Presentation to
The Portfolio Committee on
Sport and Recreation
04 November 2009
Building active communities through sport and recreation.
Mission Statement
The Sports Trust will increase access to and create
opportunities for all South Africans to participate in sport
through the provision of equipment and facilities and we
will help to create a new sporting tradition for our
democratic society.
• A private sector initiative, spearheaded by Nedbank who solicited the
partnership of Sun International, SuperSport, FNB and sought endorsement
from late Minister Steve Tshwete
• Minister embraced and endorsed the initiative and committed Department of
Sport and Recreation as a partner
• This was followed by the endorsement of macro sport bodies and selected
national sports federations
• Main objects: Developing sport across all disciplines and all levels in South
Africa with a special focus on sport infrastructure and equipment for
disadvantaged communities
• Trust registered with Master of High Court, Trust No: IT2741/92
• In excess of R42,5 Million spent on over 240 projects from 1995 to date
Organizational structure
Current Trustees
• Private Sector: Nedbank, Sun International, SuperSport, Coca-Cola, SAB
and Harmony
• Sports Trustees: UCBSA, SARU, SAFA, ASA, PGA Sunshine Tour Southern
• Government & Macro sports bodies: SRSA and SASCOC Disability Desk
Trustee Benefits
Member of a worthy cause – ST CSI arm of Trustee
Focus on previously disadvantaged communities
Leverage off the good of The Sports Trust brand
Actively involved in decision making processes
Partnership projects e.g. Nedbank Cycling Programme
Exposure on SuperSport
Composite Signage Board at sports facilities
Acknowledgement on all ST printed materials
Sec 18 A Tax Certificate – tax deductible certificates for donations
Trustee Membership
Membership entails:
• R3 million over 3 years
• 1st Year - First R1million into Seed Capital
• 2nd Year - Million into projects
• 3rd Year – Million into projects
• Affinity programme – annual contribution of R500 000
• Build The Sports Trust brand
Other Donors
Sports & Recreation SA
2006 - R250 000 for transformation
2007 - R250 000 - partnered with The Star CPF Programme in Alexandra
– Street Soccer tournament for idle youth
– 456 youth participated in the tournament from 13th Sept to 10th Nov
– Other smaller sponsors joined resulted in:
– MVP player – R10 000 sports bursary to study at Boston City Campus
– 20 of the best players received basic computer training
– R250 000 plus R50 000 from The Sports Trust grant allocated to upgrade the
Eastbank Recreation Centre’s multi-purpose court (netball, basketball, 7-a-side
soccer), fencing and pavillions
2008 – R300 000 - partnership with The Star CPF Programme to continue in Randburg
– Rugby tournament is being held for the youth from February to September 2009
with 300 participants
– Upgraded 3 courts: 2 x combi courts for tennis, volleyball, basketball and 5-a-side
soccer and 1 x court for 7-a-side rugby
2009 – R500 000 – partnership with The Star CPF Programme (R300 000) & upgrading
of swimming pool at Willowridge High School (R200 000).
– Implementation to start upon receipt of funds
Other Donors continues
National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund
– Allocates grants to The Sports Trust for specific communities on an adhoc basis:
2004/5 - received R737 500 for the purchase of sports equipment
benefiting the BSRP facilities
2005/6 – received R2 million for the purchase of sports equipment for
BSRP facilities
Late 2007/8 – received a grant of R2,5 million for application submitted in
2006 for the establishment/upgrading of 6 community facilities to the value
of R1,250 000 benefiting the provinces of LP, GP, MP, KZN, EC & WC and
the balance of R1,250 000 for equipment for the BSRP facilities located in
2008/9 – to receive a grant of R6, 3 million benefiting community projects
in 5 provinces namely: WC, NC, GP, LP & NW of which
– 6 x sports infrastructure and 2 x various sports equipment
2009/10 – submitted an application for community projects located in 5
provinces to the value of R5, 6 million benefiting community projects in6
provinces namely: LP, GP, MP, KZN, EC & WC of which
– 9 x sports infrastructure and 4 x various sports equipment
Project Partnerships
- to establish a golf infrastructure at Kwadeda High School in Soweto
- Sponsorship of the tin on the squash court at the Jarvis Kaplan Cup giving The
Trust great TV exposure on the SuperSport Channel.
Harmony Gold
– To upgrade sports facilities at Wedela and Kokosi communities in Merafong
Municipality, NWP
– Sponsorship to print The Sports Trust annual report in August.
– A donation towards staging The Sports Trust Sports Quiz evening on 14 October
2010 Fifa World Cup Organising Committee Legacy Department
– The Trust agreed in principle to partner with the supply of soccer equipment at the
27 facilities to be built.
