
Introduction to Triangle Geometry Cont’d
Grade Level: This lesson fits into the grade 6 science curriculum. More specifically it covers outcomes:
SCO: SS4: Construct and compare triangles, including: scalene, isosceles, equilateral, right, obtuse and
acute in different orientations.
Lesson Outcomes: In this lesson students will explore the three main types of triangles (equilateral,
isosceles, and scalene). Students will be able to recognize that equilateral triangles share three common
sides, isosceles share two common sides and scalene share zero common sides.
Previous Knowledge: Students should be able to classify the different types of triangles based on side
length and have a bit of insight into the angle which make up a triangle.
Time Required: This lesson is expected to take up an entire 45 minute period.
 Smart Board Technology.
 Protractors, Miras, and Rulers.
Blooms Taxonomy
 Evaluation (Assessing theories, comparing
ideas, evaluating outcomes, solving,
judging, recommending, rating)
 Synthesis (Using old concepts to create
new ideas, design and invention,
composing, imagining, inferring,
modifying, predicting, combining)
 Analysis (Identifying and analyzing
patterns, organization of ideas,
recognizing trends)
 Application (Using and applying
knowledge, using problem solving
methods, manipulating, designing,
 Comprehension (Understanding,
translating, summarizing, demonstrating,
 Knowledge (Recall of information,
discovery, observation, listing, locating,
Multiple Intelligences
 Linguistic (Word smart)
Logical Mathematical (Logic Smart)
Naturalist (Nature Smart)
Spatial (Picture Smart)
Bodily Kinesthetic (Body Smart)
Musical (Music Smart)
Interpersonal (People Smart)
Intrapersonal (Self Smart)
Class Structure:
(Concept Application)
 Begin class with the explore activity on page 200 of the wolf books.
 Discuss what the students did to sort their triangles hopefully they were sorted by
equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.
 Have students measure the side length of the triangles; find the angles, and lines of
symmetry of all 5 triangles.
 Also have students add up all the angles in their triangle. How many degrees did you
get? It should be 180.
 On the students triangle definition page have students make a special note that in
EVERY triangle the angles add up to 180.
 Students who finish this early can use the triangle to make a cool or interesting shape
and paste it on a sheet of construction paper.
__________________________________________________________(13-18 mins).
(Concept Reinforcement, Triangles in Nature)
 Bring up the Skyview Explore app on the iPad/smartboard.
 Have students find triangles in the night sky and see if they’re scalene, isosceles, or
 Have volunteers from the class point out various triangles and then write on the board
S,I, or E.
 After a fair number of students get the chance to point them out, count up how many of
each type of triangle there was.
 Students should notice that scalene triangles are very common in nature especially in
the night sky.
__________________________________________________________(4-6 mins).
(Concept Reinforcement)
 Tell students the story of the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda triangle is an area in the
Atlantic Ocean where a large number of ships and air planes have gone missing under
mysterious circumstances.
 What type of triangle is the Bermuda triangle? Bring up a map of it on the smart board.
Measure the side lengths and angles to determine.
 Where else might we find triangles in nature?
 On the white board present students with either an E, I, or S triangle. Have students
approach the board to measure the side lengths, the interior angles, and draw the line
of symmetry.
If I give you two angles on a triangle, what must the third one be? On the white board
give three problems for the students to copy into their book notes and try out.
_________________________________________________________(6-8 mins).
 Wrap up the class with review of what students learned today. Have students write a
short paragraph explaining the difference between scalene, isosceles and scalene
*End Class Engagement*