American Nurse's Association

~History of Nursing~
Unit 6
Nursing Leaders
Nursing Schools
~Early nursing leaders~
~United States~
• Nursing in the United
States limited just as
in Europe
• Development began in
the 1800’s
• Civil War was the
impetus for nursing
• Early nurses were
~Dorothea Dix~
• There were no trained
nurses available to care for
the soldiers during the
Civil War
• Northern leaders asked
Dorothea Dix to train and
organize volunteers
• Dix was a teacher
• Named Superintendent of
Female Nurses of the Army
• Major contributions to the
care of the mentally ill
The nursing leader who was important in the
care of the Union soldiers during the Civil
War was:
1. Clara Barton
2. Mary Mahoney
3. Florence Nightingale
4. Dorothea Dix
• Correct!!
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~Clara Barton~
• Spearheaded efforts to
gather supplies for the Civil
War soldiers
• Barton was a teacher
• After the war she organized
searches for Prisoners of
• Named Superintendent of
the Dept. of Union Nurses
• 1881 – Founded the
American Red Cross
The Red Cross was founded by:
1. Florence Nightingale
2. Clara Barton
3. Dorothea Dix
4. Mary Mahoney
• Correct!!
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~First schools of nursing~
After the Civil War the need for
educated nurses was recognized
Schools organized based on the
Florence Nightingale model
First school – Bellevue Hospital
School, New York City
The Boston Training School at
Mass General Hospital
New England Hospital for
Women and Children, Boston,
~Linda Richards~
~America’s first trained nurse~
• Enrolled in one of the first
nursing programs
• New England Hospital for
Women and Children,
Boston, MA
• Graduated after one year
program – first trained
nurse -- 1873
• Major contributions in the
care of the mentally ill
~Mary Mahoney~
Refused to be employed in
domestic work as was common
for women of her race
Qualified and allowed to enroll
in the New England Hospital for
Women and Children, Boston,
Became first educated African
American nurse (1879)
Became politically active and the
inspirationfor the National
Association of Colored Graduate
The first graduate nurse was:
1. Mary Mahoney
2. Clara Barton
3. Linda Richards
4. Dorothea Dix
• Correct!!
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~Isabel Hampton Robb~
Nurses became professionally
organized and politically active
at the national level
Organized the Nurse ‘s
Associated Alumnae of the US
and Canada
(renamed the American Nurse’s
Formed the Society of
Superintendents of Training
Schools for Nurses (became the
National League of Nursing)
~Lavinia Dock~
• Advocate of legislation
to control nursing
• Prolific writer: Hygiene
and Morality, History
of nursing
• Devoted suffragette
• Outspoken advocate for
women’s rights
• Political activist
~Sophia Palmer~
• First editor of the
American Journal of
• Forceful editorials
helped shape nursing
• One of the first to
campaign for
registration legislation
The nursing leader who was a proponent of
women’s rights as well as nursing rights
1. Lavinia Dock
2. Sophia Palmer
3. Isabel Hampton Robb
4. Mary Mahoney
• Correct!!
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