powerpoint - The Stanford SUIF Compiler Group

Interprocedural Program Analyses
David Heine Vladimir Livshits
Brian Murphy
Christopher Unkel
Hansel Wan
Stanford University
I. Data structures for program analysis
II. Interprocedural analysis framework
III. Interprocedural passes and parallelizer
IV. Pointer alias analysis
I. Data structures: Lattice values
 Commonly used in data flow analysis
 bottom, top, meet operators
 Includes definitions of some common lattices, e.g.
 bitvectors, constants, intervals
 Common algorithms
 Iterated dominance frontier
 strongly connected components
 Generates dot graph output
 Example: control flow graphs and call graphs
Region Graphs
 Capture the hierarchical program structure along side the statements
 An interpretation of the statements without dismantling them
 Useful for elimination-style algorithms
 A region
 has one entry and possibly multiple exits
 may be a terminal region (straight line control flow internally)
 or a composite region
 Flow between subregions is specified by
 control flow graph (adjacency lists)
 a regular expression (path expression with composition,
meet and Kleene star)
 Extensible with new nodes
Region Transformations
 Flattening regions
 Conversions from regular expression RE -> CFG and CFG -> RE
 May involve some code cloning
III. Interprocedural Analysis
 Two important design choices in program analysis
 Across procedures
No interprocedural analysis
Interprocedural: context-insensitive
Interprocedural: context-sensitive
 Within a procedure
Flow-sensitive: interval/region based
Flow-sensitive: iterative over flow-graph
Efficient Context-Sensitive Analysis
inner loop
 Bottom-up
 A region/interval: a procedure or a loop
 An edge: call or code in inner scope
 Summarize each region (with a transfer function)
 Find strongly connected components (sccs)
 Bottom-up traversal of sccs
 Iteration to find fixed-point for recursive functions
 Top-down
 Top-down propagation of values
 Iteration to find fixed-point for recursive functions
Interprocedural Framework Architecture
Linear traversal
Compound Handlers
Procedure calls and returns
Composite regions
User-def. handlers/lattice values
E.g. Array summaries
E.g. Mod/ref analysis
Data Structures
Call graphs, SCC, lattice values
Regions, control flow graphs
Interprocedural Framework Architecture
 Interprocedural analysis data structures
 e.g. call graphs, regions or intervals
 Handlers: Orthogonal sets of handlers for different groups of constructs
 Primitives: user specifies analysis-specific semantics of primitives
 Compound: handles compound statements and calls
User chooses between handlers of different styles
• e.g. no interprocedural analysis versus context-sensitive
• e.g. flow-insensitive vs. flow-sensitive
 All the handlers are registered in a visitor
 Driver
 Driver invoked by user’s request for information (demand driven)
 Build prepass data structures
 Invokes the right set of handlers in right order
(e.g. bottom-up traversal of call graph)
III. Interprocedural Passes
 Scalar analysis
 Mod/ref, reduction recognition: Bottom-up flow-insensitive
 Liveness for privatization: Bottom-up and top-down, flow-sensitive
 Constraint propagation: Top-down, flow-insensitive
 Array analysis
 Dependence analysis
 Privatization analysis
Region-Based Array Analysis
 Array sections are represented as sets of linear inequalities(Omega)
 Bottom-up and backward-flow analysis
 For each region: compute 4 sections for each array accessed
 M: may have been written
 W: must have been written
 R: may have been read
 E: (exposed-read) values read are defined before the region executes
 Dependence test
 $ iteration i, j s.t. Mi  Rj = 
 Privatization test
  iteration i, Ei = 
Example: ModRef Analysis
class ModRefProblem : public BUProblem {
ModRefProblem(SuifEnv* suif_env, PtrAnalysisType the_ptrAnalysisType);
virtual void initialize();
ModRefProblem::ModRefProblem(SuifEnv* suif_env,
PtrAnalysisType the_ptrAnalysisType) :
BUProblem(suif_env, "ModRef",
new ModRefValue(), new ModRefValue(),
new ModRefUserBUHandler(suif_env, the_ptrAnalysisType),
new CallGraphIPBUHandler(suif_env),
