Access Chapter 2 Assignment Sheet

Access Chapter 2
Assignment Sheet
Complete In the Lab 1 Pages AC131-132.
9 Use your JMS TechWizards database from Access
Chapter 1 to complete this In The Lab
9 Put Your Name after each query when you save it and
print it
9 Staple your queries together in order and hand in.
(Queries must be in order.)
Assignment is worth 30 points
Complete In the Lab 2 Pages AC132-133.
9 Use your Hockey Fan Zone database from Access
Chapter 1 to complete this In The Lab
9 Put Your Name after each query when you save it and
print it.
9 Staple your queries and report together in order and hand
in. (Queries must be in order.)
Assignment is worth 30 points
Please take time to follow all of the directions carefully. Make sure you
label your queries according to the book with Your Name to receive full