Some tips......

Sharing my experience.........
Dr Trupti Desai
Consultant Dermatologist
DBH NHS Foundation Trust
Obtained CESR in Feb 2011
Primary Medical Qualification from University of Bombay, India.
3 years Postgraduate residency training in Dermatology .
Postgraduate qualifications-MD in Dermatology and Venereology
18 months UK experience in medicine with acute unselected take ,
6 months as SHO in medicine-India.
10 years as SAS and Locum Consultant in Dermatology prior to application in
August 2010
The basic...
 Encrypted USB Stick
 Backup Data on regular Basis
 Space on trust IT –e.g. H:/ to store information for safe and secure handling
of patient related information.
 Get Remote access to hospital IT.
 Use Secure email –
 Working knowledge of basic computer programmes-especially Excel
 Organise and declutter paper and electronic filing.
Collecting Evidence - think evidence
 Familiarise with the process, Curricula and Speciality specific guidanceCESR web link
 Clinic data- From Hospital appointment system e.g PAS
 Workload Statistics, Comparative caseload information -Hospital IT, clinical
 Communication/Clinic letters- e.g Medisec
 MDT data-MDT coordinator
 Networking with colleagues in same hospital-to get ideas on information
already available
Getting started..
 Planning- List what you need, explore opportunity, execute
( e.g teaching medical students or GP education)
 How to present it as evidence-(lecture slides-validated from appropriate person,
Feedback forms)
 Scheduling
(e.g courses, last date for submission of abstracts)
Domain 1 Qualification
 Transcript of details of course and examination
MD, Degree of University of Bombay letter dated 20 July 1994.
 Letter providing Details on Curriculum and description of training .
MD residency training programme from former Head of Department and Supervisor for Post
graduate qualifications obtained in India.
 Validated copy of Examination regulation.
diploma in dermatology and Fellowship in dermatology include how examinations are evaluated
or quality assured
 MRCP part 2 attempt letter-as evidence of completing general medical
training requirement
Domain 1 assessments
 Appraisal forms 4 and 5, PDP and annual review of PDP
 360o colleague and patient feedback
 Participation as assessor-from revalidation team or from appraisee.
 Ticket code-trainees and anonymised record of MSF input.
 DOPS, CEX and CBDs
Domain 1 Logbooks etc......
 ..\PMETB\Clinic data\Clinic Data Set.xls..
 \PMETB\Clinic data\Cosolidated summary monthly data 5 years.xls
 ..\PMETB\Clinic data\Minor Operation Data Set.xls
 ..\PMETB\Clinic data\Covering Letter Clinic Data Set.doc
 (these were examples of my data collected on Excel spreadsheet. It is 5 years
old now, so in your interest look at latest guidance-available on speciality
specific guidance-CESR web link . Next few slide shows example of my
Covering Letter
 For large data which is in form of multiple pages.
 Explain what does it consist of, number of pages, Page no x to page y
demonstrate such and such ….
 You will need to number pages of large bundle of evidence, add a header
Stating what category of evidence and footer such as you name
Case history proforma example
 Patient ID number
 Dates- progress over few months or few years depending on case
 Diagnosis
 My involvement in case
 Curriculum Competencies Demonstrated by this case
Minor Ops Data-collected following data for
5 years
Month /
Currett &
Biopsy +/Immunofluorescence
Clinic Data
 Collected data- 1 month (Nov 05,06,07,08,09) for 5 years
 Collected information on numbers seen, New and Follow-up, Diagnosis,
Management (in brief to fit on excel sheet), therapy –drugs, phototherapy,
cryo-again monthly info for 5 years.
 Consolidated summery sheets derived from above data.
Domain 1 Clinical Practice
 Case Histories -Patient ID number,Dates,Diagnosis,My involvement in case,
Curriculum Competencies Demonstrated by this case
 ..\PMETB\Case Histories\7Difficult Psoriasis.doc
 Medical report ( 1-Child protection, 2-Reports to DWP) .
(5 examples over 5 years-GP letter and my reply)
 In Patient Referrals
( referral letter, action, follow-up etc.)
Domain 1 details of post and duties
 If job plan ,rotas etc. not available-detailed letter from supervising
consultant describing duties,rotas,level of responsibility and competencies
needed to perform the job.
 Check curricula for respective job (CMT or Specialist) to give
comprehensive information in the letter.
Research publications and presentations
 Dissertation –MD, MSc etc.
 Present at local ,regional and national meetings
 For publication and posters-audits, any innovative practice ,approach
colleagues for interesting cases or share cases with SpRs
 ResearchR and D dept. for Research opportunities,
Teaching and training
 Online Educational Supervisor course
 Teach the teachers course
 Designated medical Practioner for prescriber-nurse prescriber
 SHO teaching programme-contact postgrad tutor for medicine,
 Medical students-OSCE
Domain 2 - Safety and quality
Audit Dept. –help planning and collating results, certify
Tardy with data collection-do it yourself.
Complete cycle-doesn’t need to be your own audit.
Disseminate results-present at trust or dermatology dept.
Minutes of clinical governance meeting-dept. or trust
Mandatory training-infection control, information governance, Basic and
advance life support course.
Thank You
Best of Luck with your application