Indirect Questions
Hypothetical Questions
Leading Questions
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Slide 7
Planning the Interview
Arrange the Setting
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Conducting the Interview
Greeting and Building Rapport
Explain the Reason for the Interview
Explain What Information is Needed
and How it Will Be Used
Mention the Approximate Length of the
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Slide 9
Conducting the Interview
Responsibilities of the Interviewer
Control and Focus the Conversation
Listen Actively
Use Secondary Questions to Probe for
Important Information
The Interviewee’s Role
Give Clear, Detailed Answers
Correct Any Misunderstandings
Cover Your Own Agenda
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Slide 10
Conducting the Interview
Review and Clarify the Results of the
Establish Future Actions
Conclude with Pleasantries
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The Ethics of Interviewing
Obligations of the Interviewer
Make Only Promises You are Willing
and Able to Keep
Keep Confidences
Allow the Interviewee to Make Free
Treat Every Interviewee with Respect
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The Ethics of Interviewing
Obligations of the Interviewee
Don’t Misrepresent the Facts or Your
Don’t Waste the Interviewer’s Time
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Slide 13
Sample Interview Plan
Steps for Planning an Interview
Analysis and Research
Set Goal
Choose Interview Strategy
Develop Topics and Questions
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Slide 14
Types of Interviews
Chapter Summary
The Information-Gathering Interview
The Employment Interview
The Performance Appraisal Interview
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Types of Interviews
Survey Interviews
Diagnostic Interviews
Research Interviews
Collect Background Information
Define Interview Goals and Questions
Choose the Right Interviewee
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Slide 16
The Employment Interview
Pre-Interview Steps
Conduct Background Research
Develop a Personal Network
Contact Potential Employers
Prepare for Possible Interview
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Slide 17
The Employment Interview
The Importance of Personal Contacts
in Looking for a New Job
“It isn’t what you know, it’s who you know” is
certainly true when it comes to getting a job.
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Slide 18
The Employment Interview
During the Interview
Dress Appropriately
Know the Organization and the Job
Prepare for Important Questions
Respond to the Employer’s Needs
Be Honest
Emphasize the Positive
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Slide 19
The Employment Interview
During the Interview
Emphasize the Positive
Back Up Your Answers with
Keep Your Answers Brief
Have Your Own Questions
Rehearsing an Interview
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Slide 20
The Employment Interview
Post-Interview Follow-Up
It demonstrates common courtesy.
It reminds the employer of you.
It gives you a chance to remind the
interviewer about important information.
It can correct any misunderstandings.
It can tactfully remind the interviewer of
promises made.
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Slide 21
The Employment Interview
Interviewing and the Law:
Techniques for Answering Unlawful Questions
Acceptance Without Comment
Acceptance With Comment
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Slide 22
The Performance Appraisal Interview
Definition and Importance
Letting the Employee Know Where He or She
Developing Employee Skills
Improving Employment Relationship
Helping Management Learn the Employee’s Point
of View
Counseling the Employee
Setting Goals for the Future
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Slide 23
The Performance Appraisal Interview
Styles of Appraisal Interviewing
Tell and Sell
Tell and Listen/Listen and Tell
Problem Solving
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Slide 24
The Performance Appraisal Interview
Steps in the Appraisal Process
Review Progress
Discuss Successes, Problems, and Needs
Feedback Should be Accurate
Feedback Should be Relevant to the
Set Goals
Review and Respond to the Written
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