Coaching for Renewal Daniel J Pesut PhD RN PMH CNS –BC FAAN Professor of Nursing and Faculty Fellow Office of Academic Affairs • Discuss a strengths and values approach to leadership development • Discuss the differences between identity, and reputation through understanding the inside, bright side and dark side of leadership. • Examine the role of emotional intelligence as it relates to leadership success. • Discuss cycles of change and renewal that foster insight, and action for professional development. Leadership Development Series • Discuss the eco-cycle of change and renewal. • Discuss a strengths, values, and renewal based approach to personal leadership development • Create a personal renewal leadership development plan based on a strengths, values, and renewal assessment. • Reflect on your why- be- do statement. • Discuss and reflect stand out strengths that support success. • Develop a plan to learn more about personal and professional coaching for renewal. Outcomes • The ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. http://www.coachfederat The Patterns of Change Uptime Dreams & Plans Accomplishments New Goals & Purpose Training & Relearning Downtime A Life/Work Chapter Outer Journey - External Systems - Thinking - Doing - Accomplishments - Results - Evaluation - Internal Process - Flow - Feelings & Introspection - Being - Renewal Inner Journey A Life/Work Transition The Predictable Cycle of Renewal Phase I Go For It - A Period of Stability Essential Life Skills - Identify the “Dream” - Create the “Plan” - Sustain the “Plateau” - Elicit Support Feelings in the phase: Confidence, Courage, Energy, Competitive, Collaborative Useful Activities in this phase: Career training, Networking, Time Management, Pacing, Life Balance, Professional Organizations, Friends - purposive - focused & directed - high energy - optimistic - multiple priorities - committed Results to Accomplish in this phase: Reach Goals, Change & Improve Goals, Enjoy the Success, Receive Financial Rewards, Follow Sense of Purpose, Take New Risks, Use Creativity - accomplishing - succeeding Phase II Doldrums - A Period of Detachment & Restlessness Essential Life Skills Feelings in this phase: Sense of Decline - Develop an exit strategy and choose a route ahead - Mini-transition or Cocooning Trapped Defeated Useful Activities in this phase: Mad, Angry Create an Exit Plan Find a New Job Get some Coaching Take a Sabbatical Results I want To Accomplish in this phase: Successful Departure for a minitransition Or; Successful Departure for a Life Transition - disenchanted - trapped - angry The Mini-Transition Restructuring the Current Chapter Ask These Questions: What do I Hold On To? What do I Let Go Of ? What do I Take On? What do I Move On? Phase III Cocooning - Coming To Terms With Yourself Typical Feelings in this phase: - healing Grief Relief - inner work Liberation Fear Useful Activities in this phase: New Training - meditative Transition Job Journaling - quiet Retreat Time Time w/ Friends Results to Accomplish in this phase: Sabbatical At Last! Time to “Grow Me” Solitude Spiritual Renewal New Sense of Purpose New Friends - introspective Essential Life Skills - Develop and Nurture Myself - spiritual - exploring - Spend Time Alone - reconstructing Phase IV Getting Ready - A Time For Experimenting Feelings in this phase: Creativity Trust Fire Love - testing Lightness of Being - experimenting Useful Activities in this phase: - taking risks Career Search - not committing Simplify Lifestyle - networking Get Advanced Degree - piloting new products - creativity Adult Ed. Classes Explore Options Travel Essential Life Skills - Explore - Experiment Results To Accomplish in this phase: Redefine Sense of Purpose Get Fix on What’s Important - Training Take New Risks - Discover Renew Relationships Managing Renewal Ecocycle Lessons Change is continuous along the cycle Renewal requires creative destruction Need for crisis -- root word “to sift” Need for firebreaks, don’t burn everything Patch dynamics or balance in your activities are key to long term survival and adaptability Create conditions for renewal & more “births” Exploring the Ecocycle RENEWAL MATURITY Sowing Harvesting BIRTH CREATIVE DESTRUCTION Growing Plowing RENEWAL MATURITY Exploration/Invention /Reorganization Conservation & Routinization Visionary-As-Leader Bureaucrat-As-Leader Poverty Trap Not funding innovation ~ Gathering What can YOU do right now to move one important element forward in the Ecocycle? BIRTH Entrepreneurial Action Entrepreneur-As-Leader Rigidity Trap Not letting go ~ Sifting CREATIVE DESTRUCTION Release/Crisis/Confusion Heretic-As-Leader Ecocycle Worksheet Sample Name: Renewal Mobilization Maturity Conservation “Sowing” “Harvesting” Change activity, behavior or program Change activity, behavior, or program . Change activity, behavior or program Change activity, behavior or program Birth Exploitation Creative Destruction “Growing” “Plowing” Higher Ground Leadership Values Centered Leadership MASTERY: What must we do well in order to accomplish objectives? What must we LEARN to achieve the necessary MASTERY? CHEMISTRY: To achieve goals, who will be on the team? How will we build Relationships and inspire each other? With whom should we EMPATHIZE? DELIVERY: Whom are we serving? How will we know that we have met their Needs? To whom and how will we LISTEN? *Secretan, Lance (2010). The Spark, the Flame, and the Torch, the Secretan Center, Inc. Caledon, Ontario, Canada • What is your destiny statement? Your spark? • Passion is drawn to things that excite us –positively and negatively • At our core, we all yearn to serve and improve the world • Spark, Flame, Torch Secretan, Lance ( 2010). The Spark, Flame and the Torch: Inspire Self, Inspire Others. Inspire the World. The Secretan