Microsoft Word 2013

Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Word 2013 Core
Courseware # 3250
Lesson 7: Working with
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Lesson Objectives
insert and modify captions
insert and modify footnotes or endnotes
insert and modify citations
insert and modify bibliographies
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Why Use References?
• Copyright laws protect original works created by
individual or organization
– License may be provided by owner granting appropriate
access to use all or part of works
– Copyright implied whenever you view something not
created by you or your organization
– Copyright symbol © often appears with works
• Plagiarism
– Act of taking original work, altering it, and then taking
credit for new item as original work you created
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Why Use References?
• Internet contains so much information so very easy to
find and use material
• Copyright laws apply to anything you find on Internet in
same manner as with published materials
• Assume copyright exists for anything on any web site
and refer to these sources
• Word provides a variety of methods to reference material
to suit document being used
• Regardless of type of reference for source, remember to
make reference to prevent any instances of copyright
infringement or plagiarism
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Text Boxes
• Can use text boxes to emphasize specific areas of
• Text Box Gallery contains
pre-formatted text boxes
to enter text directly
• Use gallery of several styles
of text box or create your
own and position anywhere
• To use text box, on Insert tab,
in Text group, click Text Box
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Text Boxes
• Drawing Tools ribbon displays for formatting or other
• Can click Layout Options to adjust appearance or
position of text box, or text around box
• Can save text box format and style
in Text Box Gallery for future use
– Click Insert tab, click Text Box in Text
group and click Save Selection to
Text Box Gallery
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Text Boxes
• Linking Text Boxes
– Adding additional text boxes and linking them helps
control text flow
– To insert existing text from another document into text
box, use Insert Object command on Insert tab
• Or type text directly into box or use copy and paste
– Will work primarily with first text box where text starts
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Text Boxes
– Before linking text boxes, need at least two text boxes
drawn in document and text box to link must be empty
– Then under Drawing Tools, click Format tab, and in Text
group, click Create Link
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Working with Text Boxes
– Point at text box where text to continue and see
• Click in box to have overflow of text from first text box pour into
selected text box
• Symbol remains active to pour overflow into other text boxes if
– When no longer need text boxes to be linked, under
Drawing Tools, on Format tab, in Text group, click Break
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Captions
• To insert caption, position cursor
at location for caption and click
References tab, in Captions
group, click Insert Caption
• To delete caption, select it and
press DELETE
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Captions
Displays caption text.
Select label type or create your own
Specify whether to display caption
above or below item.
Turn on to not show label with
caption description.
label from
New Label
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Create different label than those
already built into Word.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Captions
Delete Label
Delete one of the labels.
Set numbering style to be used
with captions.
Specify which items Word will
automatically mark for
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Captions
• Inserting a Table of Figures
– Provide list of captions
as quick reference
– To insert table of figures,
click References tab and
in Captions group, click
Insert Table of Figures
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Captions
Click options and preview how list will appear if options
Preview how list will appear if document placed on
Select general options regarding format style for table,
caption label to generate, and what to include.
Specify how Word generates table of figures.
Select style to be applied to items; built-in style exists,
but can change various attributes using Modify.
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Footnotes or Endnotes
• Generally include information about author or originator of item or
point you to more information
• Footnotes usually appear at bottom of page, but may also be placed
directly below text
• Endnotes appear at end of document or document section
• To create footnote, on References tab, in Footnotes group, click
Insert Footnote
– Can then enter text for footnote
– Footnote number changes to reflect number and placement of
footnotes in document
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Footnotes or Endnotes
• To create endnote, on References
tab, in Footnotes group, click
Footnote & Endnote dialog box
launcher, click Endnotes
• To customize footnote or
endnote, on References tab, in
Footnotes group, click the
Footnote & Endnote dialog box
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Footnotes or Endnotes
Determines location of footnote or endnote in document.
Choose number format or custom mark for footnote or
endnote; can also choose to begin footnote or endnote
numbering at specific number or continue from previous
footnotes or endnotes in this or another document or
document section.
Apply footnote or endnote settings to entire document or
selected text.
• To view text for footnote or endnote, point at
note reference icon in document
• Can also move from one note to another using
Show Note feature in Footnotes group
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Using Footnotes or Endnotes
• To move footnote or endnote to another location in document, cut
footnote or endnote reference from current location in document
and paste it into new location
• To delete footnote or endnote, select footnote or endnote reference
mark and press DELETE
• To convert footnote to endnote
or vice versa, select reference
and on References tab, in
Footnotes & Endnotes group, click
Footnotes & Endnotes dialog box
launcher, click Convert
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
• Reference sources cited and usually
included in bibliography
– Ensures credit provided for reference
sources and gives audience opportunity to
decide if referenced material supports
discussion in document based on type
and number of sources included
• Number of widely accepted style guides
included, which identify how to correctly
ascribe credit to various types of
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
American Psychological Association; used primarily for
information regarding psychology, education, or social
Chicago Manual of Style; used in publishing industry for
all published works.
Chinese National Standards for referencing bibliographies
or citations.
Standards used in Europe and Asia for referencing
technical information.
Reference style implemented by Harvard University and
Anglia Rushkin University.
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
Reference style used primarily for referencing electrical
and computer engineering sources.
ISO 690
Standard for bibliographic referencing for all sorts of
documents, including electronic documents. ISO 690
standard created/maintained by International
Organization for Standardization.
Modern Language Association; used primarily for
referencing literature, arts or humanities publications.
Standards for Information of Science & Technology.
Similar to APA; primarily used by college students for all
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
• To add citation, click References tab, in
Citations & Bibliography group, click arrow
for Insert Citation
Add New
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Click to insert citation in current location, entering as
many details as available for citation.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
• Number and type of fields vary on source chosen
– Each type includes set of fields containing information indicating
where information can be found
• Use Edit to add more names
• Use Show All Bibliography
Fields to enter information
for source and insert into
bibliography later
Add New
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Marks location for entry to add citation without any
information for source.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
• Inserting a Bibliography
– List of sources used in creation
of document, including
published or unpublished
books, magazine articles,
journals, or Web sites
– Usually appears at end of
– To generate bibliography, click
References tab, in Citations &
Bibliography group, click
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
– Select style based on type of bibliography to generate
• Use References style if majority of sources came from research
performed on various web sites where not as much detail available
for sources
– Can also select one of these formats, modify the
formatting and then save it in the gallery for future use.
• Alternatively, to generate bibliography for every citation in
document, click Insert Bibliography
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Inserting Citation Sources
• Managing Your Sources
– Can copy, delete, edit, or create new source in dialog box
– Edit citation in screen similar to creating citation
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Lesson Summary
insert and modify captions
insert and modify footnotes or endnotes
insert and modify citations
insert and modify bibliographies
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Review Questions
Why is it important to reference information you may use as
part of your research for a document?
Why might you want to create a text box using the Insert
tab instead of simply drawing the text box?
Why might you want to link text boxes?
Which text labels can you use if you want to add a caption
to a picture?
How can a table of figures be beneficial in a document?
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Review Questions
Which note type is usually found at the bottom of the page
where it is referenced?
If you don’t have the full information for a reference source,
what can you do to mark the location where you will
eventually cite the source?
Why select the Show All Bibliography Fields option in the
Create a Source dialog box?
Why might you want to use the Edit button in the Create a
Source or Manage Sources dialog box?
10. To generate a bibliography for all sources, which option
would you use from the Bibliography pull-down menu?
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
• Page 194:
– 9. Should read “Slice Sidebar (Dark)”, NOT Slide
– Note there are a few times the book expects you to
remember from previous lessons and may not give step
by step – but you make it look like the picture
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