Bell Work-September 1

1. Bell Work
2. Conflict Resolution/Bullying Quiz- 2nd Period
3. Finish Activitygram-Where do I go from here?
4. Fitness Components
Assignment: Mind Mapping Fitness/Body Composition IllustrationsDue Wednesday
Bell Work- September 3
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
it's recommended that teens get at least 1 hour of physical
activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.
1.Do you think this is too much, too little, or just the right amount
of exercise for people your age?
2.Why do you think there is a 1 hour recommendation for
teenagers and physical activity?
3.Do you think most teenagers meet this recommended standard?
Content Objectives:
7.1.1 Examine how healthy behaviors influence
personal health.
7.6.1 Analyze the effectiveness of personal health
Learning Target:
* I can list the physical, mental, emotional and social
benefits of physical activity.
* I can describe the difference between the 5 healthrelated fitness components and can give examples of
each component.
Benefits of Physical Activity
As we read, highlight areas that appeal to you!
 Feel Better
- More energy, reduce stress, more pride and confidence,
stronger immune system, increase in cognitive ability
 Look Better
- Appearance improves, weight management, better
complexion, better proportions
 Improved Levels of Wellness
- Increase strength and endurance, flexibility, body
comp., healthy joints, less back pain, motor skills
 Social
- Meet new people, positive influence/support system
Health-Related Fitness
Circle the most important word for each definition.
 Cardiovascular Endurance- the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and
lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles. (Color this
component red)
 Muscular Strength- the ability of the muscles to exert a force. The
amount of force you can produce. (Color this component green)
 Muscular Endurance- the ability to efficiently use muscles over a
longer period of time. (stamina) (Color this component blue)
 Flexibility- the ability to move at the joints through a full range of
motion. (Color this component orange)
 Body Composition- the amount of body weight that is fat compared to
muscles, bones, and other body tissues (lean to fat ratio). (Color this
component yellow)
 Make a list of activities that would fit into your table’s
assigned health-related fitness component.
 Use a sticky note that is on your desk.
How did you do?
 Cardiovascular Endurance- walking, running,
swimming, cycling
 Muscular Strength- Weight Lifting, push-ups, pull-ups
 Muscular Endurance- circuit training, football, tennis,
 Flexibility- dance, gymnastics, yoga
Testing Your Fitness
• Testing Body Comp
– BMI = formula that uses height and weight to
estimate body comp
– Skin Fold Caliper = measure the thickness of
each fold of skin (calculates what portion is
– Underwater Weighing=
Most accurate way to
measure BMI
*Know the 5
components of fitness!
Fitness Test:
Mile Run/Pacer Test
90 degree Push Ups
Shoulder Stretch
Trunk Lift
Component(s) of Fitness
How did you do?
Fitness Test:
Component(s) of Fitness
Mile Run/Pacer Test
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Endurance
90 degree push ups
Muscular Strength/Endurance
Shoulder Stretch
Trunk Lift
Flexibility; Muscular Strength
Body Composition
Skill Related Fitness
Stand up- With your table, demonstrate an example of each
component! Write this down!
Speed- move quickly from one point to another in a straight
Agility-body’s ability to change direction quickly.
Balance- ability to maintain upright posture while still
Coordination-integration with hand/foot movements with the
input of your senses.
Reaction time- amount of time it takes to get moving.
Power-ability to do strength work at an explosive pace.
1. What are the benefits of physical activity and how
are these important in your life?
Using the 5 Components of Fitness Handout
- Describe the component in 1 word
- Draw a picture of the component
- Write how you would assess it (measure it)
- List 3 activities (only 1 of our fitness tests can
be used) that utilize the component
Body Composition Illustrations
Draw a picture to go along with the captions
1. Bell Work
2. Finish Mind Mapping Fitness Handout- Turn in to Turn-In Tray
3. Finish Activitygram- bring this to enter in the computer on Thurs./Fri.
4. Activity- Goals
5. Setting SMART goals
Assignment: Goal Handout
Bell Work- September 4
1) Why is it important to set short-term and longterm goals for yourself?
*Short-Term- may take hours, days, or weeks to
*Long-Term- may take months or years to accomplish
Content Objectives:
7.6.2- Select a goal to improve a personal health
7.6.3- Demonstrate skills needed to attain a personal
health goal.
Learning Target:
1. I can set a personal fitness goal for myself.
2. I know ways to stay motivated to reach my goal.
3. I know how to evaluate my personal goal.
*Take a sticky note and write a goal that you have for
yourself. (Put your name on the back!)
*Place it next to your class period on the wall.
*Can you guess who this goal belongs to?
What goals have you already
set for yourself?
 Some goals may be easy to reach, while others may be
more challenging.
 Set realistic goals and consider your strengths and
Strategies for Attaining Your Goal
Step 1
Set a realistic goal and write it down.
Step 2
List the steps you need to take to reach that goal.
Step 3
Find others who can help and support you.
Step 4
Set checkpoints to evaluate your progress.
Step 5
Reward yourself after reaching the goal.
Planning Goals
Answer questions 1-5 on your handout!
 What are your fitness strengths?
 What are your fitness weaknesses?
 What activities are you interested in?
 Give ONE excuse you might have to not exercise.
 Name three people who could be part of your support
 List 2 checkpoints that you will use to evaluate your
 What is your reward for reaching your goal?
Setting Your Goals
On your handout:
1) Set a short term fitness related goal for
2) Set a long term fitness related goal for
3) Set a short or long term non-fitness related
goal for yourself.