Center, Caledon, Ontario, Canada • Write down two things that spoil the world for you and that hold the potential to threaten or wound the world and to cause serious global damage if we do not change or reverse them. • Now write the opposite of these words. The exact opposite – now craft these terrafixes into a statement that describes how you wish to dedicate your life –what the future holds for you depends on what you hold for the future. Destiny Secretan, Lance ( 2010). The Spark, Flame and the Torch: Inspire Self, Inspire Others. Inspire the World. The Secretan Center, Caledon, Ontario, Canada • What is your character –how do you want to BE in the world? How do you wish to live your life? • What qualities do you want to live by so that they are inspiring beacon and model for others? • How do you want to be remembered at the end of your life? • How do you hope that others will describe your character? Character Secretan, Lance ( 2010). The Spark, Flame and the Torch: Inspire Self, Inspire Others. Inspire the World. The Secretan Center, Caledon, Ontario, Canada • The true gifts and skills to which my heart is called are……. • The work I do today needs more…….. • The livelihood that would best serve my essential self is….. • What must I do to ensure the intersection of my talents and passion serves the needs of the world, and thus guides my current path? Calling Secretan, Lance ( 2010). The Spark, Flame and the Torch: Inspire Self, Inspire Others. Inspire the World. The Secretan Center, Caledon, Ontario, Canada 1. Leaders who are happy and doing meaningful work engage in a high level of personal renewal. They make time for activities that make them happy so they have more energy to "show up" to create results and have a positive impact on the organization. 2. Leaders who are happy and doing meaningful work are extraordinarily resilient. They bounce back from failure and they bounce forward in times of change. 3. Leaders who are happy and doing meaningful work are optimistic. They face harsh realities and brutal truths but they feel empowered to do something about it. Leaders and Renewal* * Reeves, Douglas & Allison, Elle (2009). Renewal Coaching: Sustainable Change for Individuals and Organizations: Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA. 4. Leaders who are happy and doing meaningful work give a little more than they take. We say they have high levels of "reciprocity.“ 5. Leaders who are happy and doing meaningful work have cultivated networks of relationships that they inspire toward supporting and sustaining the best work of the organization. These leaders secure and keep "buy in.“ 6. Leaders who are happy and doing meaningful work make wise and timely decisions. They resist over generalization and are not "in love" with their own data. 7. Leaders who are happy and doing meaningful work are highly resonant. They create positive force fields of emotion and energy that inspire hope, compassion, and action within the organization. These leaders are emotionally intelligent Leaders and Renewal* * Reeves, Douglas & Allison, Elle (2009). Renewal Coaching: Sustainable Change for Individuals and Organizations: Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA. Renewal Coaching and Assessment Vulnerable but Hopeful (high in resonance low in recognition) Wise ( But not Delusional) (high in renewal and high in reality) Foolish and Despairing (low in resilience and low in recognition) Cynical and Angry (high in reality and low in relationship) Low High Insight and Analysis Renewal Assessment Perspectives Reeves, Douglas & Allison, Elle (2010). Renewal Coaching Workbook, Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA. Frustration Renewal Excellent insights, low organizational and personal impact not sustainable Meaningful work, important relationships, and flawless execution Despair Boredom Work without meaning or impact, so Excellent time and project it takes forever to get very little management but the work has lost its accomplished meaning Not sustainable Not sustainable Low High Efficiency and Effectiveness Renewal Coaching Leadership Model Reeves, Douglas & Allison, Elle (2012). Renewal Coaching: Fieldbook: How Effective Leaders Sustain Meaningful Change, Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA. • Choose to engage in personal renewal every day. • Choose to bounce forward in the face of loss. • Choose to resonate a positive force field of emotional energy. • Choose to create networks of support. • Choose to initiate cycles of learning –give more than you take. • Choose to face harsh realities with optimism and a “can do” attitude. • Choose to make wise and timely decisions. Renewal Choices Allison, Elle & Reeves, Douglas (2012). Renewal Coaching Field book: How Effective Leaders Sustain Meaningful Change Jossey Bass, Wiley Imprint Book, San Francisco, CA. Find Your Edge: Know Your Standout Strengths* • Your genius is precise • You can’t respect what you don’t remember. • You must reach beyond your roles Advisor Connector (whom can I connect) Creator Equalizer Influencer Pioneer Provider (Is everyone ok) Stimulator Teacher *Buckingham, Marcus (2011). Standout, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN. Thought Leader Questions to Activate Renewal Find a partner you do not know well. Take turns asking each other the Thought Leader Questions to Activate Renewal from the handout provided. START, STOP, CONTINUE START – What am I going to start doing as a result of my learning? STOP – What am I going to stop doing as a result of my learning? CONTINUE – What am I going to continue doing as a result of my learning? Future Pacing • What concepts, tools, techniques are most useful? • How can the information be used? • Why is the information important? • Why care about the information?