Topic title (Main Theme) Long term focus (geography) Launch / Landing Visitors in / Visits Ecclesfield Primary School Long Term Plan 2014-15 Year Group: 3 AUTUMN 2 (7 weeks) SPRING1 (6 weeks) SPRING 2 (5 weeks) SUMMER 1 (6 weeks) SUMMER 2 (7 weeks) How does life survive What did we learn Life of the sea What lives amongst What lives at the in The Frozen from the Ancient Friend or Foe? the rainforest? bottom of the Kingdom? Greeks? garden? Location and Types of Land use Map work – identifying continents, countries, equator Identifying types and features of lands (e.g. Deserts, Oceans, Fertile Land (farming), rock, rivers and river deltas Egyptian research Frozen Day – land of Olympic events day Under Water Day Botanical Gardens Nature Walk – Local day! ice Class research walk Frozen Planet videos Day in the life of an Local Visit Frozen film Ancient Greek. Western Park Cathedral Visit (RE) Olympics: Olympic Residential: Botanical Gardens Butterfly Visitor in Museum – Egyptian Local visit (church) Day Thornbridge Workshop AUTUMN 1 (8 WEEKS) Who were the Ancient Egyptians? School Events SMSC Red, White and Blue Day (Armed Forces) World food day Harvest Festival Parental Engagement SMSC Building an Egyptian artefact (mask) Parent and child reading and writing assessment mornings Bonfire night Children in Need Anti-Bullying Week Road Safety Week Finance Capability week Coffee morning: share poetry and stories Parent and child reading and writing assessment mornings National Storytelling week Safer Internet Day Olympic Day Parent and child reading and maths assessment mornings Parents Evening Parents Evening Fairtrade Fortnight World Book Day Red Nose Day National Science Week Easter Map making and Following: Find the Treasure! (Treasure hunt) Parent and child reading and maths assessment mornings Sports Day Animal booklet research: review final written piece. Parents and child reading and writing assessment mornings Food making: parents in to help and taste (different methods) Parent and child reading and writing assessment mornings EL – Class Assembly ET- Class Assembly Learning Mindset English See attached document for: spelling, transcription, grammar, punctuation Have a go Class Books: See inside Ancient Egypt 100 facts on Ancient Egypt Reading focus: Decoding words Summarising Skimming and Scanning Be co-operative Be curious Class Books: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Class Books: Atticus the story teller: 100 Greek Myths Reading focus: Decoding words Skimming and Scanning Answering Questions Reading focus: Decoding words Answering Questions – referring back to text and finding evidence Don’t give up Keep improving Use your imagination Class Books: Voyage of the Dawn Treader Class Books: The Great Kapok Tree Jungle Book (Poetry) Class Book: James and the Giant Peach Reading focus: Decoding words Skimming and Scanning Answering Questions– referring back to text and finding evidence Reading focus: Decoding words Skimming and Scanning Answering Questions – referring back to Reading focus: Decoding words Skimming and Scanning Answering Questions – referring back to and vocabulary. Reading for pleasure Researching Writing Genres: Myths and Legends Explanation Texts Instructions (game) Newspaper Reports Mathematics Problem Solving Focus Ordering numbers, counting and estimating, + and -, x and ÷, measuring length, 2D and 3D shapes Range of mathematical problems Shared and Paired Reading Writing Genres: Descriptions Poetry Story Writing The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe Report Writing (Shackleton) counting and estimating, + and -, doubling and halving, fractions, time to 5 minute intervals, pictograms and tables Range of mathematical problems Science Rocks Sorting rocks Properties Soils Uses of different rocks Rock formation Light Natural and Man made Darkness Tracking sunlight Shadows History Ancient Egypt Location of settlements Timeline of development Architecture of Pyramids River Nile and significance in life Pharaohs Shackleton explorations Ice Age Reading Aloud Writing Genres: Myths and Legends Narratives Factual writing/Nonfiction Place value and rounding, partitioning to + and -, x and ÷, measures money, right angles Range of mathematical problems Writing Genres: Story Writing Non-chronological report (Create own sea monster) Fact Writing Diary Posters Descriptions Instructions (Biscuits) + and – columns methods, x by multiples of 10, measures: weight, fractions, bar chart and scales Range of mathematical problems Forces and Magnets Push and Pull Magnetic forces Uses of magnets Sorting materials Springs and everyday use. Ancient Greece Location and its influence on lifestyle Greek gods Myths and truths Architecture Art and Culture Pirate Stories – use of seas for pirating Journeys – travelling by boat and changes in methods of transport. text and finding evidence Shared and paired Reading Researching Writing Genres: Poetry (Jungle Book) Animal Poems Persuasive Writing Debates Non-chronological Report Letter Order numbers, x and ÷ problems, + and – column, shape: lines, measure: capacity Range of mathematical problems Animals including Humans Plants Adaptation Skeleton Bones Digestive System and nutrition text and finding evidence Reading Aloud Writing Genres: Explanation texts Report Writing The Hungry Caterpillar (Diary) James and Giant Peach: Descriptions, newspaper reports + and – column, x and ÷ written, fraction: equivalence, time:12/24 hour, construct bar chart with scales Range of mathematical problems Plants Parts of a plant What does a plant need to survive? Types of plants Water transport How the environment has changed over time. Different land uses. Farming and how reliance has changed Computing Geography Life after death Art and Culture 3.1 Posters and Pages 3.2 Creating Music In this unit children focus on combining information to improve communication. They will learn how to communicate by using a combination of graphics and text. Children will create, edit, organise and store content for a given purpose both as a led task and independently. In this unit children explore using technology to produce musical compositions. They will create and develop musical ideas on a given theme using simple software. They will review and refine their compositions to improve them. Maps – location of continents and Egypt. Climate in relation to location on a map Weather (Seasons) Change in weather across the year and across the globe – link to changes with plant life and animals (e.g. hibernation and losing leaves) 3.5 Controlling on Screen 3.6 