The Pomodoro Technique Suzanne Wayne What? Use a timer and 25 minute increments to schedule and complete work tasks. Who? Francesco Cirillo How? 1. Choose a task you would like to complete. How? 1. Choose a task you would like to complete. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes (a “pomodoro”). How? 1. Choose a task you would like to complete. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes (a “pomodoro”). 3. Work on that task—and only that task—for 25 minutes. How? 1. Choose a task you would like to complete. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes (a “pomodoro”). 3. Work on that task—and only that task—for 25 minutes. 4. When the timer dings, give yourself a 5-minute break – NOT OPTIONAL! How? 1. Choose a task you would like to complete. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes (a “pomodoro”). 3. Work on that task—and only that task—for 25 minutes. 4. When the timer dings, give yourself a 5-minute break – NOT OPTIONAL! 5. Take a longer break after every 4 pomodoros – 15-30 minutes Protect Your “Pomodoro” “Jot down” internal thoughts or ideas not related to work to return to later. Manage external distractions by turning off phone, e-mail alerts, chat clients, social media. Tell “drop-by” visitors – “I will get back to you in 10 minutes.” Train co-workers – “when you see the timer on my desk…” or use a sign “Pomodoro in session.” Benefits Over time you will be able to better estimate how much time an activity will require. You become better at managing interruptions and distractions. You can become more focused and disciplined. This technique works well with time-tracking. A Form of Timeboxing To me, the timer is what really makes this work. 10, 15, 20, or 25 minutes – I set my timer based on how much time I have, how long I think the task will take, or how much time I want to spend on the task When? When I am REALLY not focused When everything is a priority When I am working on a project with a longer timeline, but want to keep the momentum going To maximize gaps in my schedule More Information See and read the book to learn more in-depth activities and skills related to this technique.