Modern Trends/Developments in Protection & Modern Concepts Used for Line Protection with M1 & M2 Relays Training on Power System Protection ERPC 11-15 May, 2015 Dr. R. Nagaraja Managing Director PRDC Agenda Substation and Interface level Wide Area Protection Testing Environment Setting calculation and storage Disturbance Analysis Line Protection - Trends Substation and Interface Level Substation Level Substation wiring cost is being reduced drastically with IEC 61850 Interoperability between product and applications Overall substation management and efficiency improvement Goose messaging is being used to achieve better adaptability in setting Setting and relay operation waveform upload/download remotely Source : ABB Brochure Optical CT usage has improved the measurement/sensing and minimized the CT saturation related errors Wide Area Measurement and Protection Distance Protection F Zone 3 Zone 2 A C B Zone 1 R 10 Ω 10 Ω D 5Ω 10 Ω E 20 Ω Distance relay zone settings Zone 1 = 85% of AB = 0.85*10 = 8.5 ohm Zone 2 = AB+50% of BC (shortest line) =10+0.5*10 =15 ohm Zone 3 = AB+BC+20% of CD (longest line) = 10+10+0.2*10 =22 ohm Multi-terminal Lines A IA R IB T 10 Ω 10 Ω Ic D B 10 Ω E 10 Ω 10 Ω C VR (I A * Z AT ) (I B * ZTB ) IR IA I C Zone 1 K1 Z AT ZTB ZTB I A VR (I A * Z AT ) (I A I C ) * ZTB IR IA I Zone 2 Z AT ZTB ZTB C K 2 * Z BD I A I VR ZAT ZTB ZTB C IR IA I Zone 3 Z AT ZTB ZTB C Z BD K 3 * Z DE I A Multi-terminal Lines Without infeed ( Ic=0) With infeed ( Ic=IA) Weak infeed ( Ic=0.5*IA) Strong infeed ( Ic=2*IA) Zone 1 (Ω) 17 25.5 21.25 34 Zone 2 (Ω) 25 35 30 45 Zone 3 (Ω) 32 42 37 52 Out of step relay Traditional relays use zones to determine whether electromechanical swing will lead to instability or not. Out of step relay Large number of simulation need to be carried out to determine relay settings. Conventional settings are unsatisfactory and results in mis-operation because system changes quickly and tested swings are different from actual. Adaptive settings are required to cope up with such problem. Adaptively changing the timer settings. Adaptive Zone settings. New approach is suggested using equal area criteria. Implemented on Florida-Georgia interface project undertaken by Virginia Technology. Out of step relay E1δ1 Pe1 E 2δ 2 Y12 Pe2 Pm1 Pm2 Y10 M M1 * M 2 M1 M 2 Pm Y20 d 2δ M 2 Pm {Pc Pmax sin( δ γ)} dt M 2 Pm1 - M1Pm2 M1 M 2 (M1 M 2 ) tan 12 / 2 ( M1 M 2 ) M 2 E12G11 - M1E 22G 22 Pc M1 M 2 E1E 2 Y12 M1 M 2 2M1M 2 cos(2θ12 ) 2 Pmax 2 (M1 M 2 ) where 1 2 and M1 and M2 are moment of inertia of two rotors Out of step relay Equal area criteria Accelerating area must be smaller than decelerating area for system to be transient stable. Back up Protection Load encroachment Back up zones of distance relay are prone to tripping due to load encroachment. Modification in relay characteristics is required. Same can be achieved by using phasor measurement unit. Back up Protection A Assume zone 3 of relay A has picked up. Determine for any zone 1 fault in other stations using PMU. If none of them exist restrain zone 3 of relay since it might have picked up due to loadability in the system. Event Analysis and Oscillation Monitoring Schemes using PMU data Distance Relay Concerns • Parallel line operation • Mutual coupling • In-feed • Power swing and load encroachment Event Analysis and Oscillation Monitoring Schemes using PMU data Need Introduction of PMU has open avenues for various power system applications Major challenge is to analyze the group of PMUs and correlate the data with system events Utilizing the higher sampling data to analyze more critical system behavior such as low frequency oscillations Justification The scheme focuses on generic architecture for PMU applications. Event analysis is an important task which can help the data to segregate into Disturbance data or Ambient data. Testing Environment Testing Trend Steady-state calibration Dynamic-state simulation Source: Kinetrics Interoperability Lab Transient simulation End-to-end testing. Use of Real Time Digital Simulation Environment for special protection systems (SPS) and critical lines distance scheme testing is highly recommended Source: Doble Project at PRDC Setting Calculations & Storage Protection Suite Components Protection Database Management System Bus-Branch Model to Bus-Breaker Model Protection Setting Calculation Engine Protection Suite Components Special Protection Systems (SPS) It is not easy to achieve Grid Collapse!!! Grid Disturbance Specific Action following an outage/disturbance Fast acting and generally without any time delay Applicable for tie lines tripping, HVDC link tripping, major generation tripping Saves the system from complete collapse Protection Layer Best Operational Practices System Planning 22 SPS Implementation - Types Hard wired scheme Intelligent System • On tripping of a specific element/breaker other elements are tripped to get load/generation