2.12.15 Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 12, 2015
8:00 a.m., Allen 1017
Call to Order (8:00 A.M.)
Roll Call
Executive Cabinet Members
Vice President
William T. Dearmon
Matthew Watson
Allyson Bell
Chief of Staff
Morgan Canfield
Communications Director
Ryan Self
Brittany Hardin Tanguay
Election Commissioner
Academic Affairs Liaisons
Gretchen Koeritzer Jacki Kuzio (MPSA), Andrew Taylor (MPIA)
Graduate Student Council Representatives
Lisa Harst
Koen Hocker
Allyson Bell
Class Representatives
MPSA ’15
MPIA ’15
MSPA ‘16
MPIA ‘16
Eleesha Blackwell Mariah Bastin
Meghan De Amaral Forest Clark
Rebecca Lesemann
Michael Bertoli
Matthew Watson* Kwame Twumasi Shiloh Perry
Alaina Garrett
*Vice President
Have not met decorum; cannot vote on anything.
Approval of the Agenda
a. Cannot be approved without decorum
Approval of the Minutes
a. Cannot be approved without decorum
Opening Remarks
President Report
Dean Crocker will not seek reappointment.
How will this affect us?
New Dean appointed when we graduate (Class of 2016)
Believe students should have a role in this dean selection process;
however, this role has not been determined by current administration.
Unfortunately, not for us to decide.
Stay tuned for updates.
How can we recognize Dean Crocker for his unique service?
Constitution updates will reflect the increased role of the legislative
Communications Director: Letter of thank you and appreciation from
SGA to Dean Crocker and sharing our interest in participating in the
search for the next dean.
Michael K. Young named as sole finalist for president of Texas A&M University.
Not yet slated for approval, but will come in for the next regent meeting
Perhaps a letter to him and his wife from the Bush School SGA to
welcome in to the fold.
Interview Conference Weekend
Professionalism should be a focus.
First years set the example for these potential and prospective
members for their experience here at the Bush School.
Professionalism does not restrict to on-campus activities.
VII. Vice President Report
a. V.P. Watson out
i. Liasion Kuzio update: Constitution updates going well
VIII. Executive Cabinet Reports
Treasurer – Budget Report
Policies for treasury position to protect the organization
Treasurer position has not been previously monitored
Information about how funds are allocated and fundraising
Introduce new form to protect the funds of SGA
Cash advance forms so that students do not have to use their
own credit cards; TAMU has been less likely to reimburse
credit cards of late.
Budget Report: to be shared when sent out with minutes.
Dillo Cup:
Are we planning to deplete the Legacy Fund?
No; planning two profit shares with Chipotle;
mentioning Dillo Cup is not required.
Communication Director – SGA Survey Analysis Report
Full update next meeting when all responses have been returned
93 responses so far; our goal is 100 responses
Initial takeaways: confusion of SGA role and value to student body
Food Truck question purpose?
Addressing student interest before request
Election Commissioner
Holding special election first week of March (3/2 and 3/3)
Any hesitation from Reps? No.
Academic Affairs Reports
JK, MPSA Liaison
Met with Dr. West
AT, MPIA Liaison
Met with Dr. Gause; interested in having another open forum.
Potentially sometime end of this month of beginning of next month. Let your
homies know.
Graduate and Professional Student Council Report
SA Rep: Allyson Bell
IA Rep: Koen Hocker
Next GPSC Meeting – February 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m., Koldus 144
Constitution change; did not get passed last meeting, potentially will go
through next meeting. Consolidating positions, but does not effect our
Committee Reports
Social Planning – Caiti Carlo
Gala Update: April is busy.
Dillo Cup is also of concern finding available weekends.
Planning will be tied together, which in someways will be easier, but
will be equally exhausting.
Saturday, 4/25: Day for Dillo Cup, Evening for Gala.
New development this week
Shayan is still working with K. Meyer
Friday, 4/24 is Relay for Life
Tailgate – Thomas DiGiuseppe
Forgo $40 to other budgets
Bushwhackers Athletics – Shayan Enferadi
- Dillo Cup Update
Community Dialogues – Alex Buhler-Rose
Foreign Language & Culture Society – Camille Vega
Diversity – Khrystyna Konopatska, Kristina Miller
Leadership Development – Rebecca Lesemann
Sign up on Holly’s door for new workshops
Second Years: Get your ILP done and meet with Rebecca
Professional Development Initiative – Rebecca Parma
Graduation – Joanna Wilde
90 days.
Would like to have 1 pager report update from committees going forward in future
8:00AM compromise for breakfast at meetings: twice a semester.
XII. Public Servant
a. Existing problem: students do not particularly like writing in their free time.
i. But this is important for sharing ideas
1. Make the Public Servant more than just op-ed
a. Provide resources to students more than the existing
Bush School website and faculty can
b. Would like the SGA to have a more active role in the
Public Servant
c. Set page within the Public Servant
i. Would appreciate assistance in developing ideas
for the design and layout
XIII. Old Business
XIV. New Business
a. Name tags
i. Worked on at CC Creations; hopefully made and available by the
February 25th
1. Where will we be wearing this?
a. Anytime you are representing the Bush School
b. IA Conference
i. Include the organizations you represent?
1. Yes. Assignments are up to Amira and K.Meyer.
a. There will be a meeting prior to the event.
c. Graduation and Language requirements for Second Years
i. Even if you have a second language and want an exemption, you need
to go see Janeen.
XV. Open Forum
XVI. Adjournment
● Next meeting will be held Thursday, February 25, 2015 at 8:00 AM in room 1017