Chapter 11

Economics of Strategy
Fifth Edition
Besanko, Dranove, Shanley, and Schaefer
Chapter 11
Entry and Exit
Slides by: Richard Ponarul, California State University, Chico
Copyright  2010 John Wiley  Sons, Inc.
 Entrants are firms that produce and sell in
new markets
 Entry threaten incumbents in two ways.
 The
market share of the incumbents is reduced
 Price competition is intensified
Forms of Entry
 Entry could take place in different forms
 An
entrant may be a brand new firm
 An entrant may also be an established firm that is
diversifying into a new product/market
 The form of entry is important for analyzing
the costs of entry and the strategic response
by incumbents
Forms of Exit
 A firm may simply fold up (PanAm)
 A firm may discontinue a particular product
or product group (Sega leaves the video
game hardware market
 A firm may leave a particular geographic
market segment (Peugeot leaves the U. S.
Evidence on Entry and Exit
 Dunne, Roberts and Samuelson (DRS) studied
entry and exit in U. S. industries. They find that:
Entry and exit are pervasive in the U.S.
 Entrants (exiters) are smaller than incumbents
 Most entrants fail quickly and the ones that don’t grow
 The rates of entry and exit vary from industry to industry.
DRS Findings on Entry and Exit
 Over a five year horizon, a typical industry
experienced 30 to 40 percent turnover
 About half the entrants were diversified firms and
the rest were greenfield entrants (new firms).
 About 40% of the exiters were diversified firms
that continued to operate in other markets.
 Conditions in an industry that encouraged entry
also fostered exit
DRS Findings on Entry and Exit
 Unlike new entrants, diversifying firms built plants
on the same scale as incumbents.
 The size of the exiters is about one third of the
average firms’.
 Within 10 years of entry 60% of the entrants leave
the industry. The survivors double in size over the
same horizon.
Cost Benefit Analysis for Entry
 A potential entrant compares the sunk cost of entry
with the present value of the post-entry profit
 Sunk costs of entry range from investment in
specialized assets to obtaining government licenses
 Post-entry profits will depend on demand and cost
conditions as well as post-entry competition
Barriers to Entry
 Barriers to entry are factors that
allow the incumbents to earn economic profit while
 making it unprofitable for the new firms to enter the
 Barriers to entry can be classified into
structural barriers (natural advantages) and
 strategic barriers (incumbents’ actions to deter entry).
Structural Barriers to Entry
Structural barriers to entry exist when:
 incumbents
have cost advantages
 incumbent have marketing advantages
 incumbents are protected by favorable
government policy and regulations
Strategic Barriers to Entry
Incumbents can erect strategic barriers by
expanding capacity
resorting to limit pricing and
resorting to predatory pricing
Types of Structural Barriers
The three main types of structural barriers to
entry are:
 control
of essential resources by the incumbent
 economies of scale and scope
 marketing advantage of incumbency
Entry Deterring Strategies
 Some examples of entry deterring strategies are
limit pricing, predatory pricing and capacity
 For these strategies to work
Incumbent must earn higher profits as a monopolist than
as a duopolist and
 The strategy should change the entrants’ expectations
regarding post-entry competition
Contestable Markets & Entry Deterrence
 If there is a possibility of a hit and run entry (zero
sunk cost) the market is contestable.
 In a perfectly contestable market, a monopolist
sets the price at competitive levels
 If the market is contestable, it is not worth the
monopolist’s while to adopt entry deterring
Limit Pricing: Extensive Form Game
Predatory Pricing
 Predatory pricing involves setting the price
below short run marginal cost with the
expectation of recouping the losses via
monopoly profits once the rival exits
 Predatory pricing is directed at entrants who
have already entered while limit pricing is
directed at potential entrants.
Is Predatory Pricing Rational?
 If all the entrants can perfectly foresee the future
course of incumbent’s pricing, predatory pricing
will not work.
 The chain store paradox: Many firms are
commonly perceived to engage in predatory
pricing even when it is irrational to expect
predatory pricing to deter entry.
Is Predatory Pricing Rational?
 Simple economic models indicate that
predatory pricing is irrational
 Either the firms’ pricing strategies are
irrational or the models are incomplete.
 Game theoretic models that include
uncertainty and information asymmetry
show that predation can be a rational
Situations Where Limit Pricing & Predation are
 Incumbent wants the entrant to lower its
expectations for post entry price
 Entrant lacks information about incumbents
 Incumbent’s pricing strategy can alter
entrant’s expectation when there is
asymmetric information.
Excess Capacity
 For U. S. manufacturers average capacity
use is about 80%.
 When capacity addition has to be lumpy,
firms may often have excess capacity in
anticipation of future growth
 A temporary down turn in demand may
leave the firms in an industry with excess
capacity with no strategic overtones
Excess Capacity and Entry Deterrence
 By holding excess capacity, the incumbent
can credibly threaten to lower the price if
entry occurs.
 An incumbent with excess capacity can
expand output at a low cost.
 Entry deterrence will occur even when the
entrant as informed as the incumbent.
Excess Capacity
DuPont Titanium Dioxide Ti-Pure®
DuPont 2
NE=Do not enter
Page 22
Excess Capacity and Entry Deterrence
Excess capacity works to deter entry when
 incumbent
has a sustainable cost advantage,
 market demand growth is slow,
 incumbent cannot back-off from the investment
in excess capacity and
 entrant is not the type trying to establish a
reputation for toughness.
Entry Deterring Strategies
 Aggressive price reductions to move down
the learning curve
 Intensive advertising to create brand loyalty
 Acquiring patents
 Enhancing reputation for predation
 Limit pricing
 Holding excess capacity
ET and the Chocolate Wars
In the movie “E.T.” a trail of Reese's
Pieces, one of Hershey's chocolate
brands, is used to lure the little alien
into the house. As a result of the
publicity created by this scene, sales
of Reese's Pieces trebled, allowing
Hershey to catch up with rival Mars.
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ET and the Chocolate Wars
Universal Studio's original plan was to use a trail of Mars’
However, Mars turned down the offer, presumably because it
thought $1m was a very high price to pay.
The producers of “E.T” then turned to Hershey, who accepted
the deal.
Page 26
ET and the Chocolate Wars
Suppose that
 the publicity generated by having M&Ms included in the
movie would increase Mars' profits by $800,000.
 Hershey's increase in market share cost Mars a loss of
 the benefit for Hershey's from having its brand featured in
the movie is given by b.
 Hershey knows the exact value of b. Mars knows that
b=1200 or b=700 with equal probability.
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The Mars Problem
A: Decision-theory Approach
not buy
Page 28
The Mars Problem
B: Naïve Game-theory Approach
[-200, 0]
not buy
not buy
[-500, -50]
[0, 0]
Page 29
The Mars Problem
C: Game-theory Approach
[-200, 0]
b = 1200
not buy
[-500, 200]
not buy
[0, 0]
b = 700
[-500, -300]
not buy
See also: Joël Glenn Brenner, The Emperors of Chocolate.
New York: Random House, 1999
[0, 0]
Page 30
Dominant and Dominated
Dominant strategy: payoff is greater than any other strategy
regardless of rival’s choice.
 Rule 1: if there is one, choose it and that’s the end of it.
Dominated strategy: payoff is lower than some other strategy
regardless of rival’s choice.
 Rule 2: do not choose dominated strategies.
Check whether there are dominant and/or dominated strategies
in the example above. What can we say based on this?
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