1. Canada Becoming a Nation: Historical Perspective and Modern State Policy.
Canada’s Multi-Layered Diversity: First Nations, Founding Peoples and
Immigrant Minorities.
2. Multiculturalism and Canada-building. Charles Taylor, Neil Bissoondath.
3. Canadian Identity, Identification and the Desire of Recognition.
4. The 49th Parallel in Canadian Culture.
5. Canadian Literary Canon. Theoretical Perspectives and Problems. Northrop
Frye, Margaret Atwood, John Metcalf.
6. Multiculturalism in Canadian Literature. Smaro Kamboureli.
7. Contemporary Canadian Literature in English – Formative Factors and Genre
8. Canadian Short Story Writing. Alice Munro.
9. Canadian Postmodern Writing. Linda Hutcheon, Margaret Atwood, Timothy
10. Aboriginal Writing. Orality and Postcolonial Perspectives. Thomas King,
Thomas Highway, Jeanette Armstrong, Monique Mojoca.
11. Diasporic and Immigrant Literature in Canada. Michael Ondaatje, Joy
Kogawa, M.G.Vassanji, Yan Martel.
12. The North in Canadian Literature.
Armstrong, Jeanette. Slash
Atwood, Margaret. The Blind Assassin. New York: Anchor Books, 2000.
Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Anchor Books, 1986.
Atwood, Margaret. Surfacing
Davies, Robertson. The Deptford Trilogy. Penguin Books, 1983.
Findley, Timothy. Not Wanted on the Voyage. 1984.
Findley, Timothy. Pilgrim. Perennial, 2000.
Findley, Timothy. The Piano Man's Daughter, 1999.
Highway, Thomas. The Rez Sisters. Calgary, AB: Fifth House Publishers, 1988.
King, Thomas. Green Grass, Running Water. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.
King, Thomas. Medicine River. Penguin, 1989.
Kogawa, Joy. Itsuka. New York: Anchor Books, 1992.
Kogawa, Joy. Obasan. New York, Doubleday, 1992.
Kroetsch, Robert. Badlands. Toronto, Ontario: Stoddart, 1975.
Lawrence, Margaret. The Diviners
Mojoca, Monique. Princess Pocahontas and The Blue Spots. Canada, 1991
Ondaatje, Michael. In the Skin of a Lion. New York: Vintage International, 1987.
Ondaatje, Michael. Running in the Family. New York: Vintage International, 1982.
Ondaatje, Michael. Anil's Ghost
Richler, Mordekai. The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravit
Spears, Heather. Line by Line: An Anthology of Canadian Poetry. Banf, AB: Ekstasy
Edition, 2002.
Vassanji, M.G. No New Land. Toronto, Ontario. McClelland & Stewart, Inc. 1991.
Vassanji, M. G. The In-Between World of Vikram Lall
Cultural and Literary Criticism
Atwood, Margaret. Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing. New York:
Anchor Books, 2002.
Atwood, Margaret. Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature. House of
Anansi, 1972.
Bissoondath, Neil. Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada 1994.
Blaise, Clark. “The Border as Fiction” Borderlands Monograph Series No.4/1990
Brown, Russel.”Borderlines and borderlands in English Canada: The Written Line.”
Borderlands Monograph Series No.4/1990.
Bumsted, J. M. A History of Canadian Peoples. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Carlsen, Jørn. O Canada: Essays on Canadian Literature and Culture. Aarhus UP,
Day, Richard. Multiculturalism and the History of Canadian Diversity. University of
Toronto Press, 2000.
Easingwood, Peter and Konrad Gross, Lynette Hunter, Eds. Difference and
Community: Canadian and European Perspectives. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996.
Frye, Northrop. The Bush Garden: Essays on the Canadian Imagination with
Introduction by Linda Hutcheon. Toronto: Anansi, 1995.
Glenday, Dan & Duffy, Ann. Canadian Society: meeting the challenges of the 21st
century. Oxford University Press, (2001.
Gorjup, Branko, Ed. Reflections on the Canadian Literary Imagination. Bulzoni
Editorte, 1991.
Hoerder, Dirk. From the Study of Canada to Canadian Studies. Wisner-Verlag, 2005.
Fleras, Augie& Jean L. Elliott. Unequal Relations: an introduction to race and ethnic
dynamics in Canada. 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 2002.
Howells, Coral Ann. Ed. The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood. The
Cambridge UP, 2006.
Hutcheon, Linda. The Politics of Postmodernism. London & New York: Routledge,
Kamboureli, Smaro. Scandalous bodies:diasporic literature in English Canada.
Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2009.
Kim, Christine, Sophie McCall, and Melina Baum Singer, eds. Cultural grammars of
nation, diaspora, and indigeneity in Canada.Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier
University Press, 2012.
King, Thomas. Ed. The Native in Literature. 1987;
Kröller, Eva-Marie, ed.. Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature. CUP, 2004.
Lai, Larissa. Slanting I, Imagining We: Asian Canadian Literary Production in the
1980s and 1990s. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2014. Print.
Lecker, Robert. Making It Real: The Canonization of English-Canadian Literature.
Lipset, Seymour Martin. “North American Cultures: Values and Institutions in
Canada and the US” Borderlands Monograph Series No.3/1990
Matsuoka, Atsuko and John Sorenson. Ghosts and Shadows: Construction of Identity
and Community in an African Diaspora. Toronto: U of Toronto P.
Mauguière, Bènèdicte. Cultural identities in Canadian Literature. New York: Peter
McLeod, Neal, ed. Indigenous Poetics in Canada. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP,
Morra, Linda M. Unarrested Archives: Case Studies in Twentieth-Century Canadian
Women’s Authorship. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2014.
Moss, Laura, ed. Is Canada Postcolonial? Unsettling Canadian Literature. Walterloo,
Ontario, Wifrid Laurier UP, 2003.
New, W. H. History of Canadian Literature. Toronto, 2005.
Resnick, Philip. Thinking English Canada, 1994.
Schaub, Danielle and Christl Verduyn, Eds. Identitiy, Community, Nation: Essays on
Canadian Writing. The Hebrew U Magnes Press, Jerusalem. 1998, 2001.
Taylor, Charles. Multiculturalism with commentary by K. Anthony Appiah, Jürgen
Habermas, Steven C. Rockefeller, Michael Walzer, and Susan Wolf, Edited and
introduced by Amy Gutmann, Princeton University Press, 1994.
Thomas, David M. Canada and the United States: Differences that Count. Broadview
Press, 2000.
Verduyn, Christl, ed. Literary Pluralities, Broadview Press, 1998.