class 5 newsletter spring term 2015

Dear Parents
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a super
Christmas, and it’s nice to see the children back
refreshed and ready to learn.
The children are already
excited about this terms
topic – Ancient Egypt.
Through pupil voice,
they have expressed an
interest in learning
about mummification,
pyramids, Gods and
Pharaohs. They are keen to do lots of art and
listen to music relating to Ancient Egypt. In
addition to this, we will be learning about why
the Nile was so important to their civilization,
Howard Carter – the archaeologist who
discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb and Ancient
Egyptian customs, beliefs and traditions – in
particular what they wore and ate. There will be
an opportunity to dress up and feast like an
Ancient Egyptian on our KS2 Egyptian day later
in the term (more details to follow nearer the
If children have any books, artefacts or toys
relevant to Ancient Egypt they are happy to
share with the class, this will help with learning
this exciting topic.
Monday 19th January will be ‘Science Day’ where
children will have the opportunity to carry out
science investigations relating to forces and
magnets. We will continue the topic of ‘Forces’
this term and the children will have the
opportunity to investigate friction and ways to
best move blocks to build pyramids.
In PE we are developing skills as gymnasts, using
both floor and apparatus.
In PSHE we will be focusing on Friendships and
Getting on and Falling Out. Children will learn
that it is OK to have a disagreement and that we
all don’t have to like the same things, but we
need to speak kindly to each other and respect
others opinions.
As previously, all children will have two maths
and two writing targets. These will be on their
target book-marks.
The whole school maths target is relating to
problem solving and the whole school writing
target is focusing on sentence structure.
When individual targets have been finalised they
will be stuck into the children’s home reading
diary, together with their school target for your
information. Each child will think of a personal
target too.
PE Kit
Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in
school through-out the term. If there are
problems with providing any item of the PE kit,
please can you let me know.
Home Reading
Please continue to support your children with
their home reading. This is showing great results
and those children reading regularly are making
good progress. Children should be writing a few
sentences about what they have read each time
and this will also help to support their sentence
writing target.
Mrs Pragnell will continue to send spellings home
on a Friday to be learnt for a test the following
It seems that some children are coming to school
very tired and not ready to work. Please could
you help your child to get plenty of sleep
(between 10-12 hours a night) so they are
refreshed and ready to learn.
Dates for you
19th Jan
20th Jan
5th Feb
10th Feb
2nd Mar
3rd Mar
3rd & 4th Mar
9th Mar
12th Mar
13th Mar
23rd Mar
27th Mar
Science Day
Skillzone trip (Y5 only)
Japan Theme Day
Safer Internet Day
Lego Robot Session (Y5 only)
Egyptian Theme Day
Parents Evening
Music Theme Day
Class 5 Assembly
Red Nose Day
Italy Theme Day
Easter Assembly
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Swain