Object-Oriented Databases 1 Outline • • • • Advanced database applications Shortcomings of Relational DBs Object-oriented concepts Object Relational Systems (ORDBMSs) – SQL:1999 object extensions • Object-oriented database Systems (OODBMSs) – ODMG Data Model – ODL – data definition language – OQL – query language 2 Advanced Database Applications • • • • • • • • Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Network Management Systems Office Information Systems (OIS) and Multimedia Systems Digital Publishing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Interactive and Dynamic Web sites Other applications with complex and interrelated objects and procedural data. 3 Expected features for new applications • • • • Complex objects Behavioral data Meta knowledge Long duration transactions 4 Weaknesses of RDBMSs • Poor representation of “Real World” entities – Normalization leads to relations that do not correspond to entities in “real world”. • Semantic overloading – Relational model has only one construct for representing data and data relationships: the relation. – Relational model is semantically overloaded 5 Weaknesses of RDBMSs • Limited operations – only a fixed set of operations which cannot be extended. • Difficulty handling recursive queries • Impedance mismatch – Most DMLs lack computational completeness. – To overcome this, SQL can be embedded in a highlevel language. – This produces an impedance mismatch - mixing different programming paradigms. – Estimated that as much as 30% of programming effort and code space is expended on this type of conversion. 6 Object-Oriented Concepts • • • • • • • Abstraction, encapsulation, information hiding. Objects and attributes. Object identity. Methods and messages. Classes, subclasses, superclasses, and inheritance. Overloading. Polymorphism and dynamic binding. 7 Complex Objects An object that consists of sub-objects but is viewed as a single object. • Objects participate in a A-PART-OF relationship. • Contained object can be encapsulated within complex object, accessed by complex object’s methods. • Or have its own independent existence, and only an OID is stored in complex object. 8 Database Systems First Generation DBMS: Network and Hierarchical – Required complex programs for even simple queries. – Minimal data independence. – No widely accepted theoretical foundation. Second Generation DBMS: Relational DBMS – Helped overcome these problems. Third Generation DBMS: OODBMS and ORDBMS. 9 History of Data Models 10 Origins of the Object-Oriented Data Model 11 ORDBMS 12 ORDBMSs • Vendors of RDBMSs conscious of threat and promise of OODBMS. • Agree that RDBMSs not currently suited to advanced database applications, and added functionality is required. • Reject claim that extended RDBMSs will not provide sufficient functionality or will be too slow to cope adequately with new complexity. • Can remedy shortcomings of relational model by extending model with OO features. 13 ORDBMSs - Features • OO features being added include: – – – – – – – user-extensible types, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding of methods, complex objects including non-1NF objects, object identity. 14 Stonebraker’s View 15 Objects in SQL:1999 • • • • Object-relational extension of SQL-92 Includes the legacy relational model SQL:1999 database = a finite set of relations relation = a set of tuples (extends legacy relations) OR • • • a set of objects (completely new) object = (oid, tuple-value) tuple = tuple-value tuple-value = [Attr1: v1, …, Attrn: vn] 16 SQL:1999 Tuple Values • Tuple value: [Attr1: v1, …, Attrn: vn] – Attri are all distinct attributes – Each vi is one of these: • Primitive value: a constant of type CHAR(…), INTEGER, FLOAT, etc. • Reference value: an object Id • Another tuple value • A collection value Only the ARRAY construct is – a fixed size array. SETOF and LISTOF are not supported. 