WELCOME! Collaborative Planning in the PYP Nicole Procacci Curriculum Coordinator St. Andrew’s School, The Bahamas Nelyda Miguel PYP Coordinator, Media Specialist The International School at Dundee Greenwich, CT Collaborative Planning in the PYP PURPOSE OF THE WORKSHOP 1. Increase the effectiveness of collaborative planning by exploring IB standard C2 2. To assist participants to become knowledgeable about: How to take action to realize IB programme standard C2 practices in classrooms/schools Standards on page p. 14 Participant Resource Book Collaborative Planning in the PYP PURPOSE OF THE WORKSHOP 3. To ensure participants are familiar with: The IB programme standards C1, C2, C3 and C4. The PYP Programme of Inquiry in their schools The collaborative process of writing the planners Standards on page p14 Participant Resource Book Standards C1, and C2 C1. A comprehensive, coherent written curriculum, based on the requirements of the programme and developed by the school, is available to all sections of the school community. C2. The school has implemented a system through which all teachers plan and reflect in collaborative teams. Standards on page p. 14 Participant Resource Book Standards C3 and C4 C3. Teaching and learning at the school empowers and encourages students to become lifelong learners to be responsible towards themselves, their learning, other people and the environment and to take appropriate action. C4. There is an agreed approach to assessment, and to the recording and reporting of assessment data which reflects the practices and requirements of the programme. Standards on page p. 14 Participant Resource Book Elements of the Workshop Combination of presentation and workshop Knowledge and Concepts: Research based information with resources Practice of Transdisciplinary Skills Inquiry-based, differentiated (multiple intelligences) activities for deep understanding Metacognition, self-assessment and action Exercise of PYP Attitudes Practice of “International-mindedness” (The Learner Profile) Elements of the Workshop Transdisciplinary Skills MIH pg 21 - 23 TRANSDISCIPLINARY SKILLS SOCIAL SKILLS COMMUNICATION SKILLS THINKING SKILLS RESEARCH SKILLS SELFMANAGEMENT SKILLS Accepting Responsibility Listening Acquisition of Knowledge Formulating Questions Gross Motor Skills Speaking Respecting Others Fine Motor Skills Comprehension Reading Spatial Awareness Application Cooperating Group Decision Making Adopting a Variety of Roles Planning Writing Organization Analysis Resolving Conflict Observing Non-Verbal Communication Collecting Data Synthesis Recording Data Evaluation Organizing Data Dialectical Thought Time Management Safety Healthy Lifestyle Interpreting Data Metacognition Presenting Research Codes of Behaviour Informed Choices Elements of the Workshop Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner Elements of the Workshop Attitudes MIH pg 24 - Profile MIH pg 4 - International Mindedness MIH pg 5 ACTION MIH pg 25 - 27 Who Are We? Collaborative Activity - 4 Corners 1 - Private schools 2 - Public schools 3 - Charter, magnet 4 - Other 1 - Principals/other administrator 2 - Coordinators 3 - Classroom teacher 4 - Specialist teacher 1 - Not yet authorized 2 - Authorized 3 - Evaluation 4 - 2nd evaluation (5 years after first) What is Collaboration? Why should we collaborate? “Placemats” Collaborative Active Learning Number off by 5 Write your name and a definition of “collaboration” Identify one or two attitudes that you feel are your strength and how they would impact collaboration Agree with your group on a common definition for collaboration and the attitudes that are most important for collaboration. Why? Share out Attitudes MIH p. 24 What is Collaboration? Some definitions from research: “Two or more equal partners who set out to create a unit of study based on content standards in one or more content areas plus information literacy standards, a unit that will be teamdesigned, team-taught and teamevaluated” Buzzeo, 2002 What is Collaboration? Some definitions from research: “Collaboration is a trusting, working relationship between two or more equal participants involved in shared thinking, shared planning and shared creation of integrated instruction. Through a shared vision and shared objectives, student learning opportunities are created that integrate subject content and information literacy by co-planning, co-implementing, and coevaluating students’ progress throughout the instructional process in order to improve student learning in all areas of the curriculum.” American Association for School Librarians What is Collaboration? Some definitions from research: “Collaborating is different from working together as a group. A group can work together, support each other and share ideas, and yet each participant pursues his/her own objectives and results. A collaborative team works together towards COMMON goals and results and the team holds the GROUP responsible for the outcomes.” Katzenbach and Smith, 1993 What is Collaboration? Some definitions from research: The difference between a collaborative culture and a team is: Interdependence Mutual accountability for results The result is change in classroom practice Richard DuFour, 2006 Our Definition and Attributes of “Collaboration” Reflection Based on the research shared, do we have anything to add to our definition and list of attributes of collaboration? For the learning activity, what intelligences did we choose from? Which did we demonstrate? What Transdisciplinary Skills did we use? Why is this an inquiry-based activity? Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Definition and characteristics What are the attributes of an inquiry-based activity? Read MIH pg. 28 - 30 (10 minutes) Shared list Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Definition and characteristics The act of inquiring; a seeking for information by asking questions; interrogation; a question or questioning Search for truth, information, or knowledge; examination into facts or principles; research; investigation Understanding is built on what the learner already knows and believes Moving from current level of understanding to a deeper level of understanding Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Definition and characteristics Student-centered. Creates a learner-centered environment Can be structured, guided or open Uses multiple sources of information Addresses multiple intelligences Engages the learner, is interesting, provokes curiosity Engages the learner with the social and physical environment to make sense of the world Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Definition and characteristics Involves higher order thinking like observing, selecting, clarifying, developing theories, connecting, synthesis, analyzing, interpreting, comparing, hypothesizing, explaining and providing alternatives Assessment criteria is set by the learner as well as the teacher Assessment is done by the learner as well as the teacher Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Some definitions from research: “Inquiry is transformation. The resolution of a problematic situation may involve transforming the inquirer, the environment, and often both. The emphasis is on transformation.” John Dewey, 1938 Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Some definitions from research: “ Inquiry-based learning is often described as a cycle or a spiral, which implies formulation of a question, investigation, creation of a solution or an appropriate response, discussion and reflection in connection with results.” Ann Peterson Bishop et al. 2004 Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Some definitions from research: “ Scientific inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which scientist study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence. Inquiry as a teaching technique is the creation of a classroom where students are engaged in open-ended, studentcentered, hands-on activities.” Alan Colburn, 2000 Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning Reflection - Visible Thinking I used to think…… but now I know….. http://www.pz.harvard.edu/vt/index.html http://www.pz.harvard.edu/tc/routines.cfm http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/inquir y/index.html Why Collaborate? What researchers say: “EDUCATORS MUST ACCEPT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO WORK TOGETHER AS TRUE PROFESSIONAL COLLEAGES. TRADITIONAL TEACHERS LABOR IN ISOLATION, THE TEACHERS OF A PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY SHARE IDEAS ABOUT PRACTICE AND WORK TOGETHER ON SCHOOLWIDE ISSUES. ” DuFour, 1998 Why Collaborate? What Researchers Say PP presentation “Did You Know 2.0?” The SCANS Report “Are They Ready for Work?” The Partnership for 21st Century Skills Why Collaborate? What Work Requires of Schools: A SCANS Report for America Written by the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills Commission was appointed by the secretary of labor in 1990 Report dated 1992 Why Collaborate? What Work Requires of Schools: A SCANS Report for America, 1992 Summary of the Report http://wdr.doleta.gov/SCANS/ “A high-performance workplace requires workers who have a solid foundation in the basic literacy and computational skills, the thinking skills, and in the personal qualities that make workers dedicated and trustworthy. High-performance workplaces also require competencies: the ability to manage resources, to work amicably and productively with others, to acquire and use information, to master complex systems, and to work with a variety of technologies.” Why Collaborate? “ARE THEY REALLY READY TO WORK?” Written by the Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the Society for Human Resource Management Based on a survey of 431 human resource specialists Purpose: to rate the work-readiness of recently hired graduates from high schools, two-year colleges or technical schools, and four-year colleges 2006 Why Collaborate? ARE THEY REALLY