Fjölbrautaskóli Vesturlands á Akranesi Vöronn 2016 PLAN Subject: English Course: ENS 403 Materials: Total English (Advanced), Lord of the Flies William Golding, Across the Barricades Joan Lingard, stories, dictionary. Objectives: English 403 is an advanced study of the English language. A special emphasis will be placed on gaining confidence and skill at academic and professional conversation as well as improving fluency in colloquial English. Reading comprehension will increase in breadth and depth through exposure to texts from a variety of fields, including the sciences and social sciences as well as the arts, literature and journalism. A variety of written assignments will improve and enlarge the student's facility with written English. Methods: Class will be conducted entirely in English. A typical class period will include: close reading of the text; classroom discussion; group activities focused on vocabulary building and points of grammar. It is important that students do the assigned reading before they come to class so that they are prepared to participate in class discussion. Evaluation: Total English, other assignments – 20% Lord of the Flies - 20% Oral exam on Across the Barricades – 10% Stories - 5% Public Speech – 5% Final Exam – 40% Students with 8.0 as term grade and 80% of attandence are allowed to skip their final exam. Week plan Weeks 05.01-08.01 11.01-15.01 18.01-22.01 25.01-29.01 01.02-05.02 08.02-12.02 15.02-19.02 22.02-26.02 29.02-04.03 07.03-11.03 14.03-18.03 30.03-01.04 04.04-08.04 11.04-15.04 18.04-22.04 25.04-29.04 02.05-06.05 Total English Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 9 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 10 Unit 10 revision Reading story Tests story Unit 6 Test Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies Unit 7 Test class essay story Unit 8 Test Across the Barricades oral exam Unit 9 Test Public speech story Unit 10 Test Ljudmila