17 Row Types • The same as the original (legacy) relational tuple type. However: – Row types can now be the types of the individual attributes in a tuple CREATE TABLE PERSON ( Name CHAR(20), Address ROW(Number INTEGER, Street CHAR(20), ZIP CHAR(5)) ) 18 Row Types (Contd.) • Use path expressions to refer to the components of row types: SELECT P.Name FROM PERSON P WHERE P.Address.ZIP = ‘11794’ • Update operations: INSERT INTO PERSON(Name, Address) VALUES (‘John Doe’, ROW(666, ‘Hollow Rd.’, ‘66666’)) UPDATE PERSON SET Address.ZIP = ‘66666’ WHERE Address.ZIP = ‘55555’ UPDATE PERSON SET Address = ROW(21, ‘Main St’, ‘12345’) WHERE Address = ROW(123, ‘Maple Dr.’, ‘54321’) AND Name = ‘J. Public’ 19 User Defined Types (UDT) • UDTs allow specification of complex objects/tuples, methods, and their implementation • Like ROW types, UDTs can be types of individual attributes in tuples • UDTs can be much more complex than ROW types (even disregarding the methods): the components of UDTs do not need to be elementary types 20 A UDT Example CREATE TYPE PersonType AS ( Name CHAR(20), Address ROW(Number INTEGER, Street CHAR(20), ZIP CHAR(5)) ); CREATE TYPE StudentType UNDER PersonType AS ( Id INTEGER, Status CHAR(2) ) METHOD award_degree() RETURNS BOOLEAN; CREATE METHOD award_degree() FOR StudentType LANGUAGE C EXTERNAL NAME ‘file:/home/admin/award_degree’; File that holds the binary code 21 Using UDTs in CREATE TABLE • As an attribute type: CREATE TABLE TRANSCRIPT ( Student StudentType, CrsCode CHAR(6), Semester CHAR(6), Grade CHAR(1) ) A previously defined UDT • As a table type: CREATE TABLE STUDENT OF StudentType; Such a table is called typed table. 22 Objects • Only typed tables contain objects (ie, tuples with oids) • Compare: CREATE TABLE STUDENT OF StudentType; and CREATE TABLE STUDENT1 ( Name CHAR(20), Address ROW(Number INTEGER, Street CHAR(20), ZIP CHAR(5)), Id INTEGER, Status CHAR(2) ) • Both contain tuples of exactly the same structure • Only the tuples in STUDENT – not STUDENT1 – have oids. • This disparity is motivated by the need to stay backward compatible with SQL-92. 23 Querying UDTs • Nothing special – just use path expressions SELECT T.Student.Name, T.Grade FROM TRANSCRIPT T WHERE T.Student.Address.Street = ‘Main St.’ Note: T.Student has the type StudentType. The attribute Name is not declared explicitly in StudentType, but is inherited from PersonType. 24 Updating User-Defined Types • Inserting a record into TRANSCRIPT: INSERT INTO TRANSCRIPT(Student,Course,Semester,Grade) VALUES (????, ‘CS308’, ‘2000’, ‘A’) – The type of the Student attribute is StudentType. How does one insert a value of this type (in place of ????)? – Further complication: the UDT StudentType is encapsulated, ie, it is accessible only through public methods, which we did not define – Do it through the observer and mutator methods provided by the DBMS automatically 25 Observer Methods • For each attribute A of type T in a UDT, an SQL:1999 DBMS is supposed to supply an observer method, A: ( ) T, which returns the value of A (the notation “( )” means that the method takes no arguments) • Observer methods for StudentType: • Id: ( ) INTEGER • Name: ( ) CHAR(20) • Status: ( ) CHAR(2) • Address: ( ) ROW(INTEGER, CHAR(20), CHAR(5)) • For example, in SELECT T.Student.Name, T.Grade FROM TRANSCRIPT T WHERE T.Student.Address.Street = ‘Main St.’ Name and Address are observer methods, since T.Student is of type StudentType Note: Grade is not an observer, because TRANSCRIPT is not part of a UDT 26 Mutator Methods • An SQL:1999 DBMS is supposed to supply, for each attribute A of type T in a UDT U, a mutator method A: T U For any object o of type U, it takes a value t of type T and replaces the old value of o.A with t; it returns the new value of the object. Thus, o.A(t) is an object of type U • Mutators for StudentType: • Id: INTEGER StudentType • Name: CHAR(20) StudentType • Address: ROW(INTEGER, CHAR(20), CHAR(5)) StudentType 27 Example: Inserting a UDT Value INSERT INTO TRANSCRIPT(Student,Course,Semester,Grade) VALUES ( NEW StudentType( ) .Id(111111111) .Status(‘G5’) .Name(‘Joe Public’) .Address(ROW(123,’Main