Static Type Analysis of Dynamically Typed Programming Language

Control Flow Resolution in
Dynamic Language
Author: Štěpán Šindelář
Supervisor: Filip Zavoral, Ph.D.
▪ The aim of the project
▪ Our Approach
▪ Type Analysis
▪ Type Analysis: Data Flow Values
▪ Type Analysis: Interprocedural Analysis
▪ Evaluation
▪ Conclusion
The Aim: Static Analysis for Phalanger
▪ Phalanger: PHP compiler for .NET, written in C#, compiles PHP to MSIL
▪ Started at the Department of Software Engineering in 2004
▪ PHP is a dynamic language → no type information, one variable: multiple types.
▪ Static Analysis: analyse the code without executing it.
▪ Aim: static analysis framework for Phalanger
▪ optimizations for compiler,
▪ integrated development environments
▪ implement analyses:
▪ dead code elimination, constant propagation, type inference
▪ The aim of the project
▪ Our Approach
▪ Type Analysis
▪ Type Analysis: Data Flow Values
▪ Type Analysis: Interprocedural Analysis
▪ Evaluation
▪ Conclusion
Our Approach: Static Analysis
▪ Data-flow Analysis (DFA) - the de-facto standard for optimizing compilers and
basis for other approaches
▪ control flow graph
▪ data-flow equations
▪ iterative algorithm to solve the equations
▪ Our task
▪ Design and implement the framework
▪ Implement desired analyses
▪ Dead code elimination, constant propagation, type inference
Our Approach: Type Analysis
▪ The most complex analysis implemented
“When developers are given a dynamically
typed programming language,
it does not mean that they will write
dynamically typed programs.”
▪ Our aim:
▪ Type inference for local variables and global elements
▪ Static and global variables, static and instance fields
▪ Support for PHPDoc
▪ Our task
▪ choose the data flow values (domain)
▪ deal with intraprocedural analysis
▪ deal with real world programming language - PHP
Type Analysis: Data Flow Values
▪ Map from variable names to subsets of types
▪ Must form a finite lattice
▪ Support for “type hints”
▪ Inheritance
▪ Efficient representation
▪ memory consumption
▪ fast meet operator
Type Analysis: Interprocedural Analysis
▪ Analysis of global and static variables, static and instance fields.
▪ Return types of routines
▪ Heap memory
▪ Modularity
▪ The aim of the project
▪ Our Approach
▪ Type Analysis
▪ Type Analysis: Data Flow Values
▪ Type Analysis: Interprocedural Analysis
▪ Evaluation
▪ Conclusion
▪ PHP open source projects
▪ Zebra_Image, PHPUnit, Nette
▪ Run the analysis on their source code
▪ fix bugs where possible
▪ record actual errors discovered by the tool
▪ categorize found issues
Evaluation: performance
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▪ PHP open source projects
▪ The aim of the project
▪ Our Approach
▪ Type Analysis
▪ Type Analysis: Data Flow Values
▪ Type Analysis: Interprocedural Analysis
▪ Evaluation
▪ Conclusion
▪ Generic data-flow analysis analysis framework for Phalanger
▪ Type Analysis
▪ Effective data-flow values representation with bit-vectors, PHPDoc support
▪ Modular approach for interprocedural analysis
▪ Evaluation:
▪ capable of discovering several real issues with a good ratio of false positives
▪ without expensive context sensitive analysis → scalability
▪ Future Work:
▪ intergration with the compiler, performance evaluation of the emitted code
▪ arrays support
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