Starter activity

1. Define fitness
2. Identify the 2 types of fitness
(2 marks)
3. List 3 health related fitness components
(3 marks)
4. Define muscular endurance
(1 mark)
* To identify the 6 components of skill-related
** To understand the importance of each
component in different physical activities
*** To evaluate the importance of each
component in different physical activities
Rate your understanding…
There are two basic kinds of fitness…
Health-related fitness
Skill-related fitness
This means you’re healthy, and
you can do everyday activities
without getting tired.
This is fitness to play sport at a
high level. You need a high level
of health-related fitness, as well
as skill-related fitness.
There are 6 components of a skill-related
Fitness you need to know:
- Agility
- Balance
You should be
able to identify
- Co-ordination
these 6
- Speed
components and
rank their
- Reaction Time
importance in
different physical
- Power
Under the corect headings (health/Skill), rate you own ability in your
chosen sport for the 5 health related components of fitness and the 6
Skill related component of fitness….
What is this?
The ability to control the movement of your
entire body, and be able to change your
body’s position quickly.
Can you think of a sporting
example where it is important
to run around and change
direction at speed?
Football, Netball, Basketball
What is this?
Balance is the ability to keep your centre of
mass over a base of support.
Can you think of a sporting
example where you would need
good balance?
Dancing, Netball, Gymnastics
Whatever activity you are doing, you need to have your
centre of mass over whatever is supporting you to
balance, if not you will fall over.
What is this?
Co-ordination is the ability to use two or
more parts of your body together.
Can you think of a sporting
example where co-ordination is
Tennis, Archery, Dance, Football,
Running, Gymnastics
For example, hand-eye coordination is important in lots of sports
such as to be able to hit the ball in tennis.
Limb coordination allows us to run, walk and dance etc.
What is this?
The rate at which someone is able to move,
or cover a distance in a given amount of
Can you think of a sporting
example where speed is
100m Sprint, Boxing, Netball,
Hockey, Gymnastics
Speed is more than how quickly you cover a distance, it
can be how quickly you perform a movement. E.g. how
quickly you can throw a punch, swing a golf club etc.
What is this?
The time it takes for you to move in response
to something (a stimulus).
Can you think of a sporting
example where you would need
good reaction times?
Athletics, Football, Netball,
The stimulus you respond to could be a starter gun, or a pass in
football. Having faster reaction times in team sports will mean you
can get away from your opponents, so you can get into better
positions e.g. response to the whistle on a centre pass in netball.
What is this?
The ability to do strength movements or
actions quickly.
Power = Strength x Speed
Can you think of a sporting
example where you would need
good power?
Golf, Table Tennis, Cricket
Table Tennis
Bowl fast and bat
3 Identify three components of skill-related fitness that would be
relevant to all the
performers in Figure 1.
Sprinter, Shot putter High jumper
Component 1 ………………………………………………………
Component 2 ………………………………………………………
Component 3 ………………………………………………………
(3 Marks)
Figure 6 shows a table tennis player
having just played a shot. (4 Marks)
(c) Complete the table below by stating: When
the performer would use speed and coordination
and their importance when playing table tennis.
Component of skillrelated fitness
Use in game
Use in the Game
Use in the Game
Rate your understanding!
* To identify the 6 components of skill-related
** To understand the importance of each
component in different physical activities
*** To evaluate the importance of each
component in different physical activities
Find an action picture of a sporting legend…
Annotate that photo to identify the Health and Skill related
components of fitness…
Arm out to help him balance… This
ensures he is stable while striking
the ball
Upper leg muscles using power
and muscular strength to
generate pace to the strike
Co-ordination used to ensure timing of the