St.’, ‘54321’)) , ‘CS532’, ‘S2002’, ‘A’ ) Add a value for Id Create a blank StudentType object Add a value for the Address attribute Add a value for Status ‘CS532’, ‘S2002’, ‘A’ are primitive values for the attributes Course, Semester, Grade 28 Example: Changing a UDT Value UPDATE TRANSCRIPT SET Student = Student.Address(ROW(21,’Maple St.’,’12345’)).Name(‘John Smith’), Grade = ‘B’ Change Name Change Address WHERE Student.Id = 111111111 AND CrsCode = ‘CS532’ AND Semester = ‘S2002’ • Mutators are used to change the values of the attributes Address and Name 29 Referencing Objects • Consider again CREATE TABLE TRANSCRIPT ( Student StudentType, CrsCode CHAR(6), Semester CHAR(6), Grade CHAR(1) ) • Problem: TRANSCRIPT records for the same student refer to distinct values of type StudentType (even though the contents of these values may be the same) – a maintenance/consistency problem • Solution: use self-referencing column – Bad design, which distinguishes objects from their references – Not truly object-oriented 30 Self-Referencing Column • Every typed table has a self-referencing column – Normally invisible – Contains explicit object Id for each tuple in the table – Can be given an explicit name – the only way to enable referencing of objects CREATE TABLE STUDENT2 OF StudentType REF IS stud_oid; Self-referencing column Self-referencing columns can be used in queries just like regular columns Their values cannot be changed, however 31 Reference Types and Self-Referencing Columns • To reference objects, use self-referencing columns + reference types: REF(some-UDT) CREATE TABLE TRANSCRIPT1 ( Student REF(StudentType) SCOPE STUDENT2, CrsCode CHAR(6), Semester CHAR(6), Grade CHAR(1) ) Reference type Typed table where the values are drawn from • Two issues: • How does one query the attributes of a reference type • How does one provide values for the attributes of type REF(…) – Remember: you can’t manufacture these values out of thin air – they are oids! 32 Querying Reference Types • Recall: Student REF(StudentType) SCOPE STUDENT2 in TRANSCRIPT1. How does one access, for example, student names? • SQL:1999 has the same misfeature as C/C++ has (and which Java and OQL do not have): it distinguishes between objects and references to objects. To pass through a boundary of REF(…) use “” instead of “.” SELECT T.StudentName, T.Grade FROM TRANSCRIPT1 T WHERE T.StudentAddress.Street = “Main St.” Not crossing REF(…) boundary, use “.” Crossing REF(…) boundary, use 33 Inserting REF Values • How does one give values to REF attributes, like Student in TRANSCRIPT1? • Use explicit self-referencing columns, like stud_oid in STUDENT2 • Example: Creating a TRANSCRIPT1 record whose Student attribute has an object reference to an object in STUDENT2: INSERT INTO TRANSCRIPT1(Student,Course,Semester,Grade) SELECT S.stud_oid, ‘HIS666’, ‘F1462’, ‘D’ FROM STUDENT2 S WHERE S.Id = ‘111111111’ Explicit self-referential column of STUDENT2 34 Object-Oriented Oracle An Analysis of the Object-Oriented Features of Oracle’s Database Management System 35 Background • Beginning with Oracle 8 Universal Data Server, Oracle started implementing object-oriented (OO) principals within the database management system. • Oracle is not a true OO database – objectrelational. • Oracle’s goals for OO support: – Allow users to model business objects via types. – Provide infrastructure to support OO access. 36 OO Features/Advantages of Objects in Oracle OO Features: Abstraction Encapsulation Inheritance Advantages: Object re-use Use of methods Efficiencies Model real-world business objects 37 Object Type Implementation Creating Types Similar to creating a “class” with attributes: CREATE TYPE addr_ty AS OBJECT (street varchar2(60), cityvar char2(30), state char(2), zip varchar(9)); 38 Object Type Implementation Imbedding Objects and Nesting Create a person type with address type nested inside: CREATE TYPE person_ty AS OBJECT (name varchar2(25), address addr_ty); Create a student type with person type nested