 What is a SMART Goal?
 Is your goal SPECIFIC?
 How will you MEASURE if you reach
your goal?
 Is your goal ATTAINABLE?
 Is your goal REALISTIC?
 How much TIME will you need to
accomplish this goal?
What does that mean?
 SPECIFIC: state exactly what is to be done.
 MEASURABLE: Include how the goal can be
 ATTAINABLE: Determine steps to reach the
 REALISTIC: Do not set goals for something
 TIME: State when the goal is to be completed.
Let’s Do an Example Together
 Goal: I want to run a race.
 Specific- I want to run in a 5K race without walking.
 Measurable- Because I want to run in a 5K race, I will
sign up for the CAT race at the end of Sept.
 Attainable-Because I want to complete the race without
walking, I will run 4 days a week for 30 minutes.
 Realistic- I am training for 1 5K race, not 10 races in 2
 Time- I will complete my goal by running the race on
September 28.
Now, it’s your turn….
 Rewrite your long term goal to make it into a SMART
 Answer questions 6 and 7 on your handout
 When you are finished- trade with someone sitting at
your table to check their goal.
 Can you help them to make their goal into a SMART
 Have Mrs. Berju check your goal!
1. Why should I set a personal fitness goal for
Bring your goal handout and Activitygram tomorrow!
1. Bell Work
2. Finish Goal Setting-SMART Goals
3. Activitygram-Enter in computer
4. Goal Brochure
5. Class Reflection
Enter Activitygram in the Computer
Goal Brochure
Bell Work- September 5 (Choose #1 or #2 today!)
1. What are 3 barriers to being physically active for
students in middle school? What can you do to
overcome these barriers?
2. What influence does technology have on teens’ physical
activity levels?
Content Objectives:
7.6.1- Analyze the effectiveness of personal health
7.6.3- Demonstrate skills needed to attain a personal
health goal.
7.6.4- Discuss how personal health goals can vary with
changing abilities or responsibilities.
Learning Target:
1. I can set a personal fitness goal for myself and
describe its’ importance.
2. I understand the SMART goal process.
Take out your
SMART goal sheet
from yesterday!
 What is a SMART Goal?
 Is your goal SPECIFIC?
 How will you MEASURE if you reach
your goal?
 Is your goal ATTAINABLE?
 Is your goal REALISTIC?
 How much TIME will you need to
accomplish this goal?
What does that mean?
 SPECIFIC: state exactly what is to be done.
 MEASURABLE: Include how the goal can be
 ATTAINABLE: Determine steps to reach the
 REALISTIC: Do not set goals for something
 TIME: State when the goal is to be completed.
Let’s Do an Example Together
 Goal: I want to run a race.
 Specific- I want to run in a 5K race without walking.
 Measurable- Because I want to run in a 5K race, I will
sign up for the CAT race at the end of Sept.
 Attainable-Because I want to complete the race without
walking, I will run 4 days a week for 30 minutes.
 Realistic- I am training for 1 5K race, not 10 races in 2
 Time- I will complete my goal by running the race on
September 28.
Now, it’s your turn….
 Rewrite your long term goal to make it into a SMART
 Answer questions 6 and 7 on your handout
 When you are finished- trade with someone sitting at
your table to check their goal.
 Can you help them to make their goal into a SMART
 Have Mrs. Berju check your goal!
Fitness Goal Brochure
Your Name and Class Period
Inside 1
List the 5 Health-Related Fitness Components and Describe
5 Benefits of Physical Activity and Describe Importance
Inside 2
Why do we set goals?
Describe the SMART goal process.
Inside 3
List your short-term fitness goal.
List your long-term fitness goal.
Name 3 people on your support team.
List your reward for meeting your goal.
Inside 4
Describe your SMART Goal (use your long-term fitness goal).
Anything else that you need to add to make your brochure unique
Include your rubric and Smart Goals Handout
1. What can you do to personally make a commitment to
being physically active?
2. After you achieve your fitness goal, what is the next
Goal Brochure-Due Monday!
1. Bell Work- set on your desk to be graded
2. Enter Activitygram in the computer
3. Finish Fitness Goal Brochure
4. Pass Back Papers
Assignment: Finish Goal Brochure if not complete
*Remember-We are back in the gym on Monday! Bring your fitness
Bell Work- September 6- Do not write this down. Talk to
someone at your table!
1. How will your goals change once you graduate from
high school?
2. How will your goals change once you get married?
3. How will your goals change once you have a job?
Content Objectives:
7.6.2- Select a goal to improve a personal health
7.6.3- Demonstrate skills needed to attain a personal
health goal.
Learning Target:
1. I know the steps to help me stay motivated to reach
my fitness goal.
2. I can describe the importance of setting goals in all
areas of my life.
Fitness Goal Brochure
Your Name and Class Period
Inside 1
List the 5 Health-Related Fitness Components and Describe
5 Benefits of Physical Activity and Describe Importance
Inside 2
Why do we set goals?
Describe the SMART goal process.
Inside 3
List your short-term fitness goal.
List your long-term fitness goal.
Name 3 people on your support team.
List your reward for meeting your goal.
Inside 4
Describe your SMART Goal (use your long-term fitness goal).
Anything else that you need to add to make your brochure unique
Include your rubric and Smart Goals Handout
1. Tell a partner why you personally decide to set goals
for yourself?
Fitness Goal Brochure and Activitygram-Due Monday if not finished
*Reminder- P.E. starts again on Monday! Bring your uniform and your
fitness strap!
Write this in your