Newsletter- November 2015

Newsletter- November 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“They are to do good, to be rich in good works,
generous and ready to share, thus storing up for
themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the
future, so that they can take hold of the life that really
is life.” – 1 Timothy 6: 18-19
Kick-off Sunday for our “Live Free” congregational
stewardship emphasis is this Sunday, November 1. I
hope that you will take the opportunity during the
month of November to be faithful in prayer and
meditation as we explore together how we can “take
hold of the life that really is life”.
You have hopefully received your stewardship packet
which included a letter from me about our “Live Free”
theme, a pledge card, giving guide, and a time and
talent sheet. The Stewardship Committee decided to
include a copy of the congregation’s bylaws to help
explain what each of the committees is supposed to
be doing. Other explanations were included to help
you know what you are signing up to do. The
Committee hopes that this will encourage more people
to sign up to share their time and talents.
We also included in the packet a simple narrative
budget. We hope it will serve as a helpful resource for
you in understanding how our congregation can use
the resources with which we have been entrusted to
live out the mission and ministries to which we are
Also enclosed in the Stewardship packet is a pledge
card. After prayerful consideration, please fill out the
card and return it on, or before, our Commitment
Sunday on November 22. There will be a basket in the
sanctuary for your cards.
Please plan to come to the Luther League’s baked
potato bar this Sunday, November 1. It will be an
opportunity to support our youth and their activities. It
will also be a chance for fellowship, especially with our
new members that will be received that day. Most of
all, it will be a time when we will celebrate and give
thanks for God’s generosity to us, and discuss around
the tables how we have been encouraged in our
generous giving over the years and how we will live as
a generous faith community in the year ahead.
Remember to mark two Sundays on your calendar:
Sunday, November 1, the Kick-Off Sunday for our
“Live Free” stewardship emphasis; and Sunday,
November 22, our Commitment Sunday, when we
present and celebrate our personal giving
commitments for the ministry and mission we share as
the people of Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran
Watch for more information as our journey into faithful
discipleship continues.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Mark
Worship Schedule
Sundays in November
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Adult Sunday School in the Parish Hall
9:00 a.m.
Sunday School in the Parish Hall
9:00 a.m.
High School Christian Education
in the Parish Hall
9:15 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 a.m.
November 1
All Saints Sunday
November 8
Now the Feast and Celebration
November 22
Commitment Sunday
Wednesdays in November
7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study “Keep it Shut”
in the Parish Hall
Congregation Council and Church Finance Notes
The Council met on Thursday, October 15, 2015. The next
regular Council meeting will be Thursday, November 12, 2015
at 7:00 p.m. A copy of the meeting minutes is posted in the
church narthex. Council minutes are also available in the
church office.
Financial Report
2015 General Fund Activity (through October 27, 2015)
Mission Support
Net Loss
Remember, any church committee meeting may be attended by
anyone. You do not have to be a member of that group to
attend their meeting. We encourage you to attend the
meeting(s) of your choice.
Thanksgiving Worship Service
The Worship and Music Committee has made the decision to
move our Thanksgiving Worship service from Thanksgiving Eve
to the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving to the Parish Hall.
The reason for this being that many people are traveling to visit
family the day before Thanksgiving or might be preparing to
host company.
So put it on your calendars now. SELC’s Thanksgiving
worship service will be on Sunday, November 22, at
7:00 p.m. The choir will be singing at this special service. It
will be a great opportunity to gather as a community of faith to
thank God for the many blessings that we have received. The
worship service will be at the Parish Hall.
As an added bonus, the Social Ministry Committee will be
serving a soup supper that evening beginning at 5:30 p.m. The
money raised from the freewill donation will be used for
mission projects for the 150th anniversary of SELC.
WELCA Thankoffering
Thankoffering is a time-honored tradition with women in the
ELCA. Our foremothers held Thankoffering services, mainly in
the fall, to give thanks for God’s faithfulness at harvest time.
Today’s women give thanks for what God has done and is doing
in our lives throughout the year. These offerings support the
church-wide ministry of Women of the ELCA to multiply the
mission work of our church. We encourage all of our
Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church members to support
this annual offering. The enclosed envelope may be
placed in the church offering plates during the month
of November. Thank you for your donation.
Annual Meeting Notice
The Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church will meet for our
annual meeting on Sunday, January 24, 2016. Please
remember that Confirmed members need to commune and
have a contribution on record by the end of 2015 in order to
vote at this meeting.
Advent Devotion Book
Watch for the Advent Devotion book in the December
newsletter with devotions written by Swedesburg members
including youth.
