MIS2101 Unit 2.1

Information Systems in
2.1 Analyzing organizations as
systems and processes
Course Topics Overview
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Systems Analysis
Unit 3: Organizational Systems
Unit 4: Consumer Systems
Unit 2: Systems Analysis
2. Systems analysis: what makes a system tick?
2.1. Analyzing organizations as systems and processes
2.1.1. Process decomposition: swim lane diagrams
2.1.2. Data modeling: entity relationship diagrams
2.2. Systems architecture: devices, network, data, apps
2.2.1. Visualizing architecture: conceptual diagramming
2.2.2. Ex. of legacy, contemporary, and future information systems
• In Class Activity
• Reading
• Learn IT #1
– Word document Print Out Due start of class on
Friday, September 11
• Input – Process – Output Diagram
Problem Solving Technique
Business Process
What is the problem?
What is “systems analysis”?
What is “systems architecture”?
What is the solution?
Systems Analysis
"Systems analysis is a problem solving technique that decomposes a system into its
component pieces for the purpose of the studying how well those component parts
work and interact to accomplish their purpose" - Wikipedia[
"the process of studying a procedure or business in order to identify its goals and
purposes and create systems and procedures that will achieve them in an efficient
way“ – Merriam-Webster Dictionary
So what does a systems analyst do?
Systems Architecture
Systems Architecture is a generic discipline to handle objects (existing or to be created)
called "systems", in a way that supports reasoning about the structural properties of
these objects.
Systems Architecture is a response to the conceptual and practical difficulties of the
description and the design of complex systems. – Boris Golden
Once a systems analyst understands the
business problem, they architect a solution
Source: http://media.boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/B6oXveLCcAALFm8.jpg
Source: http://www.awesome-skateboard.com/images/Skateboard_Parts.jpg
How is a process performed?
What happens after?
When do they do it?
What is a “swim lane diagram”?
What happens before?
Who does what?
Flow Charts
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowchart#/media/File:LampFlowchart.svg
Standard Flowchart Symbols
Signifies the starting and ending of an event
in the process. Also, represented as circles or
A rectangle represents an activity in the
A diamond represents a decision that must
be made.
Arrows indicate the flow of the process.
Flow Charts
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowchart#/media/File:LampFlowchart.svg
Swim Lane Diagram
• A type of process flow diagram that features
divisions or "lanes." Each lane is assigned an
actor (which may be an individual,
department, division, group, machine, entity,
and so on), or even a phase or stage in a
process, that is responsible for the activity or
work described in the lane.
Source: http://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/ID/1868/An-Introduction-to-Swimlane-Diagrams.aspx
Swim Lane Diagram
Who does what and when?
Worksheet Activity
• “System Analysis : Process Decomposition
with Swim Lane Diagrams”
Learn IT #2
• The deliverable for this assignment is a one
page swim lane diagram for drive-through
ordering at a fast food restaurant.
• Learn IT # 2 is Due on Monday, September
• Swim Lane Diagrams
Standard Flowchart Symbols
Signifies the starting and ending of an event
in the process. Also, represented as circles or
A rectangle represents an activity in the
A diamond represents a decision that must
be made.
Arrows indicate the flow of the process.
Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff183189.aspx
Entity = Noun
Attribute = Characteristic
What is an “entity relationship diagram”?
Data Model
Relationship = Verb
What is a entity relationship diagram?
• An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a
visual representation of different data using
conventions that describe how these data are
related to each other.
Standard ERD Symbols
Source: http://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/ID/1868/An-Introduction-to-Swimlane-Diagrams.aspx
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Standard ERD Symbols
Source: http://creately.com/blog/diagrams/er-diagrams-tutorial/
Worksheet Activity
• Worksheet “System Analysis : Entity
Relationship Diagrams (ERD)”
• Exam – 9/21
– Midterm Exam #1 – Assess week 1-4 learning objectives
– #2 Pencil
• Career Fair
– Deadline to register is Wednesday, September 16
– MIS majors, MIS minors, ITIE and Business Analytics minors, and
graduate students completing a degree with an IT related
• Learn IT #2
– Due on Monday, September 28th
• In Class Activity
Worksheet Activity
• Worksheet “System Analysis : Entity
Relationship Diagrams (ERD)”
Hiring a New Employee
• Swim lane
• ER Diagram
Unit 2: Systems Analysis
2. Systems analysis: what makes a system tick?
2.1. Analyzing organizations as systems and processes
2.1.1. Process decomposition: swim lane diagrams
2.1.2. Data modeling: entity relationship diagrams
2.2. Systems architecture: devices, network, data, apps
2.2.1. Visualizing architecture: conceptual diagramming
2.2.2. Ex. of legacy, contemporary, and future information systems