Class: Year Four Term: Spring1 Physical Education This half term the coach will be doing Invasion games. This will include a weekly session with an FA coach who is focusing on football skills. The sessions rotate on fortnightly basis between skills-based sessions and matches. The children will also be looking at sports like Hockey with the school coach. They will learn about the correct techniques, skills and tactics. Art – Sculpture Pupils will be researching sculptures, looking at where they fit into our lives – what is the purpose? They will be examining different pieces in addition to creating their own work using many different forms. Children will use different techniques to create Egyptian sculptures. This means we will be looking at sculptures over time. We will, however also be looking at modern artists and their pieces. Looking at the installation at the Tower of London. History – Ancient Egypt As part of the new curriculum, Year 4 will be learning about the Ancient Egypt. This half term we will be looking at the Pharaohs, mummification, the Gods and religion. Our class assembly will also be on this topic, we will be learning lots of songs and facts in order to help us! As this is such an exciting subject, I expect this to run over the half term, looking at different aspects after the break. Religious Education – Hinduism This half term we will be looking at Hinduism again. We are specifically going to research worship. This will include Mandirs, Puja and learning about the different gods and their role in the life of a Hindu. We will also be learning about Holi festival, so that we can have our own celebration in March. Science – Sound Throughout this unit the children will be learning about sound in our daily lives. We will be learning about how sound is produced, how we hear sound, how sound travels through different mediums and much more. In order to gain a good understanding, the children will be taking part in many hands on investigations to support their knowledge and move their learning on. Computing - Email Pupils will be creating website links, learning how to hyperlink and insert information onto a page. MFL – French Listen and engage in conversations, expressing opinions. Develop appropriate pronunciation and present ideas and information orally. Show an understanding in reading and adapt known language to create new ideas. Describe people, places and things. Music In addition to learning a Brass Instrument, pupils will be using Garage band on the I pads in order to create their own Egyptian composition. Pupils will use and understand some musical notation. They will use crescendo (getting louder) and diminuendo (getting quieter) for effect. Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Looking at shared times of celebration within communities. Children will become aware of different cultures and communities within the local area.