The Swedish expression “va så god” is used when offering
something to eat. The Swedish Smörgåsbord menu of
Swedesburg, IA politely translates as “Please honor us by
accepting what we have to offer”, more simply translated as
“Come to the Table”. Plans are once again under way for this
long standing tradition of “Smörgåsbord”. The “Working
Group” has agreed to serve again this year, and volunteer help
is needed once again for the event’s success.
The working group consists of Stan Unkrich who will be in
charge of the physical work of setting up tables and other
“heavy” work on Monday, November 30, in the afternoon.
Ticket sales will be handled by Vicky Bergstrom; only 450 have
been ordered and they will go on sale at 9:00 a.m. at the parish
hall November 2. Johanna Crawford will be lining up
entertainment. Louise Unkrich will handle decorating, done on
Tuesday and Wednesday. Trish Woepking will oversee the Bit
O’ Sweden. Ruth Meth will coordinate the kitchen, dining room
and serving area. This task is spread over Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday that week of Smorgasbord.
Anyone interested in assisting any of these working group
leaders don’t hesitate to contact them. You will find their
contact information in the membership book, sign-up sheets
will also be available in the narthex. Baked goods of any kind
for the Bit O’ Sweden, are always welcomed but particularly rye
bread and tea rings. Equally important is the need for
volunteers for the days of preparation prior and for serving the
night of smorgasbord.
Work sessions for Ostakaka will take place on November 13 and
19 at the Parish Hall. Plan to be there around 9 a.m. All are
welcome to assist. Contact Ruth Meth, Sally Anderson or the
church office if you are available.
Church Office
The church basement renovations still continue; the church
office is still located at the Parish Hall, at 201 Academy Avenue
in Swedesburg. The office phone number remains the same as
calls will be forwarded over to the Parish Hall. During the time
of the remodel, it is suggested we have minimal traffic flow
through the church basement. Please visit the Parish Hall for
any church business.
Due to construction activity in the church basement, the
nursery has been discontinued until further notice. Activity
bags as well as a bin of small toys will be available in the
narthex to assist parents in keeping their children engaged
during the service. We are blessed to have so many little ones in
our congregation and encourage attendance for all of our young
people. As Christ himself said, “Let the little children come to
me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs
to such as these.”
Fun at the hayride
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
Nine ladies joined together on Wednesday, October 14 as the
WELCA school kits were assembled and packed. Thanks to
everyone’s generosity with supplies, WELCA packaged and sent
58 school kits, weighing 181 pounds in 8 boxes. Wayne and
Leah Woline deserve a big thank you for driving the packages
for delivery to Cedar Rapids. Thank you to everyone who
donated to this worthwhile project.
The next Rachel Circle meeting will take place at 9:15 a.m. on
Wednesday November 18; Lynn Graf is the Hostess.
150th Games and Activities Planning Committee
The 150th Anniversary Games & Activities Planning Committee
is going to meet November 1st after worship at the Parish Hall.
Anyone interested in serving on this FUN committee is very
welcome to join the group. This is the first meeting so you can
"get in on the ground floor"!
150th Historical Committee
The 150th Historical Committee are now selling 2016 Church
calendars. Located at the end of this newsletter is an order
form for you to use to place your order for the 2016 calendars.
Thank you for your help! This calendar makes great Christmas
and birthday gifts!
The Historical Committee meetings in November have changed.
The only date the committee will meet is Wednesday,
November 11 at 6:30 p.m.
Historical Highlights
Reminders to congregation members to turn in questionnaires
of church memories to the church office or drop them in the
white box in the narthex (entryway). The goal will be to include
these in a booklet for the church anniversary.
Join us in celebrating the 150th Anniversary of
Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church, June 18-19,
2016. There will be a variety of activities for everyone.
Coffee Cart
During construction of the church basement, we continue to
have coffee cart outside weather permitting. It will be up to the
Coffee Cart host to determine if the weather is conducive to
having Coffee Cart or not. Please let Pastor Mark know if you
decide not to have Coffee Cart.
Coffee Cart hosts, you do not need to prepare coffee unless you
want to. There is drink mix and instant tea mix. If coffee cart is
cancelled because of weather, please let Mary know if you want
to be the coffee cart hosts the next Sunday. (The thought is that
if someone has baked or purchased goods and coffee cart is
cancelled that they should be able to decide if they want to use
them the following Sunday.)
Greetings from your
School Family!
Believe it or not, we’re
fast approaching the time
of year where we begin
our Christmas program
rehearsals. Our program
this year will take place during the 10:00AM worship Sunday,
December 13th. It’s always a lot of fun, and the kids do such a
great job of sharing their message with joy, innocence, and
energy! We start rehearsals every Sunday, beginning November
15th. We have dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 12th
from 9:00-Noon, followed by a pizza lunch.
