Quality Improvement Project for Patients Requiring MRI


Quality Improvement Project for Patients

Requiring MRI with Anesthesia at OHSU

Douglas Arditti, M.N., M.S.N., FNP, CRNA

Peter Schulman, M.D.

APOM Grand Rounds

January 26, 2015

What is the average delay for the time an MRI is scheduled and the actual time it begins?

74 minutes

(range: 28-116 minutes)

How long does it take to start an MRI after induction of anesthesia?

31 minutes

(range: 6-93 minutes)

What is the average anesthesia time for an MRI?

116 minutes

(range: 51-272 minutes)

Project Description

» OHSU Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative

Medicine (APOM) & OHSU Department of Diagnostic


» Analyze causes of delays for adult undergoing MRI with anesthesia

» Efficiency & safety

• Improve staff satisfaction

• Identify safety hazards

Anesthesia in the MRI Suite

» Non-OR anesthesia presents unique challenges

» MRI Suite

• Hazardous Environment

– Safe anesthesia care requires specialized equipment and procedures

• Sequence/protocol for scan often lengthy (2-5+ hours)

Analysis: What are we doing now?

» Process mapping

• Technique for making work visible

• Identifies sequences of activity and decision points

• Reveals areas where potential bottlenecks or delays occur





• Activities

• Tasks

• Steps


AHRQ. Developing a high-level process map and swim-lane diagram. http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/systems/hospital/red/swimlane.html.

Updated August 2011. Accessed December 30, 2014.

Process Map:

Ordering an MRI

Scan with


What factors in our department cause delays?

» Fish bone diagram (Ishikawa diagram)

• Explore potential or real causes that result in a single effect

• Assists in searching for root causes and identify problem areas

• Depicts relationships or hierarchy of events

• Compare relative importance of different causes

AHRQ. Building your cause and effect diagram. http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/systems/hospital/red/swimlane.html. Updated August 2011. Accessed December 30, 2014.

Anesthesia Related Delays in MRI Department

Eliminate Trips for Supplies

Anesthesia supply cabinet located in holding area

• To be stocked by anesthesia technicians

• Combination lock installed (same combination as anesthesia cart)

What We Learned

» Providing anesthesia services in

MRI suite requires coordination of many different individuals and departments

• Lead MRI technologist

• Radiologist

• Radiology scheduling

• OR scheduling

• Anesthesia D-1

• Anesthesia provider(s)

• Anesthesia technicians

• Inpatient nursing staff

• IRU nursing staff

• PACU nursing staff (sometimes)

• Transportation services

What We Learned

» The process for scheduling an MRI scan for patients requiring anesthesia care is complex and inefficient

• Multiple challenges arise because our EHR

(EPIC) interfaces with multiple information systems at OHSU (e.g., OR scheduling, radiology scheduling, billing systems)

• Inpatient vs. outpatient protocols are very different

• Stakeholders each had a different understanding of when the MRI scan would actually begin

Understanding MRI “Table Time”

MRI Table Time

• Time that the MRI scan will start (analogous to

“incision time”)

Your schedule in EPIC

• Now scheduled 45 minutes prior to

MRI Table Time

MRI Scan Scheduled for 12:00-13:00

Time seen in


Total time 135 min

Improving EPIC

» For inpatients: Clinicians ordering MRI scans now encounter a “Soft Stop” when placing orders in EPIC

• Requires confirmation that anesthesia D-1 has been contacted prior to processing the order

» Outcome

• Virtual elimination of Lead MRI

Tech involvement prior to D-1 approval

Improving Coordination of Team Members

» Anesthesia Technician to arrive in holding area 30 min. prior to MRI scan “Table Time”

• Remain during induction and patient transfer

• Available to assist with emergence

» Holding area to be clear during induction and emergence

• 15 minutes prior to “Table Time”

• 15 minutes after MRI scan complete

» Prior to completion of scan

• MRI Technologist contacts IRU (or PACU) and

Anesthesia Technician

What We Learned

» MRI Techs have a different perspective than us

» Amongst anesthesia providers, there is often variation in clinical practice

» There is an opportunity for team building between our departments

Enhancing Teambuilding: Team Pause


Introduction of MRI Tech(s) (MRI Tech)

» Confirm planned scan (MRI Tech/Anesthesia)

• Potential ‘intra-scan’ changes/issues (MRI Tech)

» Introduction of anesthesia team (Anesthesia)


• CRNA/Resident

• Anesthesia technician


Quick review of plan and roles (Anesthesia)

• Induction plan

Monitoring needs

• Logistics (transport of patient in and out of scanner)


– Location

• Special concerns/patient issues/positioning concerns


Confirm reservation for recovery (Anesthesia/MRI Tech)


Special Equipment

» Familiarize yourself with

MRI compatible infusion pump and Invivo monitor

• MRI Tech and Anesthesia

Tech can assist with troubleshooting

Practice Recommendations: Work flow


Confirm that AGM and monitoring equipment is functional; check suction equipment in Holding Area (Zone II)

» Team Pause



• Monitors: Use MRI compatible placed at foot of trolley



: Use wall source with O


» Transport to Scanner extension tubing

Switch O

2 source at Zone IV entry (or place on AGM)

• Positioning supervised by anesthesia provider

• Anesthesia cart moved to Zone III


Exit Scanner

• Anesthesia cart: Move to Holding Area (Zone II)

Monitors: Transfer patient using the MRI compatible monitor

• Switch O

2 source at Zone III entry

Emergence from anesthesia in Holding Area (Zone II)

• Transport patient to IRU/PACU with transport monitor and O



APOM-MRI QI Project Team

Team Leader : Douglas Arditti, MN, MSN, FNP, CRNA (Instructor, APOM/Student, University of Washington DNP Program)

Team Members :

Wayne Smith, ARRT RT (Supervisor, MRI Department)

Michelle Greenberg (Support Services Manager, Radiology Scheduling)

Joseph Bussiere (Lead MRI Technologist)

Mike Burrell (Lead MRI Technologist)

Project Sponsor : Peter Schulman, MD (Director OOR Anesthesia-APOM )

Project Liasons : Tina Foss, MHA (Surgery Scheduling); Dawn Anderson (Surgery Scheduling);

Liza Kamps (Senior Project Specialist-EPIC); Matthew Davis (Supervisor, Anesthesia Technicians);

Tara Menon, RN (IRU Nursing Manager); Laurie McKeown, MD (Program Manager, Patient Safety);

Rob Miller (APOM-System Application Analyst),

Executive Liasons : Jeffrey Kirsch, MD (Chairman-APOM); Stephen Robinson, MD (Clinical Director-APOM);

Fergus Coakley, MD (Chairman-Diagnostic Radiology), Brock Price (Director-Radiology Department)
