9.23.14 minutes

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
12:30 p.m., Allen 1063
Call to Order (12:30 P.M.)
Roll Call
Executive Cabinet Members
Vice President
Chad Harmon
Matthew Watson
Rex Rhyne
Communications Director
Molly Beck
Election Commissioner
Richard Comeau
Chief of Staff
Courtney Anigian
Academic Affairs Liaisons
Thomas DiGiuseppe (MPSA), Chris Janes (MPIA)
Graduate Student Council Representatives
Lisa Harst
Koen Hocker
Allyson Bell
Class Representatives
MPSA ’15
Eleesha Blackwell
Rebecca Lesemann
Matthew Watson*
MPIA ’15
Mariah Bastin
Michael Bertoli
Kwame Twumasi
MSPA ‘16
Meghan De Amaral
Will Dearmon
Shiloh Perry
MPIA ‘16
Forest Clark
Mattue Nowicky
Alaina Garrett
*Vice President (Pending Approval)
called to order @ 12:29 PM
III. Swearing in of New Representatives
-moved b/c of previous engagement; Richard Comeau presides; sworn in
IV. Approval of the Agenda
-quorum 2/3rds (9 of 12)
-motion to approve agenda: Rebecca L; 2nd Meghan (9/9) unanimous
Approval of the Minutes
-motion to approve: Will; second Eleesha approved
VI. Opening Remarks
-housekeeping/ administrative day; get to vote on several impt things; SGA budget!
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
-committees: created with 2/3rds vote
-Constitutional Review Committee:
attempted several times in the past; either too much changed too quickly or didn’t have time to go through
the process appropriately (last year); CH proposes constitutional Review Committee (composed of Reps,
students, meets under the supervision of the VP) draft new constitution (try to change it in parts to plug
some of the holes)
motion: Rebecca L ; 2nd ? approved
-Dillo Cup Committee:
We get to host, pay for, and organize everything this year! secure field, food, emcee; key things will be
fundraising; EB question: will committee organize off-years (e.g. transportation); Answer: this specific
committee will only run through the year – maybe they’ll create some next year; may not have a lot of
flexibility in the budget for future ‘dillo cups. Have created a legacy fund – fundraising is KEY!
motion: ? 2nd: EB motion approved (8/9)
-appointment of the VP:
has to be 2nd year of the opposite program in the representatives; Matthew Watson – unanimously
approved; giving vp more roles
-appointment of GSC reps:
formal application process and they’ve attended the GSC meeting;
Lisa Harst (9/9)
Allyson Bell (alt) (9/9)
Koen Hocker (9/9)
IX. President Updates
-SGA Budget:
10,000 divided by PSO/SGA /Public Servant – now has Ambassadors
General fund same as last year
Great copier debate – did net $100 and we don’t have to cut anything from the budget!
Public Servant did get some funds cut
Bushwhackers Enterprise– got $1000 worth of teams, so people will have to pay $5 and SGA subsidizes half
the cost
-Missing Representative and Cabinet Member
AW and MB will not be here all semester; constitution does not address missing representatives who are
gone b/c of fulfilling a degree requirements (internships & classes); floor opinion to discussion
-appoint proxy (?) for representatives
-AW has agreed to step down; CH will probably have some of the responsibilities transfer over to the VP
and also take some of the responsibilities himself.
Vice President Updates
Academic Affairs Updates
Thomas DiGiuseppe, MPSA Liaison
fix the folder
Chris Janes, MPIA Liaison
check emails (from Scowcroft, etc) and go learn from brown-bags (speakers); let Chris know
XII. Graduate Student Council Update
1. student research week (03 / 23 – 27) srw.tamu.edu applications for committee chairs due
2. applications open for winter travel awards ends (10/17/2014)
3. restructuring transportation fees – any problems with those fees see Koen
4. New name: Graduate and Professional Student Council
President Explanation of GSC Selection Process
SA Rep: Lisa Harst
IA Rep: Koen Hocker
GSC Meeting – Next Tuesday October 7th at 6:00 p.m., Koldus 144
XIII. Committee Updates
Social Planning – Caiti Carlo
-Patriot Party successful! Will also send out requests for help for Martinis and Mistletoe closer to that time
Tailgate – Thomas DiGiuseppe
-next tailgate Ole Miss
Bushwhackers Athletics – Shayan Enferadi
-jerseys should be arriving Friday, pay $18 cash or check (made out to SGA)
-soccer emails and flag football have gone out; accept the invitation (please pay your $5)
-1st year/2nd year flag football game 10/25/2014 – create your team / co-ed teams!
Community Dialogues – Alex Buhler-Rose
-not too much interest; Econ Club now leaderless, moving community dialogues over to econ club; mean
that econ club would not be meeting weekly b/c of budget – same goals as Community Dialogues; will be
updated next meeting
Foreign Language & Culture Society – Camille Vega
-language groups have been up and posted; go thank Camille Vega!
Diversity – Khrystyna Konopatska, Kristina Miller
-no announcements
Leadership Development – Rebecca Lesemann
-a few more leadership talks; sign-up for Holly’s workshops! 2nd years need to start working on leadership
plans this semester!
Professional Development Initiative – Rebecca Parma
-etiquette dinner deadlines coming up – 2nd years priority on dinner?
-business cards deadline (Wednesday 24 September @ 9:00)
Graduation – Joanna Wilde
-no announcements
XIV. Public Servant
-new website almost ready to launch!
XV. Open Forum
-AHS holding first fundraiser – Murphy’s Law trivia night $5 to play (4 people per team)
-MW thanks people for support
XVI. Adjournment (1:20 P.M.)
-adjourn 1:19 pm
 The next meeting will be held on October 7, 2014 at 12:30 PM in room 1063.
Chad Harmon
Rex Rhyne
Vice President
Matthew Watson
Communications Director
Molly Beck
Election Commissioner
Richard Comeau
Chief of Staff
Academic Affairs Liaisons
Thomas DiGiuseppe (MPSA), Chris Janes (MPIA)
Graduate Student Council Representatives
Lisa Harst
Koen Hocker
Allyson Bell
Class Representatives
MPSA ’15
MPIA ’15
Eleesha Blackwell
Rebecca Lesemann
Kwame Twumasi
MSPA ‘16
Meghan De Amaral
Will Dearmon
Shiloh Perry
MPIA ‘16
Forest Clark
Mattue Nowicky
Alaina Garrett