READY TO WORK? 2006 “The future workforce is here, and it is ill-prepared.” Summary of the Report http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/documents/F INAL_REPORT_PDF09-29-06.pdf Why Collaborate? Journal Reflection What struck you the most? What do common threads did you see? How do they relate to the PYP elements of Knowledge - Concepts - Skills - Attitudes - Action? MIH Pgs. 10 - 25 Why Collaborate? What researchers say: “GOD DIDN’T CREATE SELF-CONTAINED CLASSROOMS, FIFTY MINUTE PERIODS, AND SUBJECTS TAUGHT IN ISOLATION. WE DID-BECAUSE WE FIND WORKING ALONE SAFER THAN AND PREFERABLE TO WORKING TOGETHER.” BARTH, 1991 Why Collaborate? What researchers say: “The traditional norms of teaching – autonomy, egalitarianism, and seniority – exert a powerful and persistent influence on the work of teachers. They reinforce the privacy of the individual’s classroom, limit the exchange of good ideas among colleagues, and suppress efforts to recognize expert teaching. Ultimately, they cap a school’s instructional quality far below its potential.” Susan Moore Johnson and Morgaen Donaldson Harvard’s Graduate School of Education Why Collaborate? What researchers say: “Real improvement in education over the long run comes from hundreds of small improvements made by teachers and passed on to other teachers through collaborative learning.” Chris Dougherty and Heather Zavadsky Phi Delta Kappan, November 2007 Why Collaborate? What researchers say: “Working together to build shared knowledge on the best way to achieve goals and meet the needs of clients is exactly what professionals in any field are expected to do, whether it is curing the patient, winning the lawsuit, or helping all students learn. Members of a professional learning community are expected to work and learn together.” Richard DuFour Why Collaborate? What researchers say: ADVANTAGES OF COLLABORATION Enables teachers to test their ideas about teaching and expand their level of expertise by allowing them to hear the ideas of others Helps to reduce the fear of risk taking by providing encouragement and moral support Why Collaborate? What researchers say: ADVANTAGES OF COLLABORATION Can be linked to gains in achievement, higher quality solutions to problems, increased confidence among all members of the school community, more systematic assistance to beginning teachers, and an increased pool of ideas, materials, and methods Reinforces changes in school culture and commitment to improvement initiatives Fosters better decisions and increase the likelihood of ownership in the decisions Why Collaborate? What researchers say: Three Cornerstones for Permanent Change Accountability: Sharing information and taking responsibility. Talking about learning, not teaching. Collaboration: Making strong interpersonal bonds. People are willing to help others to excel. They, in turn, feel they belong so they can take direction from others. Initiative: People feel that what they do matters and will make a difference in outcomes, so they share ideas and suggestions. Kanter, 2004 Where is my school? Reflection Get into school groups Singles - join a group of your choice Page 14 - 18 in the Participant Resource Book Read the practices under standard C1 - C4 Highlight the three that you feel your school needs to focus on and improve Hold on to these to create an action plan later on How do we Collaborate? Active Learning Get together by color groups of red groups of yellow groups of blue groups of green Share your name, school, position Appoint a recorder and a reporter Read the Human Chain instructions Find a place for your group How Do We Collaborate? Active Learning and Reflection Read the transcript out loud with your team Do a plus/minus/interesting on working as a team Share out Which Transdisciplinary Skills did you use? What attitudes were needed for teamwork? Why is this an inquiry-based activity? Checklist “Real Change is Real Hard” Urbanski, 1992 “Real Change is Real Hard” Collaborative Learning Activity Think - Pair - Share Think about a time when you had to make a change in your life What where your feelings? Which skills did you use to come to terms with the change? What did you gain? Facts about People and Change Robbins, 1995 People feel awkward, ill-at-ease and self conscious People will think first about what they must give up People will feel alone People can handle only so much change People have different readiness levels for change People will fret that they do not have enough resources People will try to revert to their old behavior Leading Through Change Why transformation efforts fail - Kotter, 1995 No sense of urgency Not creating a powerful enough guiding coalition Lacking a vision Under communicating the vision by a factor of 10 Not removing obstacles to the new vision Not systematically planning and creating shortterm wins Declaring victory too soon Not anchoring changes in the organization’s culture Collaboration by Invitation Does Not Work Create: Team concepts by grade