new FlowInsensitiveIntraBUHandler(suif_env)),
Lattice Values
class ModRefValue : public LatticeValue {
AbslocSetValue* get_mod() const {return modVars;}
AbslocSetValue* get_ref() const {return refVars;}
virtual void do_meet(const LatticeValue* other, bool*
virtual LatticeValue* top() const;
virtual LatticeValue* id() const;
virtual void do_compose(const LatticeValue* other, bool*
virtual void do_star(const VariableSymbol * idx,
const Expression* lb, const Expression* ub,
bool* changed){};
virtual void do_widen(const LatticeValue* other, bool* changed);
LatticeValue* clone() const;
bool is_top() const;
bool is_id() const;
String to_string() const;
User-Defined Handler
class ModRefUserBUHandler : public UserBUHandler {
ModRefUserBUHandler(SuifEnv* suif_env, PtrAnalysisType ptrAnalysisType);
virtual UNSHARED LatticeValue* handle_statement
(BUProblem* problem, Statement* stmt);
virtual LatticeValue* handle_simple_region
(BUProblem* problem, SimpleRegion* region);
virtual LatticeValue* handle_predicate_region
(BUProblem* problem, PredicateRegion* region);
virtual LatticeValue* handle_mwb_default_region
(BUProblem* problem, MWBDefaultRegion* region);
virtual LatticeValue* handle_eval_predicate_region
(BUProblem* problem, EvalPredicateRegion* region);
virtual LatticeValue* handle_undef_proc_region
(BUProblem* problem, UndefProcRegion* region);
Most of the work is done here!
UNSHARED LatticeValue* ModRefUserBUHandler::handle_statement
(BUProblem* problem, Statement* stmt
ModRefValue* curr_value = new ModRefValue();
for (SemanticHelper::SrcVarIter iter(stmt); iter.is_valid(); iter.next())
StoreVariableStatement* s = to<StoreVariableStatement>(stmt);
VarAbsLocation* dest =
if(is_kind_of<StoreStatement>(stmt)){ // *x = y
StoreStatement* s = to<StoreStatement>(stmt);
new AbslocSetValue(query->get_absloc_set(s), true));}}
return curr_value;
 Parallelizes a loop if
 there is no abnormal exit out of a loop
 all scalar variables are either
read-only variables
privatizable variables
reduction variables
 all array variables
either have no dependence
or can be privatized
IV. Pointer Alias Analysis
 Steensgaard’s pointer alias analysis
 Flow-insensitive and context-insensitive, type-inference based analysis
 Very efficient: near linear-time analysis
 Very inaccurate
 A good bootstrapping step for interprocedural C program analysis
 Enables the construction of a call graph with indirect function calls
Context-Sensitive Pointer Analysis
 Implementation of the analysis described in
Scalable Context-Sensitive Flow Analysis Using Instantiation Constraints
Fahndrich, Rehof, Das, (PLDI ’00!) in SUIF 2.
 Context-sensitive, flow-insensitive flow analysis.
 Instantiation constraints represent caller-callee relationships.
 Handles function pointers smoothly, and is efficient.
 One application is pointer alias analysis.
 Implementation runs in three phases:
 constraint generation
 constraint solution
 reachability analysis
 Implemented in SUIF in ~6 weeks (as a first project in SUIF)
Demo of Two Visualization Tools
 From the implementation in SUIF, running on sizeable programs:
 Progress of the analysis
 Resulting type graphs
Progress Visualization
 Simple X windows progress monitor.
 One pixel for each node.
 Allocated in scan order as they are created.
 White: initially created; red: callee; green: caller; grey: merged node.
 Visualization results:
 Constraint generation:
white nodes created; some functions and call sites.
 Constraint solution:
nodes merged together and many greyed out.
Several passes of working down pointer chains: a=b, *a=*b, **a=**b.
Red and green spread to formal and actual parameters.
Some new nodes created for “product types”.
Scattered merging as the algorithm deduces flow through functions
 Nearly 1,000,000 nodes created for gcc. 2.5 minutes CPU time on this laptop.
Result Visualization
 pointergraph compress.suif compress.ps
 ghostview compress.ps &
 Resulting type graphs courtesy of Dot:
 Pointees below pointers.
 Arguments below functions.
 Callers below callees.
 Nodes marked with variable names.
 Optional grouping by function
(only for small programs.)