We need to know if your child will be there for rehearsals and
the performance. Please call the church office at 254-2216 or
email Becky Rauenbuehler, at if your
child CANNOT be there. We can’t wait to get started.
The Sunday School Christian education students have been
studying the Armor of God, and made "Belts of Truth" on
Sunday, October 18!
Social Ministry
There is a continuing need for size 4 diapers.
Thank you for contributing to the Fall Food Drive for the
Fellowship Cup.
The Social Ministry committee's next meeting will be Monday,
November 2, at 5:30 p.m. They will sponsor a soup supper on
Sunday, November 22 at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Women’s Study
A new study called "Keep it Shut" will start on October 7th. The
back of the book states: Your mouth ever gotten you in a
tangled - up mess? Maybe it's time you adopted a new rule of
tongue. The average women speaks over 20,000 words a day not to mention those she types online. Karen Ehman shares
from experience the how's (and how-not-to’s) of dealing with
the tongue. Using biblical examples and her experiences
(sometimes painful) to help equip us to know what to say, how
best to say it, and when you'd better just keep your lips zipped.
We meet at 7 PM at the Parish Hall. Come join us!
Tanzania Companion Coordinators
The Tanzania Companion Coordinators met October 4 at 11:00
a.m., along with the High School Christian Education class.
Churchmen Pancake Breakfast
For Food Resources Bank
The Churchmen will be hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday,
November 8 at 7 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Funds raised will go to
the Food Resources Bank. They need to raise $1,500 to receive
their requested $500 match from Thrivent. Come out and enjoy
breakfast with the Churchmen while helping a good cause.
Everyone is welcome.
Harvestville Farm
The Sunday School and Luther League travelled to Harvestville Farm
near Donnellson on Sunday, October 25. We enjoyed the play area of
the farm, and had a meal of hot dogs, chips, and s’mores. The older
youth walked through the flashlight corn maze.
Thank you’s
Thank you: I would like to thank the Congregation Council for
the gift cards given to me to celebrate Pastor's Appreciation
Month. Thanks to all of you who have remembered me on this
occasion. I am humbled and blessed to serve as your pastor!
Pastor Mark
Thank you for your $100 donation to the Tanzania Well
Drilling Project in honor of Pastor Matthew Martens’ at the
time of his retirement. Your generous support is appreciated.
Tammy Mickelson, Financial Secretary
Grace Lutheran Church
Ft. Dodge, Iowa
Federal Privacy Laws
Because of Federal Privacy Laws (HIPPA), if you or a member of your
family are hospitalized and would like the Pastor to visit, please
contact the church office at (319) 254-2216, or Pastor Mark at (319)
Weekly Worship Audio Available
You may enjoy listening to our service each Sunday morning at 11:30
a.m. on the radio at 105.5 KILJ FM.
Our weekly worship service is available on the church website: Click on “Online Directory and
Media”, and then select “Launch Media Player”. Click on the weekly
service you wish to listen to.
Each monthly newsletter is available on our website: Click on calendar, and then click any
month to read it.
National Adoption Month
November is National Adoption Month, and LSI is a proud partner of
Iowa KidsNet, the statewide collaboration of agencies that helps Iowans
become foster or adoptive parents for children in Iowa’s foster care
system. Nationally, there are over 101,000 youth waiting to be adopted
from foster care, and thousands of teens age out of foster care every year
without a permanent family. We know there are no unwanted children,
only unfound families! To learn how you or someone you know can make
a difference, visit
LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at and
Keeping Up With Brookie
Brookie loves to talk, and she makes friends everywhere she goes. It’s
quite likely she would be delighted to be your friend, too. But you’ll have
to keep up with her first.
Brookie has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair. She lives at Harmony
Place, a Muscatine house specially designed for “medically fragile”
individuals. The home, built in 2008 by the Muscatine Welfare
Association through public and private funding, has 24-7 staffing
provided by LSI.
The house is innovative, with a track system that makes it easy for its five
residents to move from one room to another. And all five of their
wheelchairs easily fit together in the Harmony Place bus. It gives Brookie
a home base from which she can go anywhere. And she is always on the
“I try to do as much as I can,” she said. “I work at Wal-Mart, I do sled
hockey, I play softball in Davenport. I go to concerts.” There’s also
bowling league, swimming, singing group, regular trips to see friends
and family and fun times at Camp Courageous in Monticello. Plus, she
spends a few days in Ames every year chasing down the competition in
the Special Olympics wheelchair races. (She won gold in the 100m this
“Since I’ve been here, I’ve come a long way,” said Brookie. “I’m more
independent now. I’m able to do a lot more. I see a friend whenever it fits
in the schedule. I see my family whenever I want. LSI makes really good
accommodations.” Some group homes have limits on how many vehicle
miles a resident can use each month. Harmony Place does not. Instead, it
places special importance on community integration and spending time
with loved ones. LSI also helps support her in her goals, such as cooking,
exercise and community involvement.