Team concepts by shared students School wide team concepts Build in time into the school day Make the purpose specific Train staff to be effective collaborators DuFour, 1998 Collaboration Day I Reflection and Action Journal Entry AHA’S I Wonder… I Used to think….. But know I think…. When I get back to my school, I will… Copy wonderings/questions/suggestion onto a post it as a ticket out Day II "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." Marcus Aurelius Collaborative strategy - jigsaw 3 min each Resource: www.greenwichschools.org/isd The Team Process Recognizing the stages Tuckman, 1970 The Team Process The Forming Stage Nervousness Trying to fit in, yet remain individual First impressions are made Alliances and counter-alliances are formed At this time, the team sets its mission, goals, protocols, resources and skills The Team Process The Storming Stage Competition among members Disagreements on tasks and roles Conflict over difference of opinions Hidden agendas The leader’s role Help the team create a team identity Guide the team back to the goals Use the agreed problem solving model Address and neutralize hidden agendas The Team Process The Norming Stage Acceptance within the team Relationships deepen Hidden agendas have been addressed and neutralized Less individual defenses, more focus and unanimity Leader’s role: fade out formal leadership introduce shared leadership The Team Process The Performing Stage Team members know and appreciate the skills of each individual The team sees with “many eyes” Team members develop caring relationships with each other Conflict is over opinions or issues, not people Disagreements are confronted, discussed, analyzed and adjustments made The Team Process The Transforming Stage Self-evaluation and reflections Sharing with the larger learning community Adjustment and learning from mistakes Implementation; anchoring in the culture of the larger organization: “The way we do things here” Continuous monitoring The Individual What is your primary behavioral profile? Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Robbins, 1995 The Individual What is your primary behavioral profile? Analytical At their best they are thoughtful, patient, rational, reflective, well-informed At their worse they are stuffy, picky, indecisive, moralistic and critical To work with them: Prepare in advance, be persistent, support their approach, be clear and follow through The Individual What is your primary behavioral profile? Drivers At their best they get things done, they are practical, decisive, independent and efficient At their worse they are tyrannical, pushy, harsh and dominating To work with them: Be brief and efficient, clear and logical, disagree with the facts not the person, persuade by results The Individual What is your primary behavioral profile? Amiables At their best they are understanding, flexible, respectful and agreeable At their worse they are conforming, ingratiating, unsure and awkward To work with them: Show respect, listen, be responsive, be non-threatening, draw their opinion and define what they should contribute to the task. The Individual What is your primary behavioral profile? Expressives At their best they are big-picture, stimulating, intuitive, creative and enthusiastic At their worse they are manipulative, egotistical excitable and undisciplined Be open, ask for their opinions and ideas, take time support your points by citing people they respect, offer incentives Team Stages and The Individual Active Learning Break into teams Create a skit of a team situation where a decision needs to be made. Demonstrate: The stages of teams The individual profiles in a team situation where a decision needs to be made Demonstrate the worse side of each profile Exercise the strategies to elicit the best of each profile represented Demonstrate the best side of each profile Act out to the group The District/School Level: Historical Perspective “American public schools were originally organized according to the concepts and principles of the factory model…It was management’s job to identify the one best way, train workers accordingly, and then provide the supervision and monitoring needed to ensure that workers would follow the prescribed methods” DuFour, 1998 “In many schools , teachers and their opinions are still considered to be insignificant.” Richard DuFour Negative School/ District Decision-making Model The factory model or policy by mandate Selected committees with little input from the larger learning community Committees get little training, unrealistic timelines and work for low wages in their time off Committee members may not feel ownership of the final product Positive School/ District Decision-making Model Committees that reflect the most skilled individuals for the task Realistic timelines, appropriate resources Good information flows vertically and horizontally Forums gather the learning community's input and feedback BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL AND PRODUCTIVE TEAM Building Team Performance: Creation Select members for skill not personality Establish urgency Set performance standards and clear direction Build Team Performance: Trust Create a team identity: name, logo, etc. Establish common goals and make sure to review frequently Set some clear rules of behavior, norms, common vocabulary Accept all opinions, rephrase in positive language if necessary Favor optimism and ‘can-do’ attitudes focus on what you can control Agree on a conflict resolution/decisionmaking model Build Team Performance: Trust - Decision-Making Model Build Team Performance: Productivity Agree on a structure for meetings, a “parking lot”, “process check”, “rough consensus”, everyone speaks, time limits and time keeper Assign rotating roles for shared leadership Ask members for opinions so all participate Avoid “same-think”. Deliberately review opposing points of view Focus on collective performance Agree on how and when the team’s work will be assessed Everyone takes responsibility for the team Build Team Performance: Productivity - Possible Team Roles Facilitator Leader Time Keeper Note-taker Reporter Build Team Performance: Momentum and Motivation Set and seize upon a few immediate performance-oriented tasks Challenge the group regularly with fresh facts and information Share positive feedback publicly and frequently, negative feedback privately and only if needed Provide recognition and rewards Set and celebrate milestones Build Team Performance: Conflict “Americans make the terrible assumption that good relationships are about harmony. They are not. On the contrary, good relations are those that handle strife well. Our task is to know and teach that every relationship involves conflict and resolving conflict.” Donald Shriver, president emeritus of Union Theological Seminary, quoted in an article by Julia Steiny The Providence Journal, Nov. 11, 2007 Build Team Performance: Conflict Conflict can be positive (based on issues, positions or opinions), or negative (personal, agendas) Do not shy away from conflict, use it to explore alternatives Intervene quickly “What are we trying to accomplish here?”, “We agree on…” Use the agreed upon conflict resolution/decision-making model Get the problem out in the open. Listen, rephrase, check understanding Bring different perspectives, research, experts Negotiate win-win Establish a common immediate goal and achieve it Learn to give feedback Muticultural Collaboration The age factor Working with people from different countries or cultures Muticultural Collaboration The Age Factor Matures - prior to 1946 Hard work, community, duty, thriftiness, right vs. wrong Baby Boomers - 1946-1964 The experience, rules are not for us, stress filled schedule, buy now and pay later, we deserve Generation X - 1965-1980 Balance of life, peer focus, skeptics, focus on quality, contractually oriented, resourceful Millenials - 1981-1999 Speed and impatience, shopping is entertainment and expression, skepticism of marketing, ‘other’ focused, non-stop fun, menu driven mentality, expect choice Muticultural Collaboration The Age Factor Wendover, 2007 The younger generation’s beliefs: Focus on outcome rather than the task In the long run, balance is more important than money Training, knowledge and experience equal versatility Management should be partners with employees Life is too short to “pay dues” The Center for Generational Studies http://www.gentrends.com/ Multicultural Collaboration People from different countries and/or cultures This will almost be a guaranteed experience for our students Discuss ahead of time the possibilities of cultural misunderstandings Establish a protocol for discussing cultural differences Make a commitment to give each other the benefit of the doubt Become curious about other cultures. Ask questions, compare to yours, share The PYP Learner Profile reflects the “Internationallyminded Person”. Model it MIH Pg. 2-3 A Word on Negative Feedback….. Give feedback immediately unless you need time to cool off Acknowledge good performance Focus on the negative behavior not the personality Explain how the behavior affects the team Ask for explanation. LISTEN. Paraphrase Try to reach a win-win resolution Write down the agreement. Follow up with a note or email Reflection Building a productive team Handling multicultural/multiage differences - resolving conflict Building a productive team and handing differences and conflict is like a…….. Snow ball Creating Time and Including Specialists Active Learning - Carousel Group by school; singles join together or another school How does your school make time for planning and collaboration? How do your specialists collaborate? Record the information to share Leave an “expert” travel around, bring note paper Creating Time and Including Specialists Why is it so hard? “Time for reflection and discussion has traditionally been viewed as unproductive in the educational arena. Therefore, teachers are not usually given time to collaborate…. and