inside: CREATE TYPE student_ty AS OBJECT (student_id varchar2(9), person person_ty); 39 Object Type Implementation Creating an Object Table Now that the student_ty object type has been defined it can be used in creating an object table like the following: CREATE TABLE STUDENT (full_student student_ty); 40 Object Type Implementation To extract data, the following query can be entered: SELECT s.full_student.student_id ID, s.full_student.person.name NAME, s.full_student.person.address.street STREET FROM student s WHERE s.full_student.student_id = 100 ID NAME STREET --------- ------------------------- ------------100 John Q. Student 1000 Chastain Rd. 41 Object Type Implementation • Updating and deleting is similar to what one would do in the relational model: UPDATE STUDENT s SET s.full_student.person.name = 'JOHN NEWNAME' WHERE s.full_student.student_id = 100; DELETE FROM STUDENT s WHERE s.full_student.student_id = 100; 42 Implementing Methods To define a method in a type object: create or replace type newperson_ty as object (firstname varchar2(25), lastname varchar2(25), birthdate date, member function AGE(BirthDate in DATE) return NUMBER; Then define the method itself: create or replace type body newperson_ty as member function AGE(BirthDate in DATE) return NUMBER is begin RETURN ROUND(SysDate - BirthDate); end; end; 43 Implementing Methods To test the method first set up a table holding the person_ty object type: create table NEWPERSON of newperson_ty; insert into NEWPERSON values (newperson_ty('JOHN', 'DOE', TO_DATE('03-FEB-1970', 'DDMON-YYYY'))); To call the AGE function we can do the following: select P.PERSON.AGE(P.PERSON.Birthdate) from NEWPERSON P; P.PERSON.AGE(P.PERSON.Birthdate) ---------------------------------------12005 44 Referencing • Every row object has a unique identifier called the object identifier (OID). • OID allows other objects to reference an existing row object. • REF function can be used to reference an OID: create table NEWDEPARTMENT (DeptName VARCHAR(30), PersonIn REF NEWPERSON_TY); • Table NEWDEPARTMENT holds a reference to a NEWPERSON_TY object, but does not hold any real values. 45 Referencing To get a full description of the table just created: Set describe depth 2 Desc NEWDEPARTMENT Name Null? Type --------------- -------- ------------------DEPTNAME VARCHAR2(30) PERSONIN REF OF NEWPERSON_TY FIRSTNAME VARCHAR2(25) LASTNAME VARCHAR2(25) BIRTHDATE DATE 46 Referencing • To insert a record into NEWDEPARTMENT, the REF is needed to store the NEWPERSON reference in the PersonIn column: insert into NEWDEPARTMENT select 'Research',REF(P) from NEWPERSON P where LastName = 'DOE'; • The literal value “Research” is inserted into the NEWPERSON table. • The REF function returns the OID from the query on the selected NEWPERSON object. • The OID is now stored as a pointer to the row object in the NEWPERSON object table. 47 Referencing • The referenced value cannot be seen unless the DREF function is used. The DREF function takes the OID and evaluates the reference to return a value. select DEREF(D.PersonIn) from NEWDEPARTMENT D where DEPTNAME = 'Research' DEREF(D.PERSONIN)(FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, BIRTHDATE) ---------------------------------------------------NEWPERSON_TY('JOHN', 'DOE', '03-FEB-70') • This shows that the NEWPERSON record JOHN DOE is referenced by the Research record in NEWDEPARTMENT. 48 Referencing • To gather the same structure of the object type of an object table the VALUE function is required. select value(p) from newperson p where lastname = 'DOE' VALUE(P)(FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, BIRTHDATE) ----------------------------------------NEWPERSON_TY('JOHN', 'DOE', '03-FEB-70') 49 Referencing PL/SQL Sample: set serveroutput on declare v_person NEWPERSON_TY; begin select value(p) into v_person from NEWPERSON p where lastname = 'DOE'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_person.firstname); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_person.lastname); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_person.birthdate); end; JOHN