Sports Ambassadors
– The Trust in discussions with various sports stars to act as its ambassadors
Radio 2000 – specific project partnership
National Community Radio Forum ad hoc
Print Media – Touchline Media ad hoc
Funding Criteria
General Projects
Sports infrastructure – upgrading or building of sports facilities
Sports equipment – across all disciplines
Previously disadvantaged community
Actively involved in sport or use sport as medium to address issues of national
importance to achieve positive outcomes
Facilities –
• all stakeholder endorsements e.g. community sports centre/traditional
authority/local municipality/sports structures
• Maintenance and sustainability plans
• Establishment of a Community Mini Trust comprising of all the stakeholders
including the local municipality tasked with the management of the facility
Ownership by community stakeholders
Endorsements by national sports stakeholders: SRSA, MEC’s for sport, national sports
federations and National Lotteries Board
Funding Criteria continues
The Sports Trust Discretionary Fund
Bi-monthly allocation
Individual or community club requests e.g. pair of running shoes, netball kit, etc not
exceeding R2,500 per individual or structure
Posted letters and fax requests entertained
Application Process
Reactive process – communities make application
Limited resources prevents ST from embarking on national call for applications
ST – mostly markets itself in community newspapers and word of mouth
Annually in the region of 245 applications
Reaching communities from all 9 provinces
No applications from a specific province – ST concerted effort to ensure province
benefits in next funding cycle
Same applies to sport for disabled communities
Daveyton Golf Club
9-hole golf course located in the heart of Daveyton
250 members of which 15 junior golfers are registered
with the club
Local Municipality together with Daveyton Golf
Committee responsible for maintenance to ensure
long-term sustainability
Facility valued at R900 000 of which Sports Trust
sponsored R650 000
Centocow Community Sports
•identified as the sports hub for the surrounding 38 villages
with more than 20 000 learners
•Multi-purpose courts catering for netball, volleyball,
basketball and tennis
•Vibrant men's soccer league with 26 soccer teams
•Other active codes of sport: karate and boxing
•Facility utilized by other communities of Sisonke District
•Centocow Catholic Mission and Sports Association
responsible for maintenance and sustainability
•Facility valued at R660 000
Located in Kwa-Nonqaba township, outside of
Mosselbay in the Western Cape
Multi-purpose sport complex providing facilities for 20
different sports ranging from basketball, karate,
gymnastics, hockey, etc
16 schools and 43 clubs are associated with the sports
board and utilise the facilities
Plays host to many other community activities resulting
in sustainability
Local Municipality responsible for the maintenance of
the facility
Facility valued at R2, 5 million
Ngumbela Park Cricket Academy
Located in Healdtown in the Eastern Cape with a
vibrant cricket community
Cricket facility benefiting schools and community
clubs of the 17 villages
Focal point of the community hosting cricket, other
sporting codes and community activities resulting in
Local Municipality together with Cricket Club
responsible for maintenance
Facility valued at R1,5 million
Hanyani Thomo High School Giyani
School located in Giyani, Limpopo with no proper cricket
facilities and equipment
Cricket most dominant sport in the villages
Sports Trust sponsored mobile cricket unit to benefit the
140 rural schools in Giyani
Collaborated with Limpopo Cricket Academy and UCBSA
which offers scholarships to development players such
as Dennis Maluleke
Equipment valued at R40 000
Sport for the Disabled
The Sports Trust provided wheelchairs to disability sports
South Africa for athletes from the Northern Cape, North
West and Central Gauteng valued at R160 000 to
promote wheelchair rugby.
The Sports Trust installed a multi-purpose floor at The
Nondlini Community Sports Centre in Inchanga for
wheelchair basketball, netball and table tennis valued at
R250 000.
The Sports Trust provided 10 x basketball wheelchairs to
the University of Limpopo’s basketball team valued at R68
The Sports Trust installed a specialised floor at the
Mandeville Sports Complex and is receiving great
coverage on SuperSport that televises the Wheelchair
Basketball League.
Community Development Fund
Limited fund established to address the needs of individuals, clubs, communities, etc that
have exhausted all other avenues of raising the necessary funds to participate in local
and or international tournaments and or for the supply of sports equipment and kit.
The Sports Trust evaluates, follows due process of ascertaining if event is endorsed by
the national federation, whether any other donors are making contributions, thereafter a
donation is made or sports equipment and kit purchased for the said applicant.
2008/2009 Financials
Income Received excluding interest
– Made up from affinity products established by founding members of The Sports Trust, grants from SRSA,
the NLDTF, donations and fundraising
Interest Received
– (Note that interest covered Operating Expenses)
Total Income
Operating Expenses
Fundraising Expenses
R 854485
Total Expenditure
Excess of income over expenditure
From which Projects Sponsored
– (Note difference of R548,654.00 transferred to Reserve Fund)
Reserve Funds
89,5 % of The Trust’s surplus funds were spent on its vision to build active communities through sport and
recreation around the country.
Abbreviation PCSR – means Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation
Speak of the Trust to all platforms i.e. companies, government, media, other donors,
embassies, community structures, sports stars, etc
Attend Sports Trust community project handovers where possible – leverage the
PCSR and the Sports Trust cause
Opportunity - Introduce the Sports Trust to influential business/government/
embassies/donors, etc people with the purpose of them joining our cause
Attend such initial meeting/s with the Sports Trust representative/s
Such a partnership will create exposure for both our structures
An increment in income – able to reach more people – create sustainability
• The contributions received from our Trustees and from the donors listed
greatly assist The Sports Trust in achieving its vision and mission of
building active communities through sport and recreation by providing
those communities with sports infrastructure and/or equipment.
• Needs are still great – greater financial support from SRSA and NLB
and sponsors will enable The Sports Trust to assist Government in
reducing the backlog
• The Sports Trust believes in the co-ordination of sports development to
achieve greater results – follows consultative process with sports
• The Sports Trust focuses on rural areas as well as Government’s
transformation objectives
• The Sports Trust and Sport and Recreation SA in discussions to
formalise a strategic plan of addressing the dire needs of grass
roots communities in a more co-ordinated manner for the future.