so most educators continue to work in isolation a situation that reduces their effectiveness.” DuFour, 1998 Creating Time and Including Specialists Why is it so hard? “Ironically, American teachers already spend more time in the classroom per week than teachers in Europe and Asia. Teachers in Japan, China, France, Switzerland, England and Germany teach students only 15 to 20 hours out of a 40-45 hour work week. The rest of the time is available for them to think about, and discuss the lessons that they teach; to share plans, materials, and ideas; to tutor students; or to consult with parents.” Dufour, 1998 Collaboration Review We have explored The definition and attributes of collaboration WHY collaborate HOW we collaborate (or not) WHO collaborates What do we collaborate FOR? COLLABORATION WRITING CURRICULUM AND REFLECTING THE PYP IN THE PLANNER PYP Essential Elements CONCEPTS KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ATTITUDES ACTION These are synthesized on the planner MIH pg. 56 -59 Why a Conceptual Curriculum? “The traditional design of a curriculum did not come into question when business operated with an industrial model that called for factory workers who could follow orders , carry on repetitive tasks with little thought, and work in relative isolation…… Why a Conceptual Curriculum? …But business has changed drastically, and education is adapting to meet the need for workers who can identify and solve complex problems, think independently as well as in team situations, and exhibit the characteristics of leaders no matter what their job in an organization.” Lynn Erickson, 2002 Why a Conceptual Curriculum? A.K.A. Enduring Understanding - Power Standard - Central Idea From the following list, with your table group, decide if the statement represents a central idea that is concept-based If it is not, change the central idea to make it concept based. Share out Resource: Participants Workbook pg. 43 - 53 CENTRAL IDEAS? Natural and man-made disasters impact people and the environment. 2. My family tree has many branches. 3. Computers help people in their daily lives. 4. Survivors of the tsunami face risks and challenges. 5. People need families and friends. 6. Every country has qualities and attributes that make it unique. 7. Air supports our lives, and its uses are determined by its properties. 8. Rules and laws help people live safely and peacefully. 9. A variety of signs and symbol systems were developed to communicate. 10. Family histories impact our past and present, and influence our futures. 1. PYP Essential Elements: Knowledge Content of learning Integrate the standards Guided by the lens of the PYP concept questions Written as “Inquiry” 3 or 4 per unit Concepts and Knowledge Enduring Understanding? PYP Essential Elements: Active Learning Create a Central Idea or Enduring Understanding With corresponding inquiries or essential questions Using a blank planner, in groups by grade level (with specialists and administrators), write/review a Central Idea Criteria: global, timeless, relevant, challenging, with scope for transdisciplinary inquiry, engaging, with academic rigor and intellectually stimulating Can “specialists” integrate their curriculum into this Central Idea? What knowledge will the learners acquire? Write the inquiry connect to standards PYP CONCEPTS Form Function Causation Connection Perspective Change Reflection Responsibility What PYP Concepts will be emphasized in this unit? Write 3 teacher questions that capture the essence of what is important to know PYP Organizing Themes (Transdisciplinary) Organizing themes Interdisciplinary Intradisciplinary Transdisciplinary The organizing/transdisciplinary themes ensure a broad conceptual and knowledge base horizontally and vertically throughout the POI ASSESSMENT How will we know what we have learned? PYP Essential Elements: What is Assessment? Summative assessment Formative assessment Pre-assessment MIH Pg. 44-53 “When the cook tastes the soup, that is formative. When the guests taste the soup, that is summative” Robert Stakes “Formative assessment is to summative assessment what a physical is to an autopsy ” DuFour, DuFour, Eaker “ You can enhance or destroy students’ desire to succeed in school more quickly and permanently through the use of assessment than with any other tools you have at your disposal.” Stiggins PYP Essential Elements: What Makes Assessment Authentic? Active Learning How do you know that you know? Complete the activity “What Do I do Well” Synthesize characteristics of authentic assessment. What Makes Assessment Authentic? What do I Do Well? How do I know I do it well? What were the steps taken to learn it well? Example: I have a good tennis serve I often ace my opponents, even some who are better players than I am My serve has spin My serve has power I toss high, bend my legs and put my body into it Modeled by a pro Practiced Broken down to one improvement at a time e.g. Toss height and location, legs, shoulders, Good analogies