“Many parents cannot provide caregiving,” said Lisa, an LSI staff.
“Sometimes their home is not equipped or they are older. Harmony
Place helps improve quality of life for people.” And for Brookie, that life
is lived to the very fullest. Catch her if you can.
Throughout the year we pray for all our church members. Each
week we will pray for about five church families.
Please pray this month for:
November 1:
David & Lisa Swanson,
Debbie Swanson,
Kathy Swanson, and
Roger & Shirley Swanson,
Peg Swenson,
November 22:
Bill & Marjorie Tolander,
Jan & Dave Towne,
Jim & Kay Trager,
Brendan & Brandelle
Unkrich, and Bennett,
Louise Unkrich,
November 8:
Nancy Taylor, and Joe
Hannah Taylor,
Christopher & Erika
Thomas, Eva, Ana, and
Dan & Cathy Thurman,
Erin Thurman, and
November 29:
Stan & Valerie Unkrich,
Tyson Unkrich,
Mary Lee Van Egdon,
John & Jennifer Wagner,
Zoe and Rory,
Patty Waterhouse.
November 15:
Aaron & Shari Tolander,
Jared and Jacob,
Greg & Janet Tolander,
Conner and Mitchell
Kenny & Bea Tolander,
Matthew Tolander,
Steven Tolander,
November Birthdays
We wish the following people a very happy birthday on their
special day:
Jessica Diers
Dianne Molander
Robert Frary
Jim Richardson
Arvid Anderson
Leah Alliman
Erika Thomas
Daniel Johnson
Makenzie Mullin
Mike Brawner
Shelly Wickham
Michael Lindeen
Kinsey Sovern
Brandon Jones
Sara Erickson
Tanner McArtor
Anna Ostby
Jerry Lindeen
Jane Wickham
Linda Kimzey
Michael Kerr
Matthew Wettach
Megan Wettach
Jean Anderson
Cathy Thurman
Marjorie Beckman
Larry Kaufman
Ray Meth
Bob Johnson
Dale Mullin
Jonathan Lindeen
Elizabeth Miller
Norma Olson
Chad Fraise
Tom Wenstrand
Richard Woline
Elsie Morgan
Holly Frary
Marilyn Parcel
Aaron Bodenham
Wynn Brown Thomas
Tim Proctor
Wayne Rodgers
Mike Wells
Ryan Hanna
November Anniversaries
We wish to offer these couples a happy anniversary:
1 Steve and Kris Emerson
12 Keaton and Angela Krueger
17 Kenny and Brooke McArtor
18 Jim and Helen Snodgrass
23 Randy and Chris Morgan
25 Gary and Sally Anderson
27 Gary and Becky Johnson
Please help the church office update their records by submitting any
birthday, anniversary or any other corrections. Thank you.
the family of Clarence Anderson upon his recent
the family of Jean Woline upon her recent passing.
the family of Helen Zihlman upon her recent passing.
ELCA missionary Rev. Brian Palmer in Liberia, supported
by this congregation.
for Bishop Mjema of the Pare Diocese, Rev. Elisa Mrutu
and people of Ngaeni Lutheran Parish, our partner
congregation in Tanzania.
friends and loved ones experiencing health concerns.
to Tyler Craig, Nick Sandeen, Ben Rauenbuehler and
Nathan Rauenbuehler for accompanying the Processional
Hymn on Reformation Sunday.
members who continue to support the radio broadcast by
sponsoring the weekly broadcast.
Congratulations to Neal and Heidi (Lauer) Peter who
welcomed into their family a baby girl, Dessa Jaymes
Peter. She was born Saturday, August 29 in Des Moines.
She was welcomed home by her two-year-old brother,
Declan. Maternal grandparents of Dessa are Jim and
Janey Lauer.
Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church
1897 140th Street, P. O. Box 88, Swedesburg, Iowa 52652-0088
Telephone 319-254-2216
Worship begins at 10 a.m.
Join us!
Thanksgiving Worship Services
Sunday, November 22 at 7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to attend:
Luther League baked potato bar November 1,
at the Parish Hall, 201 Academy, Swedesburg
1897 140th Street
P. O. Box 88
Swedesburg, IA 52652