Job Safety Analysis

Job Safety & Environmental Analysis
Public Art Installation
Permits to Work Required:
Additional risk assessment required.
Personal Protective Equipment [PPE] Required.
Primary Hazards
Site Map Work Location:
Task examples
Setting up of
Confirmation of Understanding: Job Safety & Environment Analysis, Construction Industry Red Card
Safety Footwear, high visibility vest, PPE
Working at heights
Area of control to be established preventing access to the area around the scaffold.
-Site is subject to a small amount of
traffic - both loading trucks and
Kennards Hire
Dandenong / Artist
– Clare McCracken
Safety Instruction
Traffic management plan will be implemented to ensure
that both loading trucks and pedestrians understand the
upcoming hazard
Scaffold will be delivered by Kennards Hire Dandenong. It
will be erected by artist – scaffolding is spring-loaded so it
sets up without difficulty.
Installation of x3
artworks up to 5kg
- Site is subject to a small amount of
traffic - both loading trucks and
-Installation crew will be above 1.5m
-Weight of 5kg held above head
-Heavy objects being installed above
the head of pedestrians and artist
Kent Maintenance
/Artist – Clare
Painting onto wall
- Site is subject to a small amount of
traffic - both loading trucks and
-Some of the painting will be above
-Surrounding assets could get paint
dripped on them
- Falling equipment
Artist – Clare
Use of power tools
-Tripping over cables
-Safety of electrical connection
Kent Maintenance
-Traffic management plan will be implemented to ensure
that any traffic understands upcoming work. Artist will also
be standing in the laneway to warn pedestrians and traffic
of the installation
-Scaffolding has been hired to ensure the safety of the
installation crew. The artist has a Red Card
-Two people will be installing to ensure that the weight of
the sculptures are supported during fixing
-Pedestrians will be guided around the outside of the work
site, and the area where objects could fall, through the use
of witches hats and by the artist who will be on the ground.
-The artist will also be outside the witches hats to ensure
that they are not under potential falling objects
- Traffic management plan will be implemented to ensure
that any traffic understands upcoming work.
- Scaffolding has been hired to ensure the safety of the
installation crew. Installation crew and artist have a Red
-Surrounding assets will be covered with drop sheets to
ensure that they are protected
- Minimal tools permitted on the floor of scaffold, tools
required on the scaffold kept in boxes to prevent falling.
-All cables will be laid beside the wall that is being worked
on and marked with witches hats. The artist will also be on
Task examples
Outside work exposure
to weather
Strong wind affecting safety and / or
paint application.
Cleaning fluids and
Trip Hazard, paint fumes and spills
from paint cleaning products
Artist – Clare
Site safety
Moving around the site and colliding
with general public
Kent Maintenance
/Artist – Clare
General safety
-Leaving equipment outside of
witches hats
-Not wearing visibility vest
-Slips, trips and damage to existing
Kent Maintenance
Artist- Clare
McCracken and
Kent Hire
Safety requirements are not
complied with.
Artist & Kent
Site clean up
Artist and Kent
Maintenance - comply
with and understand
-High visibility vest
-Witches hats
-‘Men at work’ signs x2
-Drop Sheets
Safety Instruction
the ground warning pedestrians of the potential hazard
-All Electrical equipment supplied and operated by Kent
Artist to determine if weather conditions are favourable, or
unsafe for positioning and application. Work will be
postponed if conditions are unfavourable.
All cleaning fluids and paints to be safely and clearly
labelled and stored in contained devises to prevent spills.
All work performed outdoors will alleviate build up of fumes.
Painting implements removed and cleaned off site.
-All working on the site will wear high visibility vests.
-Witches hats will mark out the area in which people are
-Care will be taken not to interfere with the general
movement through the lane.
-Artist has a Red Card
-All equipment to be left within the witches hats and
removed from site after use.
-Visibility vest needs to be warn at all times
-All equipment will be removed off site before the removal
of traffic infrastructure such as witches hats and ‘men at
work’ signs.
-Drop sheets will have been used to protect existing assets;
these will also be removed prior to the removal of the traffic
management signage.
Artist and Kent Maintenance to read and totally understand
the requirements of the JSEA.
Installation work to start at 9am on Wednesday 2nd of February and to be completed by 3pm on Wednesday 2nd of February
Artist - Clare McCracken – 0408 535 233/
Council Re[presentative - Jenny Pemberton-Webb, Place Manager, City of Greater Dandenong, 0414 015 906
Installation Crew - Kent Maintenance – Kevin Kent – 0408 556 757 /
Scaffold Hire - Kennards Hire Dandenong - (03) 9791 2155 /