like throwing a ball Model -practice Example: I am environmentally friendly Changed school awareness Started the Environmental Action committee for adults. Show ways to “ENACT” environmental change 3 R’s Started club to look at ways to be more Green at school and home “Walk to School” campaign I took an interest I read articles I watched documentaries I contacted local groups with the same interest I shared my interest with others and started taking action to increase awareness What Makes Assessment Authentic? Active Learning Synthesize characteristics of authentic assessment with your table Share out What Makes Assessment Authentic? What Researchers Say “A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills.” Jon Mueller What Makes Assessment Authentic? What Researchers Say "...Engaging and worthy problems or questions of importance, in which students must use knowledge to fashion performances effectively and creatively. The tasks are either replicas of or analogous to the kinds of problems faced by adult citizens and consumers or professionals in the field.” Grant Wiggins What Makes Assessment Authentic? What Researchers Say "Performance assessments call upon the examinee to demonstrate specific skills and competencies, that is, to apply the skills and knowledge they have mastered." Richard J. Stiggins What Makes Assessment Authentic? Reflection/Active Learning Any additions, changes to our description of authentic assessment? Develop a summative assessment for your Central Idea Assessment Strategies and Tools Grant Wiggins Creating a Balance of Assessment Strategies and Tools How Best Will We Learn? Learning Activities and Formative Assessments What experiences will encourage students to address the driving questions? How will we make “Thinking Visible” Perkins, 2006 Think across disciplines Think across intelligences Think differentiated resources How will we assess to adjust instruction? MIH Pg. 41 Keeping Evidence How do we document what we do? What is in your planner folders? How could you demonstrate instances of students’ involvement in their own learning? Selfassessment? How can you gather and share evidence of inquiry-based teaching and learning? MIH Pg. 50 Collaborative Planning Workshop Self-Assessment WHAT DID I LEARN? The purposes of this workshop Review the PYP standards Look at your questions Did we meet the purpose of the workshop? Did we answer your questions? What did you learn well enough to teach someone else? What are your “new” questions? Resources Barth, Roland. Restructuring Schools: Some Questions for Teachers and Principals. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,1991. Bishop, A.P.,Bertram, B.C.,Lunsford, K.J. & al. Supporting Community Inquiry with Digital Resources. Journal Of Digital Information, 5 (3:) 2004. Buzzeo, Toni. “Collaborating to Meet Standards: Teacher -Library Media Specialists Partners for K-6”.Ohio: Linworth, 2002. DuFour, Richard. http://www.allthingsplc.info (online) March, 2008 DuFour, Richard and Robert Eaker. “Professional Learning Communities at Work”. Virginia :Solution Tree: 1998. Erickson, Lynn. Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction: Teaching Beyond the Facts.” California : Corwin Press: 2002. Gibbs, Jeanne. “Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together”. California: Center Source, 2001. Hughes, Marcia and James Bradford Terrell. “The Emotionally Intelligent Team”. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2007. Kanter, R. The Turnaround Solution. 2004 Katzenbach, J.R., & Smith, D.K. The wisdom of teams: Creating the high performance organization. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1993. “Leading Teams.” Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 2006. “Making It Happen.” International Baccalaureate. Resources Montiel-Overall, Patricia. “Towards a Theory of Collaboration for Teachers and Librarians”. American Association of School Librarians, 2002. Robbins Harvey and Michael Finlay. “The New Why Teams Don’t Work.” San Francisco :BK Publishers, 1995. Patterson, Kerry, Joseph Greeny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler. “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High”. New York : MsGraw Hill, 2002. “ Running Meetings.” Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 2006. Schrage, Michael. “Shared Minds”. Random House: New York, 1990. Tuckman, Bruce. “Forming-storming-norming-performing”. 1970. Urbanski, A (1992) as quoted by Dunklee,, Dennis. “If You Want to Lead Not Just Manage”. California: Corwin Press, 2002. Tomlinson, Carol Ann and Jay McTighe. “ Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design”. Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2006. “What Work Requires of Schools: A SCANS Report for America 2000”. U.S.Department of Labor, June 1991, pp. xvii-xviii. Wndover, Robert . The Center for Generational Studies. http://ww w.gentrends.com/ Wiggins, and McTIghe. “ Understanding by Design”. Prentice Hall; Expanded 2nd edition, 2005.