FRPA Data Collection, Management and Reporting Defining the Business Requirements RSM Pilot Review Workshop February 2005 Background The team Linkage to RSM Pilot Role of team in planning the data management strategy Session Outline Overview - what is the business context for why are you collecting all that data? Key questions to define the business needs What happens to the data? Conceptual Model Data collection Planning Data storage & management Data analysis tool Queries & Reports Data Collection Who? e.g. Stewardship foresters, tenures field staff, WLAP What? pre-data, e.g. compliance, type of maps Where? e.g. Block, opening, licensee, tenure, landscape-level? Why? (Business drivers)?e.g. Forest Stewardship Plans - monitoring results & strategies, effectiveness evaluation When? e.g. related to FSP submission, annual? Data Storage & Management Nature of the database Linkages to other systems, e.g. CIMS, RESULTS, FTA, LRDW Security issues (levels of access) Dependent on how the business is defined Data Analysis Tool Design will depend on type of data collected, e.g. checklist, form Will provide an assessment through automated calculations and specified thresholds Is there a need for an assessment capability for every checklist? e.g. riparian Queries & Reports Queries = custom, more specific questions or searches Reports = canned, based on the most common queries, easy to generate and download Who will use these functions? What kinds of queries/reports given your experience from the pilot Planning Potential capability to select candidate sites, schedule sampling, and prioritise by some predefined categories and criteria What kind of planning? e.g. resource values, licensee, FSP submissions, ecological Next Steps or where you can get involved Document the results of this session and distribute Determine who will participate in requirements gathering and testing Set up district meetings to review requirements Finalize requirements documentation Obtain sign off of requirements Publish Request for Proposals Begin development cycle User acceptance testing