relief • Generally ends up in more load shedding or generation curtailment • Optimal action is not ensured • At times may not get any relief • Ensures optimal load/generation tripping • Needs system digital and analog information • Network topology processing program • Dynamically computes the load or generation to be tripped for any breaker tripping 23 Simulation Environment Improves the protection settings Simulates various operating conditions Helps to re-construct and perform postmortem analysis Design of out-of-step and under frequency load shedding schemes Disturbance Analysis Automation in Fault Disturbance Data Collection and Analysis AFAS Data Collector Report Manager Processed File Storage Centralized Deployment of Fault Analysis System DPR, DFR, SCADA ... Inputs from all locations Server with Database and Engines Queries from Users Outputs Levels of analysis Station 2 Station Level Station 3 Bay Level Station 4 Unit Level Station 1 System Level Protection Function level Probable Architecture of Fault Analysis System Fault Analysis System Modules System Manager User Access Manager Configuration Manager COMTRADE Viewer Engine Loggers Report Generator Web Interface Offline Analysis COMTRADE Viewer Distance Relay Contour Case study of AFAS Waveform of Phase R Current Inferences Single line ground fault detected Fault distance of 286.54 km Successful auto reclosure having dead time of 1.09 s CT saturated during fault CVT is healthy Relay operation within limits Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Additional Benefits of AFAS System Performance over the period and KPI tracking Algorithm level improvement Improved Technique for Fault location computation and identifying cause of Fault Need of improved scheme Digital filters are used to compute fundamental component of voltages and currents. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a popular filtering technique. The response time of DFT is around one cycle, which is bound to increase if the input is non sinusoidal. Power system computation can have errors due to variation in filter output. Information about the cause of fault can render assistance to power system engineers which is not been focused presently Justification Scheme based on Prony analysis is effective for short duration fault Prony analysis determines the components at actual system frequency unlike DFT which always computes at fixed nominal frequency Algorithm to identify cause of fault will be an additional information to the system operators and maintenance crew for taking better decisions. 36 Short Duration Fault Short duration faults are defined as the faults that are cleared within two power frequency cycles. If the faults are cleared fast, the current may not reach its faulted steady state value and the voltage may not drop to its faulted steady-state value. 37 Case Study For 2 bus system, SLG fault is simulated at 95km and 0.1s. Fault location is computed as: Im refers to imaginary part of the quantity V is phase voltage for the faulted phase ‘x’ I is line current for the faulted phase ‘x’ I0 is the zero sequence current k0 is zero sequence compensation factor Z1 is positive sequence impedance of line Fault Location Fault Location from DFT (km) Fault clearing duration Reported Minimum Maximum Variation 1 Cycle (0.02s) 92.41 -1427.22 4358.57 5785.79 2 Cycle (0.04s) 93.61 86.05 103.44 17.39 3 Cycle (0.06s) 94.22 89.16 100.12 10.96 4 Cycle (0.08s) 94.54 91.23 98.14 6.91 5 Cycle (0.10s) 94.71 92.58 96.93 4.35 6 Cycle (0.12s) 94.81 93.45 96.19 2.74 50 Cycle (1.00s) 94.96 94.96 94.96 0.00 Observations: 1) Fault location value is dependent on fault clearing time. 2) Higher the fault clearing time, more accurate is fault location value. New Scheme Start Consider voltage & current data for fault period and System frequency Compute modes using Prony analysis Any mode with frequency variation of +/-5% from nominal value? No Yes Compute Fault location for the identified mode Stop Fault clearing duration Fault Location (km) 1 Cycle (0.02s) 94.86 2 Cycle (0.04s) 94.94 3 Cycle (0.06s) 94.95 50 Cycle (1.00s) 94.95 Observations: 1) Fault location is almost constant for different fault clearing time 2) The value obtained are very near to expected value of 95 km Fault Signature Insulator failure Tree encroachment Fault Signature Lightning strike Proposed logic Signature Correlation function Correlation function can be used to determine fault initiation time and fault classification Pre-fault data of faulted phase can be analyzed for small excursions as Logic to identify rise in current Parameters Case-1 Case-2 Imax1 (kA) 4.94 8.89 Imax2 (kA) 8.61 7.67 Imax3 (kA) 8.67 6.88 Imax1 < Imax2 Satisfied Not satisfied Imax2 < Imax3 Not checked Not satisfied Cause of fault Tree encroachment Lightning strike Cable protection trend No auto-reclosure for cable fault 400 kV line protection trend Discussions Thank You