UNIT C: Plant Growth, Development, and Reproduction STUDY


UNIT C: Plant Growth, Development, and Reproduction


Plant Science

Objective 13.01: Describe the three applied plant science


Biology: the branch of ___science_______________ that deals with___plants___________ and

___animals_______________, as well as life processes.


Zoology: The part of ___biology__________ that deals with ____aniamls_______.


Botany: The part of ____biology___ that deals with ____plants_______________.


Applied Sciences: based on the ____purpose_____________ for which plants are grown.


Agronomy: the science and ______practice____________ of growing field

__crops_______ such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn, and soybeans.


Forestry: the science and practice of __growing________________, managing and harvesting __trees________ for building materials and other products.


Horticulture: the science and practice of growing, processing, and

__marketing____________ fruits and vegetables, and

____ornamental______________ plants.

Biological Terms

Objective 13.02: Define biological terms used to describe plants.


Life Cycles:


___Annual_______________: A plant that completes its life cycle in one season.


Biennial: A plant that completes its __2 years________________________________.


Perennial: A plant that lives _______3 or more years_____________________.


Leaf Retention:


____Deciduous________________: Leaves are function al during the growing season

(spring & summer)


Evergreen: ___Green color all year________________________________________.


Moisture in Plants


Turgid: Plant is __swollen________ or filled with _____water________________.


Wilted: Plant is ____limp______ because it does not have enough ______water__________.

Plant Parts and Their Functions

Objective 14.01: Identify the major parts and distinguishing characteristics of horticultural plants

Objective 14.02: Describe the functions of the major parts of a plant and their relationships to each other.



Functions of a Leaf a.

___Photosynthesis______________ manufactures __glucose________ in green plants which is the beginning of the food chain for all ___living organisms________________. b.

__Photosynthesis_______________ is the process by which ___carbon dioxide_______ and water in the presence of light are converted to __glucose______________. c.

Chemical formula for photosynthesis is as follows:

(carbon dioxide) + (water)+ ___sunlight___ (sugar/__glucose___) + (oxygen)+ __H2O____


Parts of a Leaf a.

External Leaf Parts i.

Petiole: Leaf ____stem_________ or part that _____connects_____ to stem. ii.

Blade: the large, flat ___surface____________ of the leaf. iii.

___Midrib_______________: the large center vein. iv.

Spine: ___secondary__________ veins in comparison to the midrib. v.

__veins___________: the structural net-like area of leaf. vi.

Margin: the ___edge_________ of the leaf. b.

Internal Leaf Parts i.

Upper and Lower Epidermis: skin of the leaf that ____prevents______ the loss of too much moisture. ii.

__Stoma______: small openings _under__________the leaf for

___Transpiration_____ (process) iii.

Guard Cells: open and close the ___stoma_______________. iv.

Cuticle: ___protective coating on either side of the upper and lower epidermis_____.



Functions of a Stem a.

____Translocation____: the movement of __H2O_________ and minerals from the roots up to the leaves and moves food from the __roots up to the leaves and down to the roots b.

Supports : ___branches_, ___leaves___, __flower___, _fruit/seeds_______________


Parts of the Stem: a.

External Parts i.

Lenticels: ___breathing___________ pores. ii.

Bud scale scar: Shows where ______terminal_____________ bud has been. iii.

____Leaf scar____________: shows where leaves were attached. iv.

Terminal bud: bud on the __top__________ of the stem. v.

Lateral/Auxillary Bud: ___buds located on the side of the stem____________. b.

Internal Parts i.

Vascular Bundles contain __xylem__________ and ___phloem__________. ii.

Xylem: tissue that transports ___H2O______ and nutrients __UP____ from the

__roots_________ to the ___leaves__________. iii.

Phloem: Tissue that transports ____water__________ DOWN from

__leaves__________ to __roots__________. iv.

_Cambium________: the thin, green, actively growing tissue located between the bark and wood which produces new cells. v.

Bark: a dicot’s old, inactive _Phloem_________________. vi.

Heartwood: a dicot’s old, inactive _____Xylem_______________. vii.

The new active xylem is called: _____Sapwood________________. viii.

Grasses and corn are examples of (Monocots / Dicots)? ix.

Trees are examples of (Monocots / Dicots)? x.

There are 4 different ways to tell if a plant is a Monocot or Dicot.

What are those 4 things?




Types: a.

__Fibrous_____________: branches shallow roots, and are easier to transplant. b.

___Taproot____________: long roots with few branches and more difficult to transplant.


External Parts of a Root: a.

Root Cap: ___growth of new cells____________________________________. b.

___Root hairs______________: increase surface area of absorption.


Internal Parts of a Root: a.

Much like those of dicot stems with __phloem___, ____xylem_____________ and

___cambium__________________. b.

___Phloem_______________ is on the outer layer of the root and carries food

__down________ to the root. c.

____Xylem______________ is the inner layer and carries water and minerals

___UP_____ to the stem.



Flowers develop into _Fruit_____ and _____Seeds___________.


Parts of a Flower: a.

__Sepals_______________: green leave that cover and protect flower buds before it opens. b.

Petals: are truly leaves that are modified to __attract insects______________(function). c.

Male anatomy of the flower is called the ____Stamen____________ i.

Filament is the ___part that hold up the anther________________________. ii.

_Anther_______________ is the sac-like structure that contains pollen, the male sex cells. d.

Female part of the flower is called the ___Pistil___________. i.

Ovules are ____seeds inside the ovary ___________________________. ii.

__Ovaries ________if fertilized becomes the seed or ___Fruit__________. iii.

_____Style______: holds up the stigma and connects to the ______ovary_____. iv.

Stigma: ____sticky part at the top of the pistil that receives the pollen grain__. e.

__Complete______________ flower has both male and female anatomy on one flower. f.

___incomplete_____________ flower has either male OR female on one flower. g.

__Monoecious______________: plants that either have male or female incomplete flowers on one plant. (example: hollies, aucuba) h.

__Dioecious______________: plants have male and female incomplete flowers on the same plant.

Plant Tissues


Simple Tissues: ___one type of cell_____________________________ a.

Epidermal Tissue: ___one____ cell thick i.

__protects______________________ ii.

____Supports & prevents water loss____________________ iii.

Located: __in leaves_______________ b.

Schlerenchyma: thick walls contain ___fibers___________ to: i.

__strength______________________ ii.

__support______________________ iii.

Located: __palisade and spongy layers of the inner leaf._______________ c.

___Parnchyma_________________: flesh part of the plant that stores water and nutrients. i.

Stuffed with __plastids_________________. d.

Collenchyma: thick cells used for _support_______ and ___strength__________. i.

Found in ____growing areas___________. ii.

Petioles are reinforced with this.


Complex: several types of ___cells_________, that work as a __unit_____________. a.





Origins/Functions: a.

Meristematic: Found in the ___tip_______ of the stem or roots. i.

This is where cell ___division_________ and ___enlargement____ occurs. b.

Vascular Cambium: ____increases__________ the growth in the

__diameter__________ of the stem. i.

In the cambium you will have xylem and phloem in ___rings_________ (shape)