Repeat Forever Iteration In this unit pupils learn to enter commands, (instructions) to control a screen turtle and will compare the operation of the screen turtle with a floor turtle. Within the unit, children will begin to recognise that the screen turtle can be moved on screen and obey the same commands as the floor turtle. Children will understand that the screen turtle can be given commands to produce a specific shapes, patterns and movement. In this unit children will begin to use simple code to program the computer : eg to produce an interactive story, game, animation. Children will begin to understand why iteration (repeating instructions, looping) is useful in programming. Real life examples of repeating events are Earth orbits sun, days of the week, months of year. Children will develop skills of debugging. Debugging is identifying and fixing errors in the code, which is normal practice in software development. Maps – location of Greece and surrounding features Seas and Oceans across the world – location Use of keys Contrasting and similar features of oceans and seas Islands and island life 3.3 Databases In this unit children learn how data is stored in a database (A structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways) They will explore a record card database package. Ask and answer simple questions on data shown using search tools. They will produce findings in a graphical form. Climate Zones across the world Types of Land Use – living within the rainforest and deforestation 3.4 Inputs and Outputs In this unit children will begin to understand key parts of a computer and that for the system to work there are inputs and an outputs. The process istaking an input and doing something with it modifying it in some way and producing an output. (Inputs eg Keyboard, mouse, microphone, camera, temperature sensor, light sensor Outputs eg printers, monitors, speaker) Children use previous knowledge of algorithms to write own to show how an input and output functions. Children will also be introduced to loops (repeating instructions) e.g wake up, go to school, go home Repeat x 5 = a school week. Types of Land Use – changes in land use over time. Farming Local geography – map making of local grounds River and Lake (in relation to pond life – science link) Music Tuned percussion Explore scales Link and recognise music from other countries Composition Listening and Singing Creating Music (ICT link) PE Fitness/Gym – repeated movement Different body shapes Routines Fitness/Gym Agility Building up patterns Balance and coordination Athletics Circuit training Stamina Different athletic disciplines Building up skills ART & Design Painting: landscape pictures (colour gradients for sunsets) Stain glass Windows – to tell a story Art Patterns – historical greek patterns Roving Artist (Michael Herbert and Charles Burns). Design and technology Sculpture Make a board game – layout, presentation and format. Burial Masks – collage for surrounding head dress and 3D structure for face mask. Tuned percussion Explore scales Link and recognise music from other countries Composition Listening and Singing Symmetry and patterns: Snowflakes and winter pictures Rhythms Listening and Singing Using tuned percussion in context to accompany themselves Composition Clarice Cliff (Clay Pots) Maps – relating to climate zones and location of rainforests. Untuned percussion Shake, strike or scrape Rhythm Incorporate music from other countries Listening and Singing Scales Dance Rhythm Patterns Co-ordination and movement Movement to sounds routines Games Throwing and catching – ball skills Ball games (football) Batting skills (tennis) Hand-eye cooridnation Sketching – shading and building up depth and 3D effects Flag designs Painting: colour schemes and brush technique to gain detail. Impressionism Games/Athletics Running and field events Throwing and catching – ball skills Ball games (rugby) Batting skills (rounders) Hand-eye cooridnation Sketching – adding detail Symmetrical Designs – butterfly patterns Sea music – composition Listening and Singing Using tuned percussion in context to accompany themselves Composition Gaugan Food and Nutrition: Greek Food Salad making Concluding types of flavour within a food culture. Why do you think food from Ancient Greek is based around salad and vegetables? Food and Nutrition: Pirate Biscuits Design, make and evaluate 3D Models – sea animals (varying materials) Textiles/sewing Flowers in a pot – (design make and evaluate – literacy link to write instructions) Pitch – animal sounds Untuned percussion Shake, strike or scrape Rhythm Incorporate music from other countries Listening and Singing Printing – use different fruits and vegetables Pointillism - Cezanne Food and Nutrition: Food Making Evaluating different flavours, food preparation and cutting technique RE SEAL/ SMSC (inc Drugs, esafety, SRE, Financial capability) Beliefs and questions: Religion, family and community: prayer The Journey of life and death: How do Christian people’s beliefs about God, the world and others have an impact on their lives? Christianity New Beginnings Getting on and How do you feel today? Falling out/Anti Emotions Bullying How do Religious families and communities live out their faith? Why do some people think life is like a journey? Where do we go? What do people think about life after death? Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists. Relationships Changes E-safety – how to use computers safely Financial Capability why do we need money? Financial Capability – sensible spending French – Numbers 120 and simple songs French – colours and classroom objects New term, new books, new classroom, new friends What makes a good friend? How do I help other friends? How do I forgive and make amends? E safety-safe use of games and activities online MFL focus French – Greetings Days and months French – All about me Jewish and Muslim Going for Goals When I grow up I want to be… Achieving the best I can Setting my own goals Following other goals Following instructions Good to be me What I like about me? What I like about my friends? .. was a good friend to me when…? I am a good firned when…? Treat others as you wish to be treated Range of relationships in my life Value of a good relationship Safe use of drugs and medicines – how do medicines and drugs help us? What do we need to look out for? French – facts about France and simple songs How I have changed. How I will change Changes in my life, past and future E-safety – communicating online and using mobile phones French – food Likes and dislikes