DOE 03-FEB-70 50 Inheritance Create a root type of an object hierarchy: create type PERSON_TY as object (name varchar2(25), birthdate date, member function AGE() return number, member function PRINTME() return varchar2); To create a subtype the following syntax can be used: create type EMPLOYEE_TY under PERSON_TY ( salary number, member function WAGES() return number, overriding member function PRINTME() return varchar2); 51 OODBMS 52 Object-Oriented Data Model No one agreed object data model. One definition: Object-Oriented Data Model (OODM) – Data model that captures semantics of objects supported in object-oriented programming. Object-Oriented Database (OODB) – Persistent and sharable collection of objects defined by an ODM. Object-Oriented DBMS (OODBMS) – Manager of an ODB. 53 Commercial OODBMSs • • • • • • • GemStone from Gemstone Systems Inc., Objectivity/DB from Objectivity Inc., ObjectStore from Progress Software Corp., Ontos from Ontos Inc., FastObjects from Poet Software Corp., Jasmine from Computer Associates/Fujitsu, Versant from Versant Corp. 54 Advantages of OODBMSs • • • • • • Enriched Modeling Capabilities. Removal of Impedance Mismatch. More Expressive Query Language. Support for Schema Evolution. Support for Long Duration Transactions. Applicability to Advanced Database Applications. 55 Disadvantages of OODBMSs • • • • • • Lack of Universal Data Model. Lack of Experience. Lack of Standards. Query Optimization compromises Encapsulation. Object Level Locking may impact Performance. Complexity. 56 Alternative Strategies for Developing an OODBMS • Extend existing object-oriented programming language. – GemStone extended Smalltalk. • Provide extensible OODBMS library. – Approach taken by Ontos, Versant, and ObjectStore. • Embed OODB language constructs in a conventional host language. – Approach taken by O2,which has extensions for C. • Extend existing database language with object-oriented capabilities. – Approach being pursued by RDBMS and OODBMS vendors. – Ontos and Versant provide a version of OSQL. • Develop a novel database data model/language. 57 Single-Level v. Two-Level Storage Model • With a traditional DBMS, programmer has to: – Decide when to read and update objects. – Write code to translate between application’s object model and the data model of the DBMS. – Perform additional type-checking when object is read back from database, to guarantee object will conform to its original type. • Conventional DBMSs have two-level storage model: storage model in memory, and database storage model on disk. • In contrast, OODBMS gives illusion of single-level storage model, with similar representation in both memory and in database stored on disk. 58 Two-Level Storage Model for RDBMS 59 Single-Level Storage Model for OODBMS 60 Object Data Management Group (ODMG) • Established by vendors of OODBMSs to define standards. • The ODMG Standard includes : – – – – Object Data Model (ODM). Object Definition Language (ODL). Object Query Language (OQL). C++, Smalltalk, and Java Language Binding. 61 The Structure of an ODMG Application 62 Main Idea: Host Language = Data Language • Objects in the host language are mapped directly to database objects • Some objects in the host program are persistent. Changing such objects (through an assignment to an instance variable or with a method application) directly and transparently affects the corresponding database object • Accessing an object using its oid causes an “object fault” similar to pagefaults in operating systems. This transparently brings the object into the memory and the program works with it as if it were a regular object defined, for example, in the host Java program 63 Architecture of an ODMG DBMS 64 SQL Databases vs. ODMG • In SQL: Host program accesses the database by sending SQL queries to it (using JDBC, ODBC, Embedded SQL, etc.) • In ODMG: Host program works with database objects directly 65