Program Title Age group App Time Location Brief Description of Program Radnor Library Story time using some apps and games as well as walking parents through accessing BookFlix. Parents and children played with the iPads during free time and then received a handout on recommended apps, digital literacy research and app review websites. Children Adults App iRead Book Club Teens Radnor Memorial Library Read Phineas Gage by Paul Fleishman, used 3D Brain app to explore brain anatomy and function 3D Brain Spy Games Teens Radnor Memorial Library Utilized Vilify Me! App as part of program to practice Spy Skills. Vilify Me! Program Title Age Group Location Brief Description of Program App QR Reader for iPad Beneath the Surface QR Code Scavenger Hunt Teens Ridley Township Public Library Special Reads for Special Needs Children Ridley Adults Township Public Library Participants use smart phones or tablets to read QR codes that contain clues. The answers are found using library resources. The QR codes are placed randomly throughout the library and must be found by answering each previous clue! Story time for children with special needs, and their families. Families enjoyed watching a video adaptation on YouTube of the children’s picture book Hooray for Fish, by Lucy Cousins. Monday Funday Children Springfield Township Library Uploaded a photo scavenger hunt onto the iPad for the children to complete. They found the items in the library than shared the photos with the group. Program Title Age Group Location The Science of Snow Media UpperChildren Providence Adults Free Library Brief Description of Program We read about Snowflake Bentley, Happy Snowflake used the iPads to look at pictures he took of snow crystals as well as some Snowflake Station more modern pictures, talked about hexagons and how snow crystals Science360 for iPad form, made symmetrical marshmallow snowflakes and played with iPad apps to create snowflake cutouts. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Children The Third Wheel Adults Release Party Springfield Township Library Trivia, name tag game, Wimpy Kid drawing class with a collaborative drawing activity, and raffle for several books including The Third Wheel Cartooning with Greg Heffley Radnor Memorial Library Cartooning Workshop based on Diary of a Wimpy Kid Activities included: DWK Pictionary; iPad cartooning with Comic Puppets app; adding facial expression and dialogue to comic strip prompts; watch YouTube clip of Jeff Kinney drawing Greg and practice drawing him yourself Children Adults App Diary of a Wimpy Kid Comic Puppets Lite YouTube Program Title Age Group Ducktivities Children Teens Ipad Fun Children Location Brief Description of Program App Lansdowne Public Library Kids made duck tape crafts. They used iPad to access YouTube tutorials YouTube Tinicum Library Learn to manipulate iPad and download apps- math facts Spelling City- How to do your homework using Ipad How to find information using resources from apps SpellingCity WordsMath Adventure with Fast Facts Math Cards II Minecraft Event Children Teens Adults Norwood Public Library Kids, teens and adults all gathered at the library to co-operatively play Minecraft over our Wi-Fi network using a collection of iPads. Minecraft $6.99 Program Title Age Group Science Club Children Teens Location Brief Description of Program Darby Free Library Two week series. Apps Explore Space @ Explore and learned about paleontology Lego Movie Making Children Adults Middletown Free Library Kids used iStop Motion to create their own Lego movies iStop Motion LEGO Movie Maker Teen Writers Teens Lansdowne Public Library Teens used the iPads to complete writing exercise and games Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine Word Magnets Lite Poetry Magnets Poetry Creator- VersesPoetry, Poems & Poets Program Title Age Group Teen Jobs Teens Location Brief Description of Program Lansdowne Public Library Resume writing- used DCLS database Learning Express to write resumes. Soil to Spoon Children Lansdowne Public Library Find out where your food comes from. Make a poster for contest, have a healthy, tasty snack. Kids used iPads to watch instructional videos and see examples of veggies to draw. Flower Frenzy Children Lansdowne Public Library The iPads were used to demonstrate origami and folding techniques App Origami Instructionslearn how to fold paper figures Program Title Age Group U pic the flic Teens Location Brief Description of Program App Lansdowne Public Library Teens watched a movie while tweeting on a live tweet wall Twitter Series of Three Weeks Art Fest Children Teens Adults Lansdowne Public Library Kids made Tie Dye Tees and used iPads to find designs to copy. Kids used iPads to follow directions for creating origami projects. YouTube Origami Instructionslearn how to fold paper figures Kids used iPads to find designs to copy into 52 things. A pack of cards bound together where designs were made on each card. Hunger Game Party Teens Lansdowne Public Library Used iPads how to tie various knots; Hunger Games: Girl on draw Mockingjay; make various Fire catapults. iPad app- Hunger Game Play