JRA2 - Network of Excellence in InterNet Science

JRA2: Emergence Theories and Design
Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS)
Brussels, 12th April 2013
Dirk Trossen (Cambridge University)
FP7-ICT-2011.1.6-288021 EINS
Network of
Excellence in
Internet Science
 Bring together various communities involved
in the design of Internet solutions
 Increase the understanding of how various
design methodologies relate to each other
 Distill a set of rigorous design methods that
are directly anchored into a deep scientific
 Gather a set of tools (from existing efforts in
this space)
 Inform the various stakeholders
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013
 R2.1 Distilling Design methodologies
E.g., development of methodology based on quantitative measures
for self-organisation by PASSAU
 R2.2 Developing a Set of Design Tools
Lead: Cambridge
E.g., work on combining Turing and information-centric networking
in collaboration with CalTech
 R2.3 Exemplifying Use of Design Tools
Lead: IT Innovation
E.g., the methodology based on quantitative measures for selforganisation, developed by PASSAU, has been applied to traffic
scenario use cases in order to demonstrate the applicability for
design and evaluation. The work will be presented at the IWSOS’13.
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013
Overview of Work Performed
 Setup of tasks and leadership
 Organised and participated in FIArch
workshop on Architectural Research
 Organisation of 1st JRA2 workshop on
“Thinking Architecturally”
27 participants with 13 externals
Kicked off with D. Clark’s presentation about NSF efforts
Viewpoints on ‘what is design and architecture?’
Discussions in large group
Quick survey on second day regarding take-aways,
influence on own work
Material posted to wiki with survey results
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013
JRA2 Workshop with plans for 2nd event & FIArch workshop
A. Passarella, M.Conti, “Analysis of individual pair and aggregate inter-contact times in heterogeneous opportunistic
networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
A. Passarella ,R. I.M. Dunbar, M. Conti, F. Pezzoni, “Ego network models for Future Internet social networking
environments”, Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol. 35, Issue 18, Dec. 2012
D.Papadimitriou, Th.Zahariadis, P.Martinez-Julia, I.Papafili, F.Torelli, B.Sales, and P.Demeester, Design Principles
for the Future Internet Architecture, Future Internet: From Promises to Reality, LNCS Vol. 7281, pp.55-67, 2012
D.Papadimitriou, B.Sales, P.Demeester, Th.Zahariadis, From Internet Architecture Research to Standards, Future
Internet: From Promises to Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 7281, pp.68-80, 2012.
D. Trossen, Turing, the Internet and a Theory for Architecture: A (Fictional?) Tale in Three Parts, ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review Vol. 42 Issue 3, July 2012
A.Sathiaseelan, J.Crowcroft: Internet on the move: challenges and solutions. Computer Communication Review
43(1): 51-55 (2013)
J. Crowcroft: The DNS is not a right. oh yes it is. oh no it isn't. oh yes it is... Computer Communication Review 42(2):
103-104 (2012)
O. M.Bonastre, M.-J. Montpetit, P. Casar, J. Crowcroft, M. Matijasevic, Zhu Liu: Introduction to the Special
Section on Smart, Social, and Converged TV. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 14(6): 1513-1514 (2012)
J. Crowcroft, I. Brown: From Panopticon to Fresnel, Dispelling a False Sense of Security. Communications and
Multimedia Security 2012
M. Fullerton, R. Holzer, H. De Meer, C. Beltran Ruiz, Novel assessment of a peer-peer road accident survival
system Proc. of the 1st Int'l Workshop on Evaluation for Self-adaptive and Self-organizing Systems, 2012
R. Holzer, H. De Meer, C. Beltran Ruiz, Emergence of global speed patterns in a traffic scenario, Proc. of the 7th
Int'l Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS 2013) of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2013
S. Lehnhoff, S. Rohjans, R. Holzer, F. Niedermeier, H. De Meer, Mapping of Self-Organization Properties and NonFunctional Requirements in Smart Grids, Proc. of the 7th Int'l Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS 2013)
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2013
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013
 D2.4.1: delivered
 Progress reports: delivered
 D2.1.1: under preparation for M18
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013
Links with other activities
 Links with
JRA1 – to be strengthened in the future
JRA3 – needs stronger links (e.g., common workshop on evidence
and design)
JRA5 – needs stronger links regarding socio-economic impact
Links to FIArch group
 Prof. C. Dovrolis visited CERTH with
seminar presentation
 Research activities and projects
UPASSAU links with SOCIONICAL and All4Green
UCAM lead of PURSUIT project with work on new functional model
for information-centric architectures
IT Innovation lead of OPTET workpackage devising models of
socio-economic trust related to FI system design and operation
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013
Future Plans
 Establishing repository and platform for
 Joint workshop with JRA3 on role of
evidence in design methodologies
 Second JRA2 workshop based on insights
from inaugural workshop
 Upcoming deliverables
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013
 Setting up the community is hard
 Engaging
beyond EINS is even harder
 Including the ‘design community’ beyond CS is
challenging, too
 First JRA2 workshop aimed at engagement
 Insights
were very valuable for future events
 Format but also content is now more deeply
 Deliverables are underway
 Platform
setup being discussed, will commence
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013