File - Art at Sahuaro

Art Classroom
Expectations and Consequences
Intermediate & Beginning Art with Ms. Gay
Fall 2015
We follow Sahuaro’s T.R.U.S.T. school-wide expectations.
Essentially, just remember the following:
Be on time, do not leave early unless being checked out
Be respectful—to yourself, each other, teacher, staff, substitute teachers, and our
Clean up after yourself. I will go over clean-up procedures for each unit and check
that everyone has followed them at the end of each class period.
Put forth your best effort everyday, in class and when doing assignments.
Don’t talk while the teacher (or classmate, or guest speaker, etc.) is talking to
the whole class. Seriously. It drives me crazy, and I WILL stop class and make
everyone wait on you.
NO EATING in the classroom. At all. Ever. There are many students on campus
with severe allergies. Students who refuse to follow this rule will face severe
consequences (including me telling horrible, but true, stories related to allergic
Cell Phones: cell phones and/or personal electronic devices may be used for
visual reference while working on projects, and students may listen to their own
music with headphones during work time (not during lecture/whole class
instruction). Don’t be rude—take out your earbuds when I’m talking to the
whole class and when I’m talking specifically to YOU.
For individual students:
1st: verbal warning
2nd: phone call or email home (will use both, whichever way gets through
to your parents and I get a response)
3rd: Detention or referral as appropriate for behavior; may include
counselor, assistant principal, or principal intervention.
For whole class:
It is my job to teach you and to ensure that every student has
access to the same education in our classroom. If it appears
that is being compromised, it is my obligation as your teacher
to adjust the classroom environment as necessary so that we
get back on track for learning. The consequences can and will
Lecture reviewing classroom expectations and consequences; students
will be required to take notes and will submit notes for a grade
Apology essay about classroom expectations and consequences
Seating chart
Expectations when there is a Substitute
All classroom expectations and consequences still
apply—in fact, you are expected to go above and beyond
the usual expectations because a Substitute Teacher is a
guest in our classroom, and is doing a very important job
for me. I rely on these substitutes to take care of the
classroom and I am grateful to them for taking on such an
important job. I also rely on YOU to behave appropriately
and to help the substitute.
I always leave a feedback form for substitutes. If the class
receives a bad note from the sub, there will be
consequences for the whole class.
Classroom Supplies
We are very fortunate at Sahuaro to have access to nice
art supplies. However, I will not tolerate misuse of
If supplies are being stolen, mistreated, not properly cleaned or
put back after using, I will lock away supplies in the locked
In addition, individuals or the whole class will be subject to the
consequences listed in this powerpoint.
ALWAYS follow the clean up procedures for the unit we are
working on. I will go over the procedures and expectations for
clean up with each unit.
Course Structure
Art is designed to be a full year course.
Each semester is broken into Units, which can last anywhere from one to
three weeks depending on the topic.
The first semester covers Elements of Art and Principles of Design. The
second semester focuses on developing technique and concept that builds
upon the elements of art and principles of design.
Each unit will culminate in a final unit project. The purpose of projects is to
allow students to apply the skills learned during the unit. Projects also allow me
to assess what you actually learned in class.
Sketchbook Assignments: each unit includes a Sketchbook Assignment
(basically, art homework) that is due on the same day the unit project is due.
Sketchbook assignments are very important in that they provide students with
additional time and practice to hone art skills and explore artistic ideas.
Portfolio Checks: portfolio checks will occur at the end of each quarter.
Portfolios are series of student work that convey student growth and learning
over a period of time. Students will be expected to maintain and present their
Genius Hour: students will design their own art project that they will work on
every Friday during “Genius Hour.” This project is due on the last Friday in
December, and a second project is due in May.
Assignments, homework, and projects:
Projects are worth 25 points each
Sketchbook assignments are worth 10 points each
Homework is worth 5 points and is graded based on
Participation: you earn 10 points per week for participation.
When you are tardy or absent, you lose points. If you come to
class but don’t do any work, you will lose points. These add up
very quickly.
Genius Hour: Genius Hour projects are worth 50 points
Portfolio checks: these are worth 50 points—they are very
important. Keep your work!
Late Work
For all assignments, homework, and projects:
Late work will be accepted at a 10% deduction per day that it
is late past the due date.
I will only accept late work for up to one week (7 days) after
the deadline has passed.
The best thing you can do is talk to me ahead of time if you
anticipate there will be an issue. It is always easier to discuss
your options with me before there is a problem, rather than
trying to make up for it afterwards.
Extra Credit
Create full-page drawings in your sketchbook for extra
credit. Each completed page is worth one point; however,
there is no limit to how much extra credit you can earn.
Other extra credit opportunities will be announced
throughout the school year, either in the classroom, on
the website, or through social media.
Notice of Subject to Change
Each class and school year is different. It will be necessary
to adjust expectations and consequences as things change.
I will give the class notice if something is to change and
will post the update here in this powerpoint.
Students are expected to review this powerpoint if there
are ever questions with classroom expectations and
All students are required to sign that they have
reviewed and understand the material within this
powerpoint